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� t„ , � � � : ��14�54�� <br /> seiv�ces an�l su�sequent criarges each time remappings or s�milar chaxiges accur v�hich r�ason,ably mi�ht <br /> affe�t such de�erminatian or eerti_fication. Borro�er sha�l also be responsible for�he payment vf any fees <br /> imposed by the Fed�ral Emergency Management Agency in connect�an with the review af any flood z�ne <br /> deternlina�ion resu�ting from an objection by Borrower. <br /> �f Borrnwer fa�ls to mainta,�n any af the coverages described a�o�e,Lender ma.y � insurance co�, <br /> at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obligat�on to a.�y particulax type or <br /> amount of coverage. Therefore, such co�erage sha.11 cover Lender,but might or might nat protect�orrower, <br /> B�rrower's equi� in the Proper�, or�he conten�s of the Property, agains�any risk, hazard or l�ability and <br /> might provide�reater or lesser than was pre�ivusly xn effect. �3orrawer acknowledges that the cost <br /> of the insurance co�erage so obtaine�i migh�sigrufican�ly exceed the cost af insurance that Bvrrower cou�d <br /> ha�e�bta.�ned. An�*amounts d�sbursed by Lender un�er this Section 5 sh�a.11 become addit�onal debt of <br /> Borrower secured by this Security Instru.ment. These amounts shal�bear in�erest at the�ote rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and shall�e payable,v�ith such in�erest, upan nvtice fr�m Lender to Bvrrower <br /> requesting�ayment. <br /> All insurance policies require�by Lender and rene�als of such pol�cies shall be subject to Lender's right to <br /> disappro�e such p�licies, sha��include a standard martgage c�ause, and s�a11 name Lender as rnortgagee <br /> andl�r as an additiona�loss payee. Lender shall the right to hold the policies and renewal certi�cates. <br /> �f Lender requir�s,Borra�er sha11 prompt�y give�o Lender all receipts vf premiums and renev�a� <br /> riatices. If Borro�ver ab�ains any form of insurance co�erage, not oth�rwise required by Lender,for�amage <br /> tv, or destru�tion of, �he Propex�y, such palicy sh�a.11 in�lude a s�andard mortgage clause and shal�n� <br /> Lender as mortgagee andlor as an additiana�loss payee. <br /> In t.he event af 1�ss,�orro�er sha11 gi�e�rompt natice to the insura.nce carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> make pr�of of loss if not made pr�mptly by Barrower. Unless Lender and Borrower other�ise agree in <br /> �riting, any rnsuranc�praceeds,�hether or not�he underlying insurance was required by Lender, sha��be <br /> applied to restora.ti�n or repair of�he Proper�y, if the restoration❑r is economica��y feasib�t and <br /> Lender's security is r�ot lessened. During sueh repair and restorat�on period, Lend�r sha�l have the right t� <br /> hol�such insurance proceeds until Lender has had a.n a�partuni�to inspect such Property t�ensure the <br /> work has been cornpleted to Lender's satisfactian, provided tha.�such�nspection sh�a.11 be underta�en <br /> promptly, Lender may�isburse proceeds for the r�pairs and resto�ration in a single payment or in a series of <br /> progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in�vriting or Applicab�e Law <br /> requires�nterest to be paid on such insuranee proceeds,Lend�r shall not be required�o�ay�orrower any <br /> interest or earnings an such praceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or ot�er�h�rd par���s, retained b�Borrower <br /> sha.11 nat�e paid out af the insurance pro�eed�and sha.1�be the sole ob��gativn of I3orrower. If the res�ora�ion <br /> or repair is not economically feasib�e or Lender's security wou�d be Iessened,the insurance procee�.s sha.l��e <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security�ns�rument,�hether ar not then due,w��h the exc�ss, if a.ny, <br /> pa�d to Borrov�er. Such insu�-a.nce proceeds sha11 be app��ed in the order provided for in Sect�on 2. <br /> If Barrower abandans the Pr�per�y, Lender may file, negatiate and sett�e any a�ailable insurance claim and <br /> related matters. �f Borrower does not respond wrthin 3�days�o a notice from Lender tha�the�nsurance <br /> carrier has offered tv settle a ela�m,then Lender may negotiate and settle the�la�m. The 3D-day periad wi11 <br /> begin�vhen�he notice�s g�ven. In ei�her event, or�f Lender acquires the Property under Section��vr <br /> otherwise,Borrower hereb�assigns to Lender�a}Borrower's rights tv any insura.nce praceeds in a.n am�unt <br /> nat�o exceed the amounts unpaid under the Na�e vr this Security Instrument, and�}any a�her of <br /> Bvrrflwer's rights�other than th� right ta any refund of unearned premiums paid by Bvrrower}under all <br /> �nsurance pQl�cies covering�he Property, ins�far as such rights are applicable to the co�erage af the <br /> Properry. Lender may use th�insura.rice proceeds either t�repair or resta�e the Property or ta pay amounts <br /> unpaid under the Note or�his Security �n��rumen�, whether or not then due. <br /> 1�fiRNE DQQ628802472 July 9,2�'i4 09 53am <br /> NEgRASKA-Singie Famify-Fannie MaelFredd4e Mac�NIF�RM INSTRtJME1VT 11lIITH MERS Form 3�28 11D'i <br /> VMP� VMP�R(NE}�1302}DO <br /> Wolters Kl�wer F�nancial 5enrices p���7 0#�� <br />