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��14�541� <br /> Inspect�on. Lender or ��s agen� may make reasonable en�rxes upon and insp��t�ons of the Property. Lender sha1l <br /> gi�e Barr��er notice a��he��m�of ar prior to an inspec��an sp�c�fying reasonable cause for the inspe�tion. <br /> �ondemnat�an. The proceeds af any award ar c�azm for dam.ages, d�rect ar consequen��a�, xn c�nnection wi�h any <br /> �ondemnatian or ��her�aking of any par� of the Proper�y, ar far conveyance in izeu of condemna�ion, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid��Lend�r. <br /> In�he e�en� af a�o�a1 �a�ing �f�he Property, �he pra�e�ds sha11 be appiied to the sums secured by th�s Securi�y <br /> Instrument, vvhether or n�t �hen due, wi�h any excess paid �� Borro,v�rer. In �he even� of a par�ial taking �f�he <br /> PropeY-�y ix�whzch the fa�r market�alu� of�he Pr�perty immedia�e�y befare the tak�ng is equa��o ar greater�han <br /> the amoun� of the sums secured by this Secur��y �nstrumen� zmmediate�y befare �he tak�ngy unl�ss Barrov�er and <br /> L�nder a�herwise agree in writing,the sums se�ured by this Securrty rns�rum�nt shall be reduced by the amount of <br /> �h�proceeds multiplied by the fo��ow�ng frac�ion: �a��he�o�al amoun�of the sums secured�mmediate�y befare the <br /> �ak�r�g, di�ided by �b} the fa�r mark�t �alue af the Pr�per�y xmmediately before �he �ak�ng. Any ba�an�e sha�l be <br /> paid �� Borr�v�er. Zn�he e�en� af a�ar�ial �aking of the Pro�er�y i.n v�hxch th� fair marke� valu� �f�he Pr�pez-ty <br /> xmmed�ately before �he �aking is �ess than �he amnunt of the sums secured immedia�ely before �he �akzng, un�ess <br /> Barr�wer and L�nder otherwise agree in writing�r un�ess Appl�cab�e Law otherwise pro�ides, the proceeds sha11 <br /> be app��ed�o�he sums secured b�this Security Instrumen�v�hether or nat�he sums are�hen due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notzce by Lend�r ta Borr�wer�hat�he condemnar aff�rs ta <br /> mak�an award or sett�� a claim for damages, Borrower fails�a respand ta Lender wi�hin�he m�nimum number of <br /> days es�ablished by Appl�cab�e Law after the dat��he no�ice is gi�en,Lender is au�horized�o ca�Iect and apply�he <br /> proceeds, at i�s aption, either to res�orat�on or repair of the Praper�y or �� the sums se�ured by �his Security <br /> �ns�rument,�hether or no��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower ath�rwise agree in v�rx�ix�g, any applicatian flf proceeds�o principal sha�l na�ex�end <br /> or p�stpone�he due da�e of�he paymen�s due under�he Contrac�or change the am�un��f such payments. <br /> Borrower Not ReIeased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wa�ver. Extens�on of �he �ime for payment �r <br /> modifzca��on of amor��za��on af�he sums secured by this Securxty Instrumen� granted by Lender�o Borrvwer or <br /> any successor in in�er�st of Borrower shal� not operate to release �he lzabxlxty of �he or�g�nal Borrower ar <br /> Borrawer's suc�essors �n in�erest. Lender sha�l no�be requ�red�o cammence pr�ceedings aga�ns�any successor�n <br /> �nterest�r refuse to ext�nd��m.�for payment or othervvise modify amor�zzat�an�f the sums secured by this Security <br /> Ins�rument by rea�an of any demand made by �h� orxg�na� Borrower or Barrav�rer's succ�ssors xn �nterest. Any <br /> forbea.rance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shal�not be a veraiver of ar prec�ude the exercise of any <br /> righ�or remedy. <br /> Succe�sors and Assxgns Bound; Jo�nt and Se�eral Lia�b�lity; Accommodat�on �igners. Th� covenants and <br /> agreements af th�s Security Instrum.