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��14�5�5� <br /> App��cab�� La�v. As used in this Se�uri�y �nstrumen�, th� term "App�icab�e Lav�" sha�� mean al� controlling <br /> applicable federa�, state and �oca� sfiatutes, regulatr�ns, ardinances and adm�n�s�rati�� rules and�rders ��hat have <br /> the effec�of la�v�as�vell as a�l app��cab�e final,n�n-appealable judicial op�n�ons. <br /> �harges; L�ens. Borrower shall pay al1 �ax�s, assessmen�s, charges, f�nes and imposit�ans attr�bu�able to �he <br /> Pr�perty which may at�a�n pr�flr�ty over this Se�urity Instrument, and �eas�ho�d payments or grouza.d r�n�s, �f any. <br /> A�the r�quest of Lender,Borrovver shall prompt�y furnxsh�a Lender receipts evid�nc�ng the payments. <br /> Borrower sha��prnmpt�y d�scharge any l�en�vt�hich has priority over th�� ��curity Instrument unless Borrower: �a} <br /> agrees in wr�ting t� the paym�nt af�he o�i�ga�i�n se�ured by �he ��en �n a mann�r acceptab�e ta Lender; �b� <br /> c�n��sts in good fax�h �he �ien by, or defends against enf�rcement of�h� Ii�n i.n, �ega� pra�eedings v�hich in �he <br /> Lender's op�n�on Qperate to prevent �he enf�rcement of�he lien; or �c� secures from the holder of�he �ien an <br /> agreement sat�sfa��ary to L�nder subord�na�ing�h� Iien�o �h�s Security��.strumen�. ��L�nder de�ermines that any <br /> par� of the Prope�.y is subject to a lien v�hich may a�tain priarity over�h.�s Securx��nstrument, L�nder may g�v� <br /> B�rrow�r a not�ce �den�zfying�h� ��en. Borrower shail sa��sfy the li�n or�ake one ar more of the actions �et for�h <br /> abave w��hin 1�days of�he gxving of no�xce. <br /> Hazard or Prop�rty Insurance. Barro�er shall keep the improvemen�s nov�ex�s��x�.g or hereafte�erec�ed an the <br /> Proper�y�nsured aga�ns�loss by fire,hazards included within�he�erm"e�tended cn�erage" and any other hazards, <br /> �ncluding floads or floading, for v�hich Lender requ�res insurance. Th�s insurance sha�T be main�a�ned in the <br /> amounts and far�he periods�hat Lender requires. The�nsurance carrier providing�he insurance sha1l be chnsen by <br /> Borrovver subject to LenderTs appro�a� which sha�� no� be unreasonably vvi�hheld. �f Borrovver f�.ils ta main�ain <br /> caverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's option, ob�ain co�erage to pro�ect Lender's righ�s �n �he <br /> Property in accordance with sec���n�it�ed I'rotec��on�f Lender's Rights in the Property. <br /> A11 insurance pol�cies and renevt�als shall be acceptable t� Lender and s�a�� �nclude a s�andard mar�gage clause. <br /> Lender sha�1 have�h�righ��o ho�d�he po��c�es and renevsrals. If L�nder r�quires, Borrov�er sha��pramp��y gxv�ta <br /> Lender aIl receip�s of paid pr�m�ums and renevval notices. �n�he e�en�of�oss, Borr�vver shall g�ve promp�no�ice <br /> to�he insurance carrier an�Lender.Lender may make proof of lass�f not m.ade prom���y by Borro�er. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower o�herv��se agree in writing, �nsurance proceeds shali be app�ied �o res�ora�ian or <br /> repair of th� PraperCy damaged, �f, in Lender`s sale discreti�n, �he restoration or repair is ec�n�m�caTly feasible <br /> and Lender's se�urxty �s nat �essened. If, in Lender's sole discretion, �he res�ora�ion or repair xs no� econom�cally <br /> feas�bie�r Lend�r's secur�ty would be lessened,the xnsurance prflceeds shal�be applied to�he sums secured�y�h�s <br /> Securi�y �ns�rument, v�hether �r not then du.