<br /> fi.��X of aIX sums secured by �his S��urity In�ytrument. However, �his option sha�� not be exer�ised by Lender if
<br /> e�ercise is prah�b��ed by federal Ia�as of the da�e of�his Secu.rity�nstrumen�.
<br /> Zf Lender exercises this option, Lender sha�� g��� Borrov�er no�i�e of a�celera��on. Th� n�tice sha�� provide a
<br /> p�riod of not Iess �han the minimum number af days establ�shed by Appli�able Lavu fram�he date �he n��rce is
<br /> d�Iivered or mailed w��h�n vvh�ch Borrower :mus� pay all sums secured by th�s Security Ins�rumen�. Zf Barr�u�er
<br /> f�.ils to pay thes� sums prxor t� the expira�ion �f�his peri�d, Lender may �nvoke any remedies permi�ted by�his
<br /> S�curity Instrument wi�hout fur�her notic�or�emand on Borraw�r,
<br /> �orrowQr's Right to Rein�tate. �f Borr�v��r mee�s cer�ain cond�ti�ns, Barrower shall ha�e �he r�ght �o have
<br /> �nforc�ment af�his Security Ins�rumen�discontinued at any t�m� pr�or to the earl�er of: �a� 5 days �or such�ther
<br /> p�riod as App�icab�e Law may specify f�r rein�sta�ement�before sale�f th�ProperCy pursuant to any p�wer�f sale
<br /> conta�ned in �his S�curi�y �nstrument; or �b3 en�ry of a judgm.ent enforcing th�s Securi�y �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> cflndztzons are that Borrov�er: �a� pays Lender a�I sums whi�h �hen v�ould be due under th�s Se�ur�ty Ins�rument
<br /> and the�ontract as if no acceleration had occurred;�b} cures any defau��of any other covenan�s�r agr�ements;�c�
<br /> pays aIl expenses incurred�n�nforcing�his S�curity Instrument, inc�uding,bu�not l�mited to,reasona���at�orneys'
<br /> fees to�h.e extent perm�tted�y �aw; and�d�takes such a��ion as L�nder may reasonably requ�re�o ass�re�hat�he
<br /> li�n of this Se�ur�fiy Instrumen�, Lender's righ�s in�he Prop�rty and Borrov�er's vbligat�on�o pa�the sums secured
<br /> �� �his Security �nstrumen� shal� cont�nue unchanged. Upon reins�atement by Borra�er, �hxs S�cur�ty Znstrum�n�
<br /> and the ob�xgat�ons secured h�reby sha�l r�main fu�ly effec���e as �f na accelera�ion had �c�urred. Howe�er, this
<br /> r��ght to reins�ate sha�l no�apply�n the case of:ac�elera�ion under�he sec�ion ti�l�d Transfer of the Property flr a
<br /> Benef�cial Inter�st in Borro,taver.
<br /> IIazardous Substances. Borrawer sha�I not�ause or perm��the presence,use, disposal, storage, �r rel�ase of any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Proper�y.�3orrov�er shali not do,nar al��v�r anyone.else�o do,any�h�ng affecting
<br /> the Praperfiy tha� is �n �iola�ion of any Env��•onmentaX Law. The pr�ceding two sentences shall nfl� apply to the
<br /> presence,use, or st�rag�on the Properry of sr.nall quan�i��es of Hazardous 5ubstances tha�are genera��y reGognized
<br /> t��e appropria�e to normal residential uses ar.►d�a main�enance of�he Praperry.
<br /> Borrflwer shall proxnptly give Lender vv�ritten no��ce of any�n�es�iga�ion,claim, demand,lawsui�or��h�r actian�y
<br /> an� governmen�al ar regula�ory agency or pz��va�e par�y involving �he Properry and any Hazard�us Subs�anc� or
<br /> E�v�ronmen�al Law af which B�rrow�r h�.s actual knowledge. If Borrower Iearns, or is no�ifi�d by any
<br /> go�ernmental or regula�ory au�hor�ty,�hat any removal or o�her remedxatian of any�azardaus Substance affecting
<br /> �he Property is necessary, Borrav�er shal� promptly �a�e al� necessary rernedial ac��ons i.r� accordance wz�h
<br /> E���ronmental Law,
<br /> As used�n th�s paragraph, "�a�ardous Substances" are�hose substances defined as toxic ar hazardous substances
<br /> by Environmental Law and �he fo�lawing s�.�bstances: gaso�ine, kerosene, other flammab�e or �ax�c petraleum
<br /> praduc�s, toxic p�sticides and herbi�ides, vc►�atile solvent�, materials con�aining asbestas or ��rmald�hyde, and
<br /> rad�oactive materia�s.As used in�h�s paragraphy r�Environmen�al Law"means federal laws and�aws of�he s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska that relate�o heal�h, safet��r en��rc�nmen�al pro�e���an.