�n�shal�b�nd and benef��he successors and ass�gns of Lend�r and Borrovver, <br /> sub�ect �o the prov�sions of sec�ion �i��ed Transfer of the Proper�y ar a Benef�ciax Inter�st in BarrovWer. <br /> Borrower's covenants and agreemen�s shall be jozn�and several. Any persan who co-signs this Securz�y�ns�rument <br /> but has na personal liab���ty under �he Contrac� �f'Accommodation Signer"}: (a� is co-51�ri1ri� �h1.5 Security <br /> �nstrumen� on�y �o mor�gage, gran� and con�ey �ha� Accommodat�on Szgner's �nteres� xn �he Properry under the <br /> �erms of �he Securzty �nstirumen�t; (b� is n�t persanally ob�iga�ed �o pay �he sums s�cur�d hy this Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c}agrees tihat Lender and any other Barrower may agree�a extend, modify, farbear ar make any <br /> acc�mmadations with regard�a�he terms of�his Security�nstrument or�he Contrac�v�z�hout�ha�Accommodat�on <br /> Signer's consen�. <br /> I.1oan �harge5. If the �oan secured by �his Securifiy Instrument is sub�ec� to a �aw which sets maxzmum Ioan <br /> �harges, and tha��aw xs final�y in�erpreted s��hat the �n�eres��r ather��an�harges col�ec�ed�r�o be collect�d xn <br /> conne�tion with �h� loan ex�eed �h� permi�ted 1imi�s, �h.en: [a� any such �oan charge sha�� be reduced by �he <br /> amoun�ne�essary�o reduce�h� charge to th� perm�t�ed Iimits and�b} any sums a�read�cflllected from Barro�ver <br /> which exceeded perm�t�ed limits w��� be refunded to Borrower. Lender may chaose to make this refund by <br /> reducing the princ�pa� awed und�r�he Can�ract or by making a d�rect payment to Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> principa�,the reduc�ion v�il�be trea�ed as a par�ial prepaymen�under the Contract. <br /> Not�ces. Any not�ce �o B�rrower provid�d f�r in �h�s 5e�uri�y Instrum.�nt sha�l be gx�en by del�verin.g i� �r by <br /> mailing�t by frst class mai�unless Applicab�e Law requares use of ana�her me�hod. Th�no�ice shall b�d�xe�ted ta <br /> the Property Address or an� ather address Barrovwer des�gna�es by notxce ta Lender. Barrower agrees t� pra�ide <br /> L�nder with Barrower's mos� curren�mail�n�address, as �� may chang� from timeW�o-tiume. Any no��ce �o Lender <br /> sha��be gi�en by fzrst class ma��to LenderTs address stated herein or any�ther address Lender des�gna��s by notic� <br /> ��Borrower. Any no�iGe provided for in th�s Security�ns�rumen��ha�l be deemed to have been g���n�o B�rrower <br /> vr L�nder when g��en as pravided in�h�s paragraph. <br /> Governing Lavv; S��erabi�ity.Th�s Security�nstrumen�sha��be governed by federal lav�and�he�aws of the stat� <br /> of Nebraska. �n the even� �hat any prov�sian or claus� of th�s Securi�y zns�rument or the Contrac� �onflicfis vW�th <br /> App�xcable Lav�, such confl�ct shall no� affec� oth�r provisians of this Security �ns�rument �r�h� Contract whzch <br /> can b�g�ven effec�w��h�ut�he Gonflic�ing prav�sion. T�th�s end the pro�isians of this 5ecur�ty�nstrumen�and�h� <br /> �ontra�t are declared to be severable. <br /> Borrower's��py.Borrovver shal�be g��en one copy of�h�s Securi�y Ins�rument. <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Benef�cia�Intere5t in Borrower. �f ail or any part of the Praper�y ar any in�erest <br /> �n �� �s so�d or transferr�d �or if a beneficial int�res� in Borrower is so�d or transferred and Borrawer is no� a <br /> natural person} wi�haut Lender`s pr�ar wri�ten cons�n�, Lender may, at ��s op�ion, r�qu�re immedia�e �ayment �n <br /> C�ZOD4-2D�3 Campliance Systems,Inc.9F96-Sd2i3-z013L2.�.721 <br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-Security Instn�ment DL2�3d Page 3 v�5 <br />