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��14�5357 <br /> fu1l vf al� su�ms secured by �his Secur�ty �nst�ument. I�a�nrever, t�is opti�r� shall no� be exercised by Lender �f <br /> exerc��e is proh��ited b�federal�av�as of�he d�ate�f this Securi�y�nstrument. � <br /> �f Lender e�ercises �his �ption, Lender shal� g�ve B�rrov�er no�ice af accel�ration. The n�tice sha�l pro�ide a <br /> period of no� less �han the minimux�nurnber af days established by Applicab�e Lavv from �he da�e the not�ce 1s <br /> del��rered or ma�led with�n which Borrovver must pay all sums secured by�his Security Xnstrum�.ent. If Borrower <br /> fails�� ay �hese sums prior�o �he exp�ration af th�s per�od, Lender may in�ake any remed�es permitted b�this <br /> p <br /> Se�uri�y�nstrumen�wi�hou�fur�her no�ice�r d�mand on Barrower. � <br /> B�rro�wer�s R.ight tv ReinState. �f Borro�e:r mee�s cer�ain c�nditions, Borrawer �hai1 have the right �o ha�e <br /> �nforc�men�of this Se�urity Instrumen� disco��tinued a� any��n1e prior�o�he earlier�f: �a� 5 days ��r suCh�ther <br /> pe�-iod as Applicab�e Law may specify for reinstate�ent}before sale of�he Praperty pursuant tv any p�v�er of sa�e <br /> co��ai��ed in this Se�ur��y �nstrument; or �b} entry of a judgmen� enf�rc�ng th�s�Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Those <br /> c��diti�ns are �hat Borrower: �a} pays Lende�� a�l sums v�hi�h then�v�uld be due under�h�s Secur��y �nstrumen� <br /> �.n��th���ntract as if no acce�erat�on had accu.rred;(b}cures any defaul��f any other�o�enan�s�r agree�nents;�c} <br /> pa�s a�I e�pens�s incu�rred i.n enf�rcing this Se,curi�y�nstrument,�ncluding,bu�not�in�ited to,reas�nable attorneys' <br /> fees ta�he ex�en�permi�t��by�aw; and�d��akes such ac�ian as�ender m.ay reas�nably require ta assure�hat the <br /> lieri�f�his Security Instrument,Lender's r�ghts in the Property and Borrovver's obliga�ian t�pay�he sums se�ured <br /> by�his Se�urity �ns�rumen� sha�� con��nue un�:hang�d. Upon reins�a�e�nent by Borrov�rer, �his Secur�ty �nstrumen� <br /> and the o�liga��ons secured hereby shal� rexnaE�n fu1�y effect�ve as if no acce�era��on had o�curred. �-i�wever, �his <br /> r�gh�t�reins�a�e shalX na�t app�y in the case of acce�era���n under the sec��on ti���d Traasfer of the Property or a <br /> �3enef cial Interest in Barro�ver. <br /> �'I���PC�Ul.15 SU�.35t��1C�5.Borr�v�er sha1�not�ause or permi��he presence,us�, dispasal, s��rage, ur re�ease of an}� <br /> �a�ar�Qu�Subs�ances on or in�he Pr�per�y.B�orrawer shall no�d�,nar a�1ow anyone else�a do,a�.yth�ng affe���ng <br /> th� Properfiy tha� is iri. viala��on flf any En�ir��nmen�al Lav�r. The prec�ding tvsro sentences sha11 nfl� apply to �he <br /> presence,use,�r s�flrage on the Pr�per�y of s��al�quan�ities of Hazard�us�ubs�ances�hat are genera�ly recogni�ed <br /> to�e appropr�ate�o normal residen�ia�uses and to ma�n�enar��e�f the Property. <br /> �orro�rer sha�l pr�mp�ly give�Lender written no��C�of any in�estiga��on,claim, demand, lavsrsuit�r other a�tion hy <br /> an� go�ernmenta� or regula�ory agency or pr�i�ate parCy invo�vzng the Property and any Hazardous Subs�ance or <br /> En�ironm�n�al Lav�r af v�hi�h B�rrotiver h�.s actua� �novvledg�. If Borr�wer �earns, or is notified by any <br /> go�erximenta�or regu�atvey au#hor�ty,tha�an�remova�or�th�r remed�a�ion flf any Hazardous Subs�ance affec�ing <br /> �h� P�aper�y is n�cessary, Borrower sha�� �ar�mp�iy take all necessary r�medial actions �n a�cordance w�th <br /> Environn�enta�Law. <br /> A�us�d�n��is paragraph, "Ha�ardaus Subst��nces" are�h�se substan�es d�f�ned as��x�c �r hazardous substances <br /> b� Env�ronmenta� Law and �he fall�vw�ng substan�es: ga��line, kerasene, o�her flamrnable or �o��c pe�roleum <br /> prod�cts, �flx�c pestic�d�s and h�rbicides, vala��le sa�vents, ma�eria�s �onta�n�ng asb�s�os or formald�hyde, and <br /> rad��active materia�s.As used in this para�raph, "Environmenta�Lav�"means federal.Iaws ax�d�aws of�he sta�e�f <br /> Nebra�ka�hat rela�e to hea�th,safety or en��ro�nrnenta�pr�tect�an. <br /> Acce�.