<br /> Ac�el�rat�on; Remedies, Lender shall give notice to Borrovver pr�or �o acceiera�ion fo�Iowing �vrrvwer's
<br /> b�-each of any cv��nan�flr agreement in this Security Instrument ar th�Con�ract under which a�celeration
<br /> is p�rmi�ted (but not priar to acceleration under the sect��n titled Tran�fer of�he Pr�pert�ar a Benef�cial
<br /> I�terest in Barrawer, un�es� Applicable L��w pro��des otherwise�, The notice shall spe�ify: �a� the defau�t;
<br /> ��) the aC��on re�uired to cure the defa�u��; �c� a date, no� �ess th�n �he m�n�mum numl�er of days
<br /> �stablrshed by Appl��able Law frflm the da.te the notice�s given to Barr�wer, �y which the default must be
<br /> �ured; and �d) that fai�ure to cure �he def:ault �n or befare the date spec�f�ed in the n�tice may result in
<br /> �ccelerat��n of �he sums secured by thi� Secur��y Instrument and sale �f the Pr�perty, Ta �he �xtent
<br /> perm�tted by�aw, the noti�e�hall further iinform Borrower af the right to reinstat� af�er a�celera�ion and
<br /> the r�ght to bring a c�ur�action to assert t��e non-existence af a defaul��r any other defense�f Bvrrawer to
<br /> �cceierat�on a�d sale. If the default is not r�red on or befor� �he date speci�ed xn the na�ice, Lemder at it�
<br /> �ptian may r�qu�re immedia�e payment im ful� of a�� sums secured hy thi� Securi�y InStrument without
<br /> further demand and may invoke the pv�ver �f sale and any o�her remedies germ�tted by Appl�cab�e Law.
<br /> Tv the extent permitted by law, Lender s;ha�I be en�itled to ca�IeGt all expense� incurr�d in pursuing the
<br /> r�medie5 provided in this Section, �n�lud�n�g, but na� �imited to, reasonab�e attorneys' fees and c�sts�f��t�e
<br /> �vidence.
<br /> If th�pawer of sa�e �s in�oked, TruStee sha;ll record a notice af default im ea�h county in whfch any part�f
<br /> �he Property �s lo�ated and shall mail cflpie5 of su�h notice in the manner prescr�bed by Appl�cabie Law�o
<br /> �orrower and to the other persons pr�sCribed by Applicab�e Lavv. After the tirne required by .Applicab�e
<br /> �aw, TruS�ee 5ha1� gi�e public no�ice �f sale �o the persons and in the mann�r prescr�b�d by Applicab�e
<br /> I1aw. Trustee, without demand on BorrowPr,shal�sell the Pr�perty at pub��c auctian ta �he high�s� �idder
<br /> at the time and place and under the terms de�ignated in�he no�txce of sale�n one or mor�pa�cQls�nd in any
<br /> order Trustee determines. Trus�e� may postpone sa�e of all vr any parcel of the Propert� by pub��c
<br /> ar�noun�ement at the tirne and pla�e of any prevYous�y s�heduled sa�e. Lender ar its desig�ee may pur�hase
<br /> the Property a�any sale.
<br /> I��pan receipt of payment of the pri�e bid, 'Trustee sha�l ��li�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed �onveying
<br /> the Property. The re��ta�s in the Trus�ee's +deed 5hai� be prima fa�ie e��d�nce of�he truth of the��atements
<br /> made therein. Trustee shal� app�y �he pr+�ceeds of the sa�e in the fol�vw�ng order: �a� to a�� costs and
<br /> �xpemse5 of ex�rc�sing the powQr of sale, a��d the sale, �n�luding the payment�f the Trustee's f�es actua�ly
<br /> �2�44-2�I3 CvmpIiance Systems,In�.9F96-862D-��13L2,Q,721
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Sec�zrity Instrumen�DL2436 Pa�e 4 vf 5 www.cvmpIia�tcesysterns.com
<br />