<br /> I�EEC� �F 1����T
<br /> ���r� �V�: '��7'I���-3 ���r��inu��� P��� �
<br /> �'rustor�I�����I p��r�r�y��urt cas�s� in a�l�it��r��� ��!vtl�er��m� p��ui���f k��r I��v.
<br /> Ria�hts��f Trust��. Trus����h�II F���� a!I �f tl�� ri�h��a r�� d�at�es af L�r�d�r��s�t farth i n thi s s���i�r�.
<br /> P�1II�EF�S �1N D ���.���4T1�N� �F TF��J STEE� Th� ��IE�v�i r�� �r��i�ian� r���tin� ta th� ���nr�r� �nd ��I i��ti�n� �f Tfu�t��
<br /> a r�p�r-��f th��s ����1�f Tru��:
<br /> ��wsr� �f�r��t��. in ��d�ti�n t� �11 p�v�r�rs �f Trust�� �ris�n��� � m��'t��'�f I��rv� Trus�e� �h�l[ f�av� t�e ���r�r t�
<br /> �a�� th� f�Il�wEn� ��ti��s v�rith r�s����to th� F�r�p�rty t�p�n��� �rritten r��u�$� �fi L�nd�r ��� �rusfaro �a} ��i� �r�
<br /> prepa�rin� an� �i�in� � map ar �I�t �f th� R�a! Pr���r��rr ir1��I.I�IC1C� �I�k$ ��C�1���1�1� �f �tr���� �r �th�r �ig�t� �� t��
<br /> �u�li�r {t�� jain i� �r��tin� ar�y ��s��r,ent Qr �reati�� �n�r r�stri�fii�n an th� F���� Pr���rtyr �r�� {�� j�ir� in a�n�r
<br /> ��bor�in�ti�n ar�tt�er agreem�n��f���t�n�thi� a��� �f�T`r�s���-tl�� inter�st��L��c��r�r�d�r th�s ���� �€Tru�#.
<br /> ��ust��. Trus��� �h�al m��t �II q��li�F�G�ti�n� r����r�d f�r �rust�� Ur�de�- �p�alR�a��R� I�v�r. In ���liti�n ta �h� ri�l��s
<br /> ar�d r�m�di�� ��t f�rtF� a�baver v�ri�l� r�s�e�� t� al� ar �ny par� �f tl�e Pr���rtyr th� Tru�t�� �h�ll �av� t�� ri�ht t�
<br /> f�r��l�s� k�y n�ti�� �n� s�l�r �r��i L�r��er s�al� 1���r� the rr�ht t� f�r�c���� ��r ju�i�ial f�r��E��ur�, ir� �ither ��s� i�
<br /> ����rdan�� vvith ar��i t�tF�� fu�l e���r�t�ra�rid�� ��r ����i��b�� I��*
<br /> �u���ss�f�rus���. L�n�err �� L�I+1����S ��J����r r�-�ay fr�m�i rr�� t� �i rr�� app�i r��a s����ss�r Tru���� t� a ny Trust��
<br /> app�i�t�� un��r �I�i� aee� �f �r�ast b� �n �r��tru�nent ������t�� ar�� ��kr���rl����� �� ��n��r ar�d r�c��ded in th�
<br /> �ffi�� �f th� r���r�i�r �� H�II �aun�y� �t�t� af N��rasl�a, TI�� in$tr�m�r�t sh�lf ��r�t�ir�� in a�Jdi#i�n to �11 �th�r
<br /> ma���r� req�ir�d �� �t��� l�w, tl�e r��m�� �f ��� �ri�in a I L�r�d�rr Trust��� an� �`r�st�rr th� I���k �n�f p��� ��r
<br /> ��rr-rput�� ��r��em r�f�r�r,�e� wl��r� t�i� ���d �� T�u�t i� r���rd�d, �n�l �f�� r��me �n� addr�s� �� th� ��a���ss�r
<br /> ��L15���r �n�l th�� it��trur�en��h��� i�� �x���.tt�t� �t�d a�kr��uv I��I�e� �y��I th� ��r��fi�i��'��s un��r th i� a��d �f Tr�$t�r
