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��14�531� <br /> B�RR��V'ER C4V�I�IAN"TS �hat Borraw�r xs �awfu��y se�sed of�he estate h�reby con�veyed and has the r�gh��o <br /> grant and�onvey the Pr�perty and �hat�he Proper�y �s unencumber�d, ex�ept for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrawer warrants an�i will d�fend genera��y the ��t�e t��h� Property ag�inst a�� c�aims and demands, sub�ect to <br /> any encum�ra.n�es af re�or�, � <br /> �'H�S SE�URITY �NSTRUN��NT comb�ne�uniform cavenan�s for na��onal use a�ad nan-unifarm�ov�nants with <br /> �zmz��d�arzat��ns by�ur�sd�ction to constitute a uniform security ins�rument covering real proper�y. <br /> Unifvrm Cn►renants. B�rr�wer and Lend�r co�v�nant an�.agr�e as fa�i�w�; <br /> �. Payment vf Pr�n��pa�, �nterest, Escrow �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late �harges. Barrower <br /> shal�pay when due�he pr�nc�pal of, and �ntere�t on, �he�ebt ev�denced b� the Not�and any prepayment <br /> charges and lat�charg�s due unde�r the N�te. B�rrower shal� al�a pay funds f�r Escraw Items pursuant�a <br /> 5e�tion 3. Pa�ments due under the Na�e and th�s Securi�y Instrument shall be mad� �n t�.S. currency. <br /> Ho�e�er, �f any check ar other instrurnen� rece�ved by Lender a�payment under�h� N�t�or th�s Security <br /> �ns�rumen� is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require�hat any or a�� subse�uent payment�du�under <br /> the Note and�h�s Secur���r �nstrumen�be made in ane�r mare of the foliawing forms, as selec�ed b�Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b}nloney�rd�r; ��� c�rt�fied che�k, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, pr��ided any <br /> su�h�heck is drawn upon an inst�tut�on whase depos��s are insured by a fe�ieral agen��, �nstrumen�a�it�, or <br /> �nt�ty; or�d} E�ectr�nic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments ar�deem�d recezved by Lender when received at the locat�an designa�ed in�he No�e or at such <br /> other locatioza as may b�des�gnated by Lender in accordance w�th the na�ice pr�vis�ons in Sec�i�n 15, <br /> L�nder may return any paymen�or par��al paymen� if the payment or partial paymen�s are insuf��cient ta <br /> bring the Loan current, Lender may accept any pa�m.en�ar partiai paymen� �nsuff�c�ent to�r�ng�h�Loan <br /> current, w��h�ut wa��er of any righ�s hereunder or prejudice to �ts rzghts to refuse such payment ar par�ial <br /> �aymen�s in the future, but L�n�er�s not ab��gated �o apply such payments at the t�me such paym�nts are <br /> accepted. �f�ach Periadic Payment is appl�ed as af�ts sch�dule�due date, th�n L�nder need no�pay �nterest <br /> an unapp�ied funds. L�nder may ha�d such unapp�i�d funds un��� Bnrrnw�r makes pa�m�nts �o br�ng�he <br /> Laan current. �f Borrower does not do sa within a reas�nab�e per�od of t�me, Lender shail either appl� such <br /> funds ar re�urn them to Borrower. �f not applied ear��er, such funds wil�be app�ied t� the outstanding <br /> principal ba�anc�under�he Note immediately prior to for�closure. No offset or claim which Borro�er might <br /> hav�now or�n the futur�agains� Lender shall re�ieve Borrower from making paymen�s due under the Note <br /> and this S�cur�ty In�trum�n�or p�rform�ng the co�enan�s and agreem�n�s secur�d b�r th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rum�nt. <br /> 2. Appli�ativn of Payments ar Prvice�ds. E�cep� as o�herwise described zn this Section 2, a1�payments <br /> accepted and appi��d by Lender sha�� be applied in the f�llow�ng ard�r of pr�ority: �a} �nterest due under the <br /> N�t�; �b}principai due under�he Nfl�e; �c} amoun�s due under Section 3. Su�h paymen�s shall be appl�ed to <br /> e�ch Per�odic Pa�men� in the arder in wh�ch ��became du�. Any remain�ng amoun�s shal��e app��ed�rs��o <br /> late�harges�, s��ond �a any other am�unts due under�his Secur�ty �nstrument, and then to reduce the <br /> principal�a�ance of the Nf ate. <br /> �f L�nde�recei�es a payment from Borrawer far a de�inquent P�riodi� Paymen�wh�ch�nc�udes a suff�c��nt <br /> amount�a pay any late�harge due, the payment may be app�ied to the de�inquent p��rrn�nt and�h��ate <br /> charge. �f mor�than ane Periodic Paynr�ent is ou�s�and�ng, Lender may a���y any pa�ment rece�ved fram <br /> B�rrawer t� the re�ayment af�he Periodic Payments if, and to the�x�ent that, each pa�ment can be paid in <br /> full. To the ex�ent that an� excess���sts after the payment is appli���o the ful� pa�rm�nt nf one�r mor� <br /> Per�odic Payments, such excess may be app��ed�o an��ate charges due. Vo�untary pr�paymen�s shal�be <br /> apg�ied �rst to an�prepaymen�charges and th�n as des�ribed �n th�Not�. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Far►-�ily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UN���RM lNSTRUMENT Form 3Q28�14i <br /> VMP� VMPfitN�}{1302} <br /> Wotters Kluwer Financial 5er�i�es ' Page 4 vf 17 <br />