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��14�5�5� <br /> Inspectian. Lender ar i�s agen�may make reasonab�� en�r�es upon and inspec�ions �f�he Prap�rty. Lender sha11 <br /> give B�rrawer notice a��he��me of or prior�o an�nspec��on sp�c�fying reasonable cause for�he��.spectzon. <br /> C�ndemnation. The pro��eds of any avsrard ar claim for damages, dire��or consequen�ia�, in ca�nect�nn vvx�h any <br /> ��ndemnation or ather�aking of any par� of�he Praperty, or far conveyance in Iieu of�ondem�a�xon, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shall be paid�o Lend�r. <br /> In the �v�nt of a�o�al�ak�.ng of�he Propez-ty, the proceeds shall b� applied to the sums se�uret�by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument, rn�hether or n�t �hen due, with any excess paid �o Borrawer. �n the e�ent of a part�a� takuag of�he <br /> Praper�y ix�. which the fair marke� �a1ue of�he ProperCy immedza�ely befor�the � zs equal�o �r greater�han <br /> �he amoun� of the sums secured�y �his Secur�ty instrumen� �mmedzately before the taking, unl�ss B�rrower and <br /> Lend�r otherw�se agree�n vvr���ng,the sums s�cured by�h�s Securi�y�ns�rument sha��be r�duced;by�he amount of <br /> �he proceeds mul�iplied by�he fa�Io�ring frac�ian: (a�the to�al amoun�of�he sums secured immedra�e�y�efore�he <br /> �aking, d���ded by �b} �he fair marke� vaXue of�he Pr�per�y �mmed�a���y before the takxng. Any ba�an�e sha�� be <br /> pa�d �o Borrower. In �he ewen� af a par�ial �a�ing of the Property ix� which the fair market �a1ue of the Proper�y <br /> immedia�ely before �he �a�ing �s �ess �han the amoun� of the sums secured imm�dia�ely bef�re�th� �aking, unless <br /> Barrower and Lender o�herv��se agr�e �n v�r���n.g or un�ess App�i�able Law otherwise provxdes, �he praceeds sha11 <br /> be applied�a�he sums s�cur�d by th�s Se�ur��y�nstrument wh�ther or no��he sums are then due. :; <br /> If the Proper�y is abandoned by Borrow�r, or zf, after not�ce by Lender�� Borrawer that the coridemnar off�rs to <br /> make an av�ard ar set�le a claim for damages, Borrovver fa����o respand�o Lend�r vvi�hxn the m��imum number of <br /> days es�ablished by Applicab�e Law after�h�date�he no�ice is g�ven,L�nder is au�horiz�d to co��ec�and apply the <br /> �roceeds, at its op�ion, ei�her t� r�stara�xon or repa�r of�he Praper�y ar to the sums secured by this Security <br /> Ins�rumen�,whe�her or not then du�. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower��herwise agree in wri�ing, any app��ca��an of pr�ceeds�a principal sha�l nat ex�end <br /> or postpone the due da�e of the payments due under the Contrac�or change the amoun�nf such p��ments. <br /> B�rrower No� Released; Forbearan�e By Lender Nat a Waiver. Ex�ens��n of �h� ��me for payment or <br /> mod��ca��on �f amor�izatian of the sums secured by �his S�curity �nstrumen� granted by Lender to Borrovv�r ar <br /> any successor in xn�eres� �f B�rrower shall na� �perate to release �he l�abx���y of the flr�g�nal Borr�wer ar <br /> Borrower's successors in interes�. L�nder sha11 no�be requir�d t��vmmence proceed�ngs agains�any su�cessar in <br /> interest�r refus��o ex�end�ime far paymen�or otherwise madify amar��zatian of the sums securec�by this Securi�y <br /> Instrumen� by r�ason af any demand made �y th� arig�nai Borrawer ar Borrawer's successor� in int�res�. Any <br /> for�earance by Lender �n exercising any rzght or remedy sha�I no�b� a waz�er of�r preclude ��i� exerc�se of any <br /> rxgh�ar remedy. <br /> Su�cessors and Assxgns Bound; Ja�nt and Se�eral Liab�X��y•,- Accommadation Signers. T�.e covenants and <br /> agreements