<br /> th�ir �u��ess�r$ En int�r��t. Th� aucc��s��t�ust��, �ritl�aut ��nv�yar��� �f t�e �r���rt�r� sh�11 s���e�d �� at1 th�
<br /> �i�f�r ���err �r��f d uti�s ��n��rr�� ���n tl��Tru���� in tl�i� ���d �f Tru�t a r�� �� �p�I i�ab I� I a�. TF�i� �r��e��r� f�r
<br /> �u#�stituti�n�f rtrust��sl��l�����rn �a th���c�lusi�r,�f al��t��r�r��i�F��s far s�b��ituti�n. �
<br /> �I����E�. An�r n��i�� ����ir�� ta b� �iver� u�ci�r �ha$ ���� af Trust, �r�clu�in� v�rith��t I�mi���i�rt �r�� r�otic� �f �����I�
<br /> an� �r�� ��ti�� �f sal� sh�l� �e giv�� in writing, ar�d ��r�f� �� �ffe��i�r� w��r� ��tu�il� ��li��r��r ���n actu�ll�r r���i��d
<br /> �� ��l�f��simii� {�r�l�ss a�h�r�E�� r�qui��� ��r I�vv}� wh�r������ited v�ritl� � r�a�i�nall�r r����nE��� ���r����t��urier, ar, if
<br /> mail��, v�rhen �ep�sit��1 in th� �Jr�it�� ��a��� mail, as fir�t �Eas�r �e�ifi�c� �r r��ist�r�� r��il p�stag� �r�p���, �Er��t�� ��
<br /> th� ad�r�s��s sh��rrr rr�����r� ���i r�nin� �f�t�i s ���d �f�r�,��. Ai I ������ �� r��fii��� �# f�r��I�su r� fra�-ry tn� h����� a#
<br /> �n�r li�n whi�� l�a� p���rity �v�r t�is a��� �f 'T'ru�t �h��l �a� ��nt �� L�n�erts ��r�r��sr �s �h��rtirr� r���r th� I���inr�ir�� �t
<br /> th�� ���� �f Tr��t. Ar��r ��r��r m ay �h�n�� it� �d�r�s� far n��i��� �n��r this ���d �� Trust �y ���ri n� f�rm�i v�rri#�t�r�
<br /> n�ti�� t� the ��I��r par�i��+ �p��if�rin� t[��fi tl�� �aur��s� �f th� r���ic� �� t� ch�n�� �h� part�r's ���fre�s. F�r n�ti��
<br /> ��r���e�r Tru�t�r a�r��� t� I���p ��n�i�r �nf�rm�� �t �II tim�� ��f Tr�st�r'� ��rr�r�� �ddr���. �Jnl��s �#h�rv�ris� p���i�l�t�
<br /> �� ���uir�d ��r I�w, i�th�r� E� m�r� t�ar� �r�e �'r��t�r, ��y r��ti�� �i�r�r� by ��n�f�r �� ��}�Trus��r �� ���me� �� b� r��ti��
<br /> �i��n�a all Tr��t�rs.
<br /> [�11f���LL�4NE��� �R�IIi�«N�. The��I[�w�n� mi���llar���t�s �r�vi�ian� �r� a �art�f this a��� ��Tru��:
<br /> Arrr�nd��r�ts. Thi� ���� ��Tru��r t��eth�r v�rith�n�r R�I�t�� ����arrti�r�t�, ��n�tit�fi��th�� �nt�r� ut��{�r�t�r�dir�� ���i
<br /> a�r��m ent �f th� ��rti�� �s t� th� r��tt�rs s�t f�rth i� thE$ ���� �f Trust. N� alt�r�tia r� �#�r ar��r�drn�nt t� th��
<br /> a���! �f Trus� �h�l I �� �ff��ti�r� u�n I�ss g i��n in �rv riti n� a nd si g r��d l�y �h� ��r��r �r�ar�i�s ��u�f��t� b� Gha r��c� �r
<br /> boun�l k��th� a�����ti�r��r am���lm�nt.
<br /