�, ���h any e�cess paid to Barrawer. �f Borr�w�r aband�ns the <br /> Property, ar does nat answer v��th�n�he number of days prescribed by Applica�b�e Law as se�farth in a natice from <br /> I�ender t� Borrow�r that�he insuran�� carrx�r has offered to settle a clair�, then Lender may calle�t the �nsuranc� <br /> proce�ds. Lender may use the proc�eds �a repair �r restare the Pr�per�y or to pay sums secured by thzs Security <br /> zns�ru�n�n�,whe�her or no�then due.The period of t�me for Borrovver�o ar�swer as set forth in the�otic�v���l beg�n <br /> when�he not�ce is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrov�er o�herwise agree in wri�ing, any app���at�on of pro�eeds t�prrn�ipai sha�I not ex�end <br /> or postpone�he due date of�he paymen�s due under the Con�rac��r change the amoun�of the paymen�s. �f und�r <br /> the section�i�led Acceleratinn; Remedies, �he Property is acqurred�y L�nd�r, Barrower's right�fl any insurance <br /> polic�es and proc��ds resu��xng fr�m damage to the Praperty priflr�o th� acquxs�t�on shal� pass �o Lend�r �o �he <br /> ex�ent of the sums se�ured by thrs Security�nstrum�n��mmediate�y prior to�he acqu�sxt�fln. <br /> Preservation, Ma�ntenance and Protectivr� of the Property; Borrower's Laa� App��ca�i�n; Leaseho�ds. <br /> � Bonr�wer shall not destroy, damage or impair the Proper�y, al�ovv the Praper�y�a det�rxora�e, ar�ommit waste on <br /> the Proper�y.Borrov�er sha��b��n defau�t if any forfeiture ac�i�n or proce�ding,whether c��il or cr�m�na�, is begun <br /> �ha� �n Lender's good fa��h�udgm.ent could resu�� in forfe��ure of the Property or o�herw�se materially impair�he <br /> �ien crea�ed by this Security �nstrument or L�nder's secur�ty in�erest. �orrower may cure su�h a default and <br /> reins�a�e, as pra�ided in sect�on titled Borrower's R�ght to l�e�nstate, by causing�he ac�ion or proc�eding to be <br /> dismissed with a�ha�, �n Lender's gaod faith de�ermina�ion,prec�ud�s forfe�t�.re flf the Borrovver's interes�in <br /> �he Property or a�her material impaxrmen� of�he �ien created by �h�s Secur�ty Instrumen� or Lender's security <br /> �n�eres�,B�rrower sha1�alsa be in defau�t�f Borrovv�r,during the loan appl�catian prflcess,ga�e m�.teria�ly false or <br /> �naccurate information or s�atemen�s �o Lender �or fai��d to pravide Lender with any material �nformatian} in <br /> conn�c�ion�ith the �oan e�rdenced by�he �antrac�. �f�his Se�urity �nstrument �s an a I�asehold, B�rrow�r shal� <br /> camply vv�th a�l�he pra��sions of�he l�ase. If Borrower acquzres fee��tle to�he Property,the��asehold and the f�e <br /> ���Ie shall nat merge un�ess Lender agrees to th�merger in v�r��xng. <br /> Protection of Lender's Rxghts in the Proper�ye If Barrower fails �o perform the cavenan�s and agreements <br /> canta�ned�n this Secur��y�nstrumen�, or�here is a lega�pr�ceeding tha�may s�gnxf�cantly affect Lender's ri�hts in <br /> the Propezrty �such as a pra�eeding in ba.nkrup��y, proba�e, far condemnation or forfeiture ar tfl enfor�e �aws or <br /> regula�ions}, then Lender may do and pay for wha�ever is necessary ta pro�ec� the value af the Pr�p�rty and <br /> Lender's r�ghts in�he Properfiy. Lender's actions may inclu�.e paying any sums secured by a lien whzch has pri�rity <br /> nver�his Secur�ty Instru�ment, appearing�n co�,pay�ng reasonab�e at�orneys'fees and enter�ng an the Pr�perty to <br /> make repairs.Al�hough Lender may take acti�n under th�s section,Lender does not ha�e�a dfl so. <br /> An� amounts drsbursed by Lender under this section sha�� become addi�ional debt of Barrovc�er secured by �his <br /> 5ecur�ty �nstrumen�. Un�ess B�rrow�r and Lend�r agree �o o�her terms of payment, th�se amounts sha�� bear <br /> interest from �he da�� af disbursemen� at the same rate assessed on advances under th� Contra�� and sha�l be <br /> payable,with�nt�res�,up�n notice fram Lender t�Borr�wer requ�s��ng payment. <br /> 0 2fl44-2413 Carnptiance Systems,In�.9F�5-BFS 1-2�t 3LZ.�.721 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-5ecurity Tnstrumer�t DL2Q36 Page 2 of 5 <br />