of�his Security Instrum�nt sha1�bind and ben�f��the success�rs and ass�gns af Lenc�er and Borrower, <br /> sub�ec� �o �he pr�v�s�ons of sec�ion titled Tran�fer of the Froperty or a �eneficia� Inter�st in Borrower. <br /> Borravc�er's ca�enan�s and agre�m�n�s shall be jointi and several.Any persan�vc�ha�a-signs this S�cur��y�ns�rument <br /> but has no persona� �xabi�i�y under �he �ontrac� �"Accommada�xon Signer"�: �a� is co-s�gri�ng �his Security <br /> �nstru.ment only �o mor�gage, grant and can�ey �ha� Accom�moda��on S�gner's in��rest �n �he P�oper�y under �he <br /> t�rms of �he Security �nstrument; �b� is not personal�y abiiga�ed t� pay the sums secured�by this Security <br /> �nstrument; and�c3 agrees that Lender and any a�her�orrawer may agree�o�x��nd, modify, f�rbear or make any <br /> acc�mmoda�ions Wi�h regard�o�he terms of�hxs Security Instrument or�he�ontrac�w�thou��ha�Accommoda�z�n <br /> SignerTs consen�. <br /> Loan �harges. If the l�an secured by �his Se�ur�ty �nstrumen� is subj��t �fl a law �hich se�s maximum loan <br /> charges, and that�aw is f na11y in�erpreted so that�he in�erest ar��her loan charges �allec�ed ar�o be c���ected in <br /> connec�ion wxth �he loan exc��d �he permit�ed Iim��s, �hen: �a� any such �oan charge shall b� reduced by the <br /> amount necessary�o reduce�he charge��the perm�t��d 1imi�s and�b} any sums already c���e���d from Borrawer <br /> �hich exceed�d p�rm�tted limi�s w��� be refunded to B�rrvv�er. Lender may �hoase �o ma�e �his refund by <br /> reduc�ng the prin��pa� owed under�he Cantrac� �r by mak�ng a direct payment to Borro�ver. �f:a refund reduces <br /> prznc�pa�,�he reduc��on vvi��be�rea�ed as a par��al prepayment under the�ontract. <br /> Notices. Any no��ce to Borrower pro�ided far �n �his Security �nstrumen� sha�l b� g��en �y d�Iivering �� or by <br /> ma�ling it by frst c�ass mail un�ess Applicable Law requ�res use of ano�her meth�d. The no��ce s�all�e diarec��d to <br /> �h� Property Address ar any o�her address B�rrower des�gna�es �y no�ice to Lender. Borrower�grees �o pro��de <br /> Lender wxth Borrower's m�s��urrent mai�ing address, as i�may change from time-�o�time. Any;no�i�e�� Lender <br /> shall be given by first class maz�to Lender's addr�ss s�a�ed herezn or any��her addr�ss Lender des��nates by notice <br /> to Borr�vver. Any no�ice pro��ded for in�his S�curity Instr�um�n�shall be deemed��ha�e been g�ven to Borrower <br /> or Lend�r when gi��n as pro�id�d xn this paragraph. <br /> Go�erning Law; Se�era���x�y.This 5e�ur��y�nstrument shall be g�vern�d by federa��aw and�h��aws of�he s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n the e�en� �ha� any pro��sxan or clause af�h�s Se�urz�y �nstrument ar�he Contr�.ct conflic�s wzth <br /> Ap��icab�e Law, su�h c�nflic� sha�� not affec� other provis�ons of this Securx�y �nstrumen� or�h� �on�ract which <br /> can be given effect withou��he confl�ct�ng pravision. Ta�h�s end�he pr�visions�f th�s Security Ti�strument and the <br /> Cfln�ract are declared�a be severa�le. <br /> Sorrower's Copy.B�rrav�er sha��be given one�opy of�hxs Security Instrument. <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Benef�cial Intere�t in Barrower. �f al�or any par�of the Prope�ty or any interes� <br /> in it is s��d ar transferr�d ��r �f a beneficial xnteres� in Borrower �s so�d nr transferr�d and Borrower is no� a <br /> na�ural person} wi�hau� L�nder's priar vvrit�en cansen�, Lender may, at �ts optian, requ�r� imm�diat� payment zn <br /> fl 2404-2�I3 Campliance Systems,Inc.9F96-SFB 1-2�13L2.fl.721 <br /> Cons►amer Rea�Escate-Security Instrument DL2436 Page 3 af 5 <br />