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��14�531� <br /> ��. Borrvwe� Not Re�eased; Farbea�ance By Lender Not a �Illai�er. Ex�ension of�he�ime for pa�ment or <br /> m�difica�ion af amartizatian of�he sums �ecured by this Secur�t� �nstrument granted b� Lender to Borrov��r <br /> ar any Successor in In�erest of Borravver shall not op�rate�a re�eas�the 1�abilit}� of Borro�er�r any <br /> Successors in�nterest�f B�rrovver. Lend�r shal�not b�required to commence praceedings aga�ns�any <br /> Successor in�nterest of B�rra�ver or to refus�to �x�end time for payment or otherwise modify amortiza��on <br /> �f�h�sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason af any demand made by the original Borrovver ar <br /> any Successors in�nteres�of B�rrav�rer, An� far�earance by L�nder in exercising an� r�gh��r remedy <br /> �ncludin�, without limita�ion, Lender's accep�ance of pa�men�s from third persans, en�i��es�r Successors in <br /> In�er�st af Borrower ar in am�unts less �han the amaunt�hen due, sha�l no�be a wai�er of ar prec�ude the <br /> exercise of any r��ht or rem�dy. <br /> �3. Jo�nt and Se�eral Liability; Co-signers: Successors and Ass�gns Bound. Borrow�r co�enants and <br /> agrees�hat Bnrrower's abliga�ions and��abi�zty sha��be jaint and several. Hawever, any B�rrower who <br /> co-signs this S�cur��y �ns�rument bu�daes not execute the Nnte�a "coWs�gner"}: �a} is co�signing�his <br /> Securi�y Instrumen�onl��o mor�ga�e, grant and�on�ey the ca-signer's �nteres�in th�Pr�pert�under the <br /> terms of thzs Securi�y Instrument; �b} is not personally o�l�ga�ed�o pay the sums secured b�this Security <br /> Ins�rum�nt; and �c} agrees that Lender and any o�her Borrov�er can agree��ex�end, modify, forb�ar or mal�e <br /> any accammodations with regard tfl �he�erms of this Securi�� Instrumen�or�he Nate w�th�u�the co-signer's <br /> �onsen�. <br /> Su�ject to�he provis�ons of Sectinn �8, any Suc�essor in Interes��f Borrower v�rho as�umes Borrower's <br /> �b�igations under�his Secur�ty �nstrumen�in wrxt�ng, and is appr�ved b�Lender, shal� ob�ain all of <br /> Borrower's rights and benef�ts under th�s Security Instrument. Borrower sha11 not be re�eased from <br /> Borrovver's ob�iga�ions and liabi�i�y under�h�s Securit� �nstrument un�ess Lender agrees to 5uch release�n <br /> w�ri�ing. The covenan�s and agreemen�s of this Securi�y Instrument sha��bind�e�cept as provid�d in Sect��n <br /> 2Q} and b�ne�t the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> '14. Laan �narges. L�nder may charge Barrovver fe�s far ser�ices performed in conr��ction wi�h Borrov�er's <br /> default, for�he purpose of pro�ect�ng I.�nder's in�erest �n�he Property and rights under�h�s Securit� <br /> Ins�rumen�, including, �u�na�I�mi��d�o, attorn�ys' fees, pr�perty inspectian and vaivation fees. �n regard to <br /> any ath�r fees, the absence af express authori��in th�s Security �nstrument��charge a specific fee to <br /> Borrower sha�l no�be�anstrued as a proh�bition on the charging of such fee. Lend�r may no�charge fees <br /> �ha� are expressly prohibi�ed b��h�s Secur��y �nstrumen�ar�y Applicab�e Law. <br /> �f the Loan�s subj�c�t� a Iaw wh�ch s�ts maximum loan charges, and�hat law is �nally �nterpre�ed so tha� <br /> �he�n�erest or fl�her��ar��harges collec�ed�r to be co��e��ed in�onnec�ion with the Loan exceed�he <br /> permitted limits, then: �a} an� such l�an charge sha��be reduCed b�the amoun�necessar� to reduc���e <br /> charg�t��he permitted�irn��; and �b} a�y sums alread��ollec�ed from Bnrrower which�xceeded permi�ted <br /> �im��s wz�� be refunded to Borrower. Lender nr�ay choase ta make�his refund by reducing the pr�nc�pa� ovved <br /> under the Not�or by mak�ng a d�re��paymen��o Borr��ver. If a refund redu�es principa�, t�ie redu��ion v�ill <br /> be treated as a par��a� prepaymen�vv�thout an�prepayment char�e�v�he�her or no�a prepa�ment charge is <br /> pro�rided for under the Note�. Borr�w�r's acc�ptance of an� such refund made by direct payment ta <br /> Borrower vvill const�tute a wa��ver af any righ�of ac�ian Borrov�er might ha�e ar�s�ng�ut of such overcharge. <br /> '[�. Not�ces. AIl notices gi�en by �3orrower or Lend�r in connect�on w�th this Security �ns�rumen�mus�be in <br /> writin�. Any n�t�ce ta B�rrovWer in connect�on w�th�his Secur��y�ns�runzen�shall be d�emed ta have been <br /> giv�n to Barrower when mailed by f�rst ciass mai� ar when ac�ually del�vered to Borrovver's notice address if <br /> sent by other means. Noti�e�o any one Borrower sha�i constz�ute natice�� al1 Borrowers unless Appli�able <br /> La�v expressl� requires o�herwise. The no��ce address shall �e the Property Address unless Borrower has <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNtFDRM INST�?UM�NT �arm 3428 11fli <br /> VMP Q VMPf�NEf t13�2� <br /> Vllolters Kluwer�inancia!5er�ices Page 1 1 of i 7' <br />