�ra��on; Remedie�. Lender sha�l give notice to B�rrnwer prior to acce�eration f�l�av�ing �orraw�r's <br /> b�each of any�o��nan�❑r agreement�n this Secur�ty In�trument�r the Cantract under whi�h a�celerati�n <br /> �s perm�tt�d[but nat prior to accel�ration under the s�cti�n titled Tran�fer of the Pr�perty ar a Benef�ial <br /> Inter�st rn Barr�wer, un�ess App�icable L�w pr�v�d�s otherwisej. The nat�ce sh�all spe�ify: (a) �he default; <br /> �b} �he actia� required t� cure the def��u�t; (c} � datQ, not Iess than the r�inimum number of days <br /> e5�a�l�shed by Applicab�e I.Eaw from the da�te the natice�s giv�en to Borr�wer, by which the defaul�mu�t be <br /> cured; and �d} that fai�ure�to cure the d�iFault an ar b�fvre the date specified in the natic� ma� result �n <br /> a�ceZerat�on �f th� sums secured �y this Security InStrument and sa�e of the Praperty. To the ext�nt <br /> pr�rm�tted by �aw, the notice shall further infarm Borr�wer�f the r�ght to reinstat� after acceleration and <br /> ��e right t�bring a caurt a�tion�a a�sert the non-existence flf a defau�t�r any other d�fense nf Borrovver to <br /> a�ce�eratian and sale. If the defau�t �5 not�cured on �r befor�the da�e�peci�ed in th�nvtice, Lender at �ts <br /> o�ptiun ma� require imm�diafe paymen� in ful� of al� sums se�ur�d 1a�r this Securit� Instrument without <br /> f�.�rth�r demand and may in�vk� the p�wer of sale and any other remedies perm��ted by App�i�abl� Law. <br /> Ta t�e extent �aermitted by �aw, Lender shal� be ent��led t� colle�t al� expenses incurred in pur5ui�g the <br /> r�m��i�s pr�v�d�d �n thi�Sectian,including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney5' f�es and cnsts�f titl� <br /> e�id�n�e. <br /> If th��ov�er of sa�e �s �n�oked,Trus�ee sha�l recur� a natice of defau�t �n each��unty in which �ny part of <br /> the�'raperty is x�cated and�shal�ma��c�p�+es af such notice in the manner prescribed by App�ica��e Law t� <br /> �orrvwer and to the other person5 prescr�ibed by Applicable Law. Aft�r the ti�ne r�quired by App�icable <br /> I.�aw, Trustee sha�l gi�e pub�ic nvtice �f sale tn the per5ons and in th� manner pre5cr�bed by App�icab�e <br /> I�a�v. Tru�tee,w�thout demand on Borrow�r,sha��seil the Praperty at public auct�on ta the highest b�dder <br /> a�th�time an� place and under the terms designated�n the notice of sal�in one ar more parce�s�nd in amy <br /> order Trus��� de�ermYn�s.:Trustee may pastpane sale af al� or any parcel af th� property by pubiic <br /> announcement at the time and p�ac�of an�previausly scheduled �ale.I.►ender vr its des�gnee ma�purchase <br /> the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon rece�pt �f payment of th� pric� bid, Trust�e shal� deliver to the psurchaser Tr�s�ee's deed con�eying <br /> the Praperty. 'T`he recita�s in the Trustee's deed sha��be pr�ma facie evidence�f the truth af the statements <br /> made there�ne Trust�e shall apply th� p�•oceeds of the sa�� im the fo�low�ng order: [aj t� ali cnsts a�nd <br /> e�per�ses of e�ercising the power of sale, a.nd the sa�e, i��luding the payment of the Trus�ee's fees a�tua�ly <br /> C�2ga4-'?�13 Com�liance Systems,Inc.9F96-8464-2013L2.�.72I <br /> CQns�rrt�r Real Esta#e-Security Instrument DL2�3d Pa�e 4 af 5 vvww.campliancesystems.caxr� <br />