<br /> satisfaction, pravided tha� such inspection shall be under��ken pramptly. L�nder may pay for�h�repa�rs
<br /> an� rest�ration�n a s�n��e d�s�ursement�r in a ser�es of progr�ss paym�nts as the v�ark�s comp�e�ed.
<br /> C�nless an agr��ment is made�n wr��ing or Applicab�e Law requ�res �n��res�to be paid on such
<br /> M�sce�lane�us Proceeds, L�nder shal� na�be required �a pay Borr�wer any �nterest or earn�ngs on su�h
<br /> M�sce�Ianeous Praceeds. �f the res��ration ar repair is n�t econ�m�.ca��y feas�ble or Lender'� securi�y�vould
<br /> b��essened, th�Miscellaneous Praceeds shal��e applied to�h�sum.s secur�d by th�s Security Instrument,
<br /> whe�her ar n�t�h�n du�, v�ith �he�xcess, �f an�, paid to Borrow�r. Such Misce��aneaus Pr��eeds sha�i be
<br /> applied in�he arde�r pr�vz�ed fnr in Se�t�on 2.
<br /> �n�he��ent af a total tak�ng, destruct�on, or loss in va�u��f th�Praperty, �he Mis�e�ianeous Prac��ds sha��
<br /> be app���d ta �h�sums secur�d by th�s Security �nstrum�nt} v�hether or n���hen due, with th�ex��ss, if any,
<br /> paid ta Borro�er.
<br /> In the event af a par��a� tak�ng, de��ruction, or lass �n�ra�ue af the Prop�r�y �n which the fa�r market va�ue of
<br /> the Propert� immediat��y before�he par�ial taking, �estruc�inn, ar�ass �n va�u��s equal to �r greater t�aan the
<br /> amoun�of the sum�secur�d by th�s Secur�t� Instrument immediatei�before the par��a� �aking, destruct�an, or
<br /> �oss in value, un�ess Barrower and. Lend�r o�herw�s�agree in�vriting, the sums secured by t��� Seeur��y
<br /> �nstrument sha�l be redu�ed by the amoun�of�he M�scellaneaus Fraceeds mult�p�ied b�th�follo�ving
<br /> fractian: �a}the total arx��unt of the sums secured immed�a�e�y before the par�ial taking, des�ructian, or�ass
<br /> in�a�ue divid�d b� �b} the fair market�a�ue nf the Proper�y immed�ate�y before the par�ial taking,
<br /> d�struc�ifln, or loss in�alue. Any ba�ance sha��be pa�d�o Borro�ver.
<br /> In�he e�ent flf a par��a� �ak�ng, d�stru�tior�, ar lass �n value nf the Pr�per�y in which�he fa�r rnarket va�ue Qf
<br /> the Proper�� immediateiy bef�r�th�part�al �aking, des�ruct�fln, or loss in�alue is�ess�han the amount of the
<br /> sums.se�ured immediate�y bef�re th�par�za� taking, destru�t�an, or�oss in�a�ue, un�ess Borr�wer and
<br /> Lender otheru�ise agree in wri�ing, �he M�scel�an�ous Proceeds sha�l b� app�ied�o the sums secure�i by this
<br /> Secur�ty �ns�rument whe�her or not the surx�s are then due.
<br /> �f the Frapert� i� aband�n�d by Barrower, �r if, af��r no��ce by Lender to Borrovwer that the�ppo�ing Party
<br /> �as defined in the n�xt sentence�affers to make an award to set��e a c�aim for damages, Borravver fai�� to
<br /> respond to Lender within 30 days after�he date�he notice �s g�ven, Lender�s authflrized to caliect and app�y
<br /> the N��s�el�afleous Proc�eds eith�r�o restora��on or repair of�he Prapert�or to the sums secured b�th�s
<br /> Secur��y �ns�rument, whether�r nat then du�. "Dppos�ng Par�y" means the thir�par�y that owes Borrower
<br /> Misc�ilaneaus Praceeds�r the par�y against wham Barro�ver has a r�ght af act��n�n regard ta Miscelianeous
<br /> Pro�eeds.
<br /> Borrower shall be in default if any act�on or prace�d�ng, whe�her civi� ar crimzna�, �s begun that, in Lender's
<br /> �udgmen�, c�uld result in forf�itur�af the Praper�y �r a�her material impairrn.ent of Lender's interest �n�he
<br /> Pr�perty or r�ghts under this Security Instrumen�. B�rrawer can cure such a defaul�and, if a�ce�era��on has
<br /> nC�urr�d, reinstate as pro�zded �n Section �9, by causing�he act�on ar proceed�ng ta be dismis���wi�h a
<br /> ru��ng tha�, in Lender's judgm�nt, preclud�s forf�iture of the Prop�r�y or other mater�al �mpairment of
<br /> Lender`s �n�erest in the Propert� or r�ghts under th�s Securi�y �nstrum�nt. The pra�eeds of any award or
<br /> c�aim.for damage��hat are attr�butable to�he �mpa�rment�f Lender's in�erest in�he Proper�y are hereby
<br /> as���ned and shai� be paid ta Lend�r.
<br /> A�� �iscellan�ous Proceeds that are not appl�ed to res�ora�ion ar repa�r of�he Praperty shail be appii�d in the
<br /> ord�g prov�de� fa�in�ction Z.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNlFQRM INSTR�M�NT Form 3a�8 11Q1
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi�N�f(134�f
<br /> W�lEers Kluwer Financial Ser�ice5 Page 1 a of�7
<br />