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��14�5193 <br /> All insurance po�ic�es requ�red by Iaender ar�c�rene�avals of such polic�.es s�.�l�e subj ect�o�end�r's right to <br /> d.isapprave sucl�p���.c.�es, sha1l includ�e a st�a:dar�.x�n.or�gage c�, a�d sha1�name I,ender as mar�gagee <br /> andlor as an.add�t��nalloss payee. I�er�der sha1l�iave�.e r�.ght t�hold the polic�es and renewal certificates. If <br /> Lender requires, Borrovver shall promp��y g�ve�o L.�nder a11 recezpts of paid premiums and zenewa.l notices. <br /> If B�rrawer ob�ains any form of irisu�-ance cflverage, not other�se required by Lender, for damage to, or <br /> destructzon of, the�'roper�y; such policy shal�inc�ude a standard mor�gage clause a�d sha11 name Lender a.� <br /> mor-�gagee andlor as an add�tiona��ass payee. <br /> In the e�ent of IoSs, Borrow�r sha11 give prompt notice to t�ie in�urance carr�:er ar�d Le�der_ Lender m.ay <br /> make proof�f Iass�f not made pronzptly by Barrower. Un�.ess Lender arid Borrov�rer agree in <br /> �vr�t�g, any insuranee proceeds, whether o�no��he under�ying in.suraxxce was required by Lender, sha�.l b� <br /> a�p��.ed to restora�.o�.or repai.r af�he Pro��r�y, �f�.ie�e�toration or repair�s�conomica�:I:y feasx�le and <br /> L�nder's seGurity is nat�essened. �3uring such repai�-anc�restora�.on�period, Lender sha��ha�re�he righ��o <br /> hflld in.suraxa.ce proceeds unti�I�ender has had an apportura�ty t�irsspec�such 1'roperty���nsure�ie <br /> wark�.a.s been comp�e��d to Ler�der's satisfac�ion, provi.ded sueh inspecti�a�shall be under�aken <br /> pramptl.y. Lend�r may d.isburs�praceeds for�he repairs and restoratio�in a s�ngle payment or�n a series of <br /> progress payments as the work is comp�eted. Unle�� an a.greement is made i�:wr�.t�ng or Applicab�e Law <br /> requires interest to be pa�d on such�nsurance proceeds, Le�der shall.�ot be required�o pay Borrower a�iy <br /> i�terest or ea�nnings on such proceed.s. Fees for publ�c adjusters, or ather�hird par�Yes, reta�n�d by Borro-�rer <br /> shall n�t be paic�aut of the insurance�raceeds and sha�i be�he so�e abli�ati.Qr�of Bor�ower. If the restorat�.on <br /> ar repair�s not eco�o3rucal�y feas�ble or L.ender's security would be l:essex�ed, �he 1�.lsuranCe�]roCeedS 5ha1I be <br /> a�p�iec��o�he sums�ais Secur�ty I�.stru�mez�t, w�ether or�ot�hen clue, �rith.�h�exc�ss, i.f any, <br /> paid.t�Borrourer. Suc1�.�:ns�ranc�proc�ed�sha1�.be ap��.�.���:r�.�h��rder pro-�ridec�for�r�Sec�����. <br /> If�orrower aband.on_s�i:e P�operty, I�ende�may fi1e, r�egotiate and sett�.e any av�ab�e��isurance cla,im a�c� <br /> re�at�d matters. If Borrower does no�respond vvi�iir130 days ta a notice fram Lender�hat�he xn.suranc� <br /> carrier has off'�red ta set�le a c�a�m, then Lender ma�n�g�tiate and set��e the c�aim. The 3�-day period wi.11. <br /> beg��when the x�o�.ce�.s gzvex�, I�ei�her ev��t, or if Lender acquires the Property under Section.��oz <br />, Borrower hereby a.��igns ta L�x�:der�a}Borx�ower`s rxgh�s to any insurance praceeds in an arnoun� <br /> not ta exceed the amaunts unpa�d under the Note or�his Security I�s�ru:ment, and�b} any ather vf <br /> Borravver's rights�a�her�han�he right�o any r�fiu�a.d Qf unearned prern�ums pa�d by B�rxower}under a11 <br /> insuran�e p�lie�es covering the Property, insofar as su�h rights are a�p��cab�e�o the coverage af t�e <br /> P�oper�y. �.ender may-use�he�:xa.�uranc�pr�ceed.s e�ther ta�epair or�estore�e�'r�per�y or to pay amo�x�ts <br /> unpai:c�un�er�ie I�o�e o�t�us Secur�t�r Ir�s��e�t, �r���er�r nat�en�ue. <br /> �= DCcup�ncyx B�rrov�rer sha11 occupy, establis�, anc�use�Jhe 1'xoperty as BorrouTer's px�.n.c�.�pa�resxdence <br /> within 5�d.ays after�he executian of t1-us Secur�.ty��runzent a.r�d sha1l continue ta occu�y the I'�oper�y as <br /> Borrotiver's pri-�.c�pa�residence for at Iea.�t one year after�he date of occupancy, unless Ilender atheru�ise <br /> agrees in�vr�, v�rhich con.sent sha�.1.not be t�nreasor�ably withheld�, ar un�ess extenuati_r�g circumstanees <br /> �xxst which are beyond�3orrower's car�tra�. <br /> 7. �res�r�atian, 11�ain�ena�ce and �rotectian af the Pr��er��1; lnspe�tio��. Bor�ovver shall riot des�roy, <br /> d.a�mage or�rn�a�r t.�ie Property� al��w the I'rape�ty t��.eteri�rate or cflmn�.t�aste on�h�Pro�p�rt�. �Llhether <br /> �r no��3or���rer is res�d.�ng i-�.�he I'�apert�, �orrawer s�a��.maintain�he�rapex-�y�.��rder to�arev�nt the <br /> ]Prape�froin dete��arati�a.g or c�ec�eas�ng�va�ue due��i�s cor�di�.an. �nless Yt i.�detex�rninec�pu:rsu���� <br /> Sect�on S ��iat rep�i.x a�-res�aration�s nQt economu.�ally�eas��Ie, g3orrawer sha11 pr��npt�y repai�t�e]Pro�erty <br /> if darn.aged�o avoi�furt��r deteriora�ior�or dama�e. If insuraaa.ce or condem�ati�o�.proceeds are pa�d in <br /> cannection wi�h d.amag�ta, or the ta�i�.g of, the Proper�y, Barrawer sha11 be responsib�e for repairing�r <br /> r�storing�h�Prop�r�:y ori�y if Lender has rel.eased proceeds for such purposes. Lender may d:�sburse proceeds <br /> ��Qasa�s <br /> NEBRASKA-5�ngfe Famify-Fannie M aelFreddie M ac UNIF�RM {NSTRUNi ENT Farm 3�28�I�� <br /> VM P Q VM P��NE}�13a�} <br /> Waiters Kfuw er Firtancial Servi�es Page 7 a�'f 7 <br />