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<br /> The Fun�ls shall be hel��n an inst��ution�hose depos�ts are insured by a federal agency, �nstrumenta��ty, or
<br /> enti� (including Lender, if Lender is an�nstitu.�ivn whose�eposits are sa�nsured}ar in any Federa..1 Home
<br /> Laan�ank. Lender sha11 app�y the Funds to�a�the Escrow Items no later than�h�time specif'�ed under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shail not charge Borrower f�r holding and app�ying the Funds, annually anal.yz�ng the
<br /> escraw account, or verifying the Escrav�Items,un.less Lender pays Borra�er interes�on the Funds and
<br /> App��cab�e Lav�v permits Lender tv make sueh a charge. Ur�ess an agreement�s made in wri�ing nr
<br /> Applicab�e La�•re�uires inter�st tv be paid on the Funds, Lender sha��not be requirecl to pay Borrv�er any
<br /> in�erest or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree�n writ�ing, however,tha#interest sha�I be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shal�give to Borro�er,without charge, an annual accvun��ng of th�Fur�ds as
<br /> required by RE SPA.
<br /> �f there is a surplus af Funds held in es�raw, as d�fined under RESPA,Lender shall account to Borrower f�r
<br /> the exeess funds in accordance�ith RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held�n escrow,as defzned under
<br /> RESPA,Lender sha11 notify Borro�er as required by RESPA, and Borrower sha11 pay to Len�er the amaunt
<br /> neeessary ta make up the sh�rtage in accordance with RESPA,but�n no more than 12 monthly paymen�s. If
<br /> there is a deficiency vf Funds hel�in escro�, as�efined under RESPA,Lender sha��notify Barrawer as
<br /> required by RESPA, and Barrower sha11 pa�to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency in
<br /> accordanee with RESPA,but in no mare than 12 mon�hly payrnents.
<br /> Upon payment in fu11 of a11 sums secure�l by�his Security �nstrument,Lender sha11 pramptly refund ta
<br /> Borrower any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charges;L�ens.Borrawer sha11 pay a�1 taxes, ass�ssments,charges, fines, and xmpositio�,s attribu�abl�to
<br /> the Property which�an attain priority over th�s Securi#.y Instrument, leaseh��d payments or ground rents on
<br /> the Proper�y, if an�, and�ommunity Associatifln I�ues,Fees, and Assessments, if any. To the extent that
<br /> �hese items are Escrow Items, Borrower sha,11 pay��iem in the manner pro�vided in Section 3.
<br /> Borrower sha.�l prvmptly discharge any ��en which has priori�vver this Security Instrument unless
<br /> Borro�er: �a}agrees in writing tv the payment of the ab�igation secured by�he lien in a manner acceptab�e
<br /> tn Lender,�ut on�y so long as Borro�ver is perfarming such agreemen�; �b}contests the lien in�ood fai�h by,
<br /> or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legai proceedings which in Lender's opinion opera.te to pre�ent
<br /> the enfarcement of the�ien tivhile those praceedings are pending,but only until such proceeclings are
<br /> �oncluded; or�c} secures from�he hoider af the lien an agreement satisfa�tv�ta Lender subordinating the
<br /> lien�o this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any pa.rt af the Property is subject to a lien v�h�ch
<br /> can attain priority aver thYs Securi�y �nstrument,Lender ma.y g�ve Borrower a notice ident�ing the�ien. �
<br /> Within 1�days af the date on�hich that notice is gi�en,Bvrrotiver shall satisfy the lien ar take one or more
<br /> �f the act��ns set f�rth above�n this Section 4.
<br /> Lender may require�vrrower ta pay a�ne-time charge for a rea1 estate tax�eri.f'xcation andJor repvr�ing
<br /> ser�ice used by L.ender in connection with th�s L�an.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance.Borro��ver shall keep th�i�npro�emen�s now exis�ing or hereafter erected on th�
<br /> Proper�yT insure�again�t�ass by f�re, ha.zards inc�uded���thin the term "e�tended c�vera.ge,"and any other
<br /> hazards inciuding,but nvt l�mi�ed to, earthquakes and flaocls,for v�hich Lender requ.ires�nsurance. This
<br /> �nsurance sha1�b� maintained�n the amounts(including deductib�e�evels}ant�for the periads that Lender
<br /> requires. What Lender requ�res pursua.nt ta the preceding sentences can change during the term of the Lo�n.
<br /> The in�suran�e carrier providing�he insurance sha�1 be ehosen by Borro�ver subject to Lender's right t�
<br /> d�sap�rove Bor�r�wer's choi�e, which right shall not be exercised unreasox�bl�. Lender may require
<br /> �3arrawer to pay, xn connection with this Loan, either: �a}a one-time charge far flvod zone deternunat�an,
<br /> certification and tra.ck�ng services;or(b}a�ne-time charge for�lood zone deternunation and certif��ation
<br /> 106ANE OOOB288Q��72 J�aly 9,2014 09 53am
<br /> NE6RASKA-S�ngle Family-Far�nre MaelFreddie Mac�fV1F�RM INSTRLJMENT VIIITH MERS Form 3028 1f01
<br /> VMP� VMR6A(iVE}(33D2}QO
<br /> Walters Kluv,ner Financ�al Services Page fi of 17
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