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��14�5357 <br /> Inspec��on. Lender or �ts agen�may nzake reasonable entr�es upon a�d �nspect�ons �f�he Property. Lender shai� <br /> gi�e Borrow�r na�ice a��he��n�e of�r pr��r tfl an�nspec�z�n spec�fying reasona��e cause far�he ins ec�ran. <br /> � <br /> CQndemnatian. The praceeds of any award�r c�a�m for damages, d�re�t or c�nsequen�iai, in c�nnec��an�vith an <br /> � <br /> condem�.atYan flr��her takir�g of any part o�the Propex�ty, or for conveyan�� �n Z�eu af condemna��ori, are hereb <br /> Y <br /> assigned and shal�be paid�o.Lender. <br /> �n the event of a�a�aX �ak�ng of the Property, �he prflceeds shai� be app�ied�� �he sums secured�y �h�s Se�urity <br /> �nstrum�n�, vvhe�her or not then due, ���h any excess pa�d �a Borr�wer. In the e�e�.� of a par�iai tak�ng of�he <br /> Prflper�y in v�h��h the fa�r rnarket �axue of the ProperCy �mmed�atel.y before the �al�ing xs equa��o or grea�er�han <br /> the amoun� af�he sums s�cured b� �h�s Secur�ty �nstrument immed�ately bef�re �he taking, uniess B�rrower and <br /> Lender a�he�-�vise agree in v�rritxng, �he sums se�ured by�h�s Secur�ty�ns�:rumen�t shai�be reduced by the amvun�af <br /> �he prfl�eeds mu���p��ed by�he f���ow�ng frac��on: (a)�he�o�a�amour�t of�he sums secured�mmedia�e�y before the <br /> �ak�ng, d��ided by �b} �he fa�r marke� �va�ue af the Proper�y immediately before the�taking. Any ba�ance shall be <br /> paid �� Barr�v�er. �n �he e�en� af a par�xai taking �f the Propert� xn v�hi�h �he fa�r�narket �a�ue of�he Proper�y <br /> zm�r�.ed�ately before �he tak�ng is �ess than �he anl�un� of�he sum.s se�ured �mmedxa�ely�efare �he �ak�.g, un�ess <br /> Borrower and Lender�therw�se agree �n v�r�ting or un�ess App��cab�e Law otherwise provides, �he proceeds sha�� <br /> be app��ed�a the sums secured by�h�s Securzty Instrument whe�her or not the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�he Property�s abandoned by S�rrov�er, ar �f, after nati.ce by Lender�� Borrov�er�hat�he condemnor offers�a <br /> make an a�ard�r se���e a claxm far damages, B�rrvwer#`a��,s to respond�o Lender with�n the mxnimum number of <br /> days es�abX�shed by App�icab�e Lavv after the date the n���c��s gzven, Lender�s auth�rized to col�ect and a I �h� <br /> �p Y <br /> proceeds, at ��s ap�ion, either �a res�ora�ian �r repaix of�he Property ar to the surns secured by this S�cur��y <br /> Instrumen�,whe�her or n��then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�wer oth� agree i.n v�r���ng, any appli�atxan�f pro�eeds�o princ�pa� shall�.�t ex�end <br /> or pos�pone�he due da�e of�he pa�ments due under�he�ontract�r�han�e the amount of such payments. <br /> Borrawer Nvt R��eased; Fvrbearance By LendQr N�t a �a��er. Ex�ens�on of the t�me f�r payment or <br /> mod�fcat�an af anzor���a��on of�he sums s�cured by th�s Security Instrurnent granted by Lender �o Borro�er ar <br /> any suceessar �n �n�eres� �f Borro�ver shal� not operate ta re�ease the �xability �f the or�g�na� Barrovver or <br /> Borrav�er's sucGessors in �n�erest. Lender sha��no�be requxr�d�o cammence proceed��gs aga�ns�any successvr in <br /> in�eres�or refuse to�x�en�time for paymen�or��herwise modify a�.ort�za�inn of the sums secured�y�h�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument by r�ason of any demand �nade by the or�g�na� Borrower ar Borrovver{s successors in �nteres�. An� <br /> farbearance by Lender xn�xerc�s�ng any rxght or remedy sha��n��be a v�aiver of�r prec�ude�he exerc�se vf any <br /> r�gh�or remedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns Baund; Jvxnt and Se�eral Liab���ty; Accvmmodativn Signers. The covenants and <br /> agreements of�his Securi�y�ns�rumen�sha�i b�nd and benefi�the su�cessars and assigns of Lender and Borr�wer, <br /> subjec� ta �he provisions �f sec�ion t���ed 'I'ransfer a.f the Proper�y or a B�nef�c�a� In�erest in Bnrr�wer. <br /> Borrovver's co�enan�s and agreemen�s sha��be joint and several. Any person whv�o�signs�his Secur�ty�nstrument <br /> but has no personal �iab�lity under the �ontrac� �"Ac�vmmodat�fln Signer"}: �a� is co-sxgn�ng �h�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrumen� only t� martgage; grant and �on�ey �hat Accomrnodat�an Signer's �n�erest zn �he Pr�pe�ty under �he <br /> terms of �he Secur�ty Instrumen�; ��b� is na� persana�iy ob��gated �o pay �h� sums secured by this Secur��y <br /> Ins�rument; and�c}agrees�hat Lender and any other Barrower may agree ta extend, mod�fy, forb�ar or make any <br /> accommadat�ons v�ith regard ta�he terms of this Securi�y Instru�men�or the Con�ra�t vv��h�ut�ha�Accflmmoda�zon <br /> Sxgner's Gonsent. <br /> Loan �harg�s. If the �oan secured by this Securi€y �nstrument �� subjec� tio a lav� vvhi�h se�s maxi�mum �aan <br /> charges, and�hat�av��s f na�ly in�erpre�ed so that�he in.teres� or other�oan charges co�Xec�ed�r to be�fl��ec�ed in <br /> c�nnect�an �x�h �he Ioan exceed the permitted �im��s, then: �a� any such �oan �harge shal� b� reduced by �he <br /> amaunt n�cessary�a reduce�he charge to the perm�tted �im�ts and�b} any su�ms a�ready co�l�cte�fr�m Borrower <br /> wh�ch exceeded perm�tted lim��s �riil be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choase t� make �h15 refund by <br /> reducing �he pr�n��pal av�ed under the Contra�t or by mak�ng a direct payment to Borrovver. Tf a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pal,the reduct�on w���be treated as a par�ia�prepaymen.�under�he�ontrac�. <br /> No��ces. Any n�t��e �o Bflrrav�er prov�ded for �n �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rument shal� be�gi�en by del�vering �t �r by <br /> ma��ing it by first class ma�l unless Applicab�e Lav�requires use of an��her me�had. The nat�ce sha1�be directed to <br /> �he Proper�y Address or any ather address Barrfl�ver designates by notice ta Lender. Borro�ver agrees �o pr�v�de <br /> Lender with Borrov�er's most current ma�� address, as i�may change fronl time-tfl-t�me. Any notx��to Lender <br /> shal�be gxven by frs�c�ass ma��t�Lender'�address sta�ed here�n or any o�her address Lender des�gna�es by na�ice <br /> to Barrawer. Any notice pr��xded far in th�s Secur��y�nstrum�ent shal�be d�emed��ha�e been given ta Borrower <br /> or Lender v�rhen g��en as pra��ded�n th�s paragraph. <br /> �a�erning Law; Severab����y.This Se�urity Instrument sha�i be ga�erned by federa��a�v and the la�s of the stiate <br /> of N�braska, �n �he e���.� �hat an� prv�isian or clause of th�s Securi�y �nstrument �r the �ontract �anf�xcts vv��h <br /> App�iGable Lav�, such confli�� shall no� affec� other pro�isians �f th�s Secur�ty Instrument or�he Contract whi�h <br /> Gan be given effe��vvithou��he conf�icting pr�v�s�on. To�his end the pra�vis�ons of�h�s Se�ur�ty�nstru�nen�and�he <br /> Contrac�are dec�ared�o be severab�e. <br /> Borrower's�apy.Borr�we�-sha�l b�g�ven one cop�af this Secur�ty�nstrumen�. <br /> Transfer of the Praperty flr a S�nef�cial Inter�st�n �orr�vver. �f a1�ar any part of�he Praper�y�r any znterest <br /> in �� �s sold or transferred �ar �f a benef cza� �nteres� �n S�rrov�er is sold or �ransferred and Borrawer is no� a <br /> na�uraZ person� v��thflu� Lender's pri�r �rit�en consen�, Lend�r may, at its optivn, requ�re immed�a�e payrnen� in <br /> C�2DD4-2013 Cvmplian�e Systerns,Inc.9F9�-8464-20I3 L2.0.72 I <br /> �onsumer Reai Estate-Sec►�rity Instrumer�t DL2�35 Page 3 of 5 www.campliancesystems.c�m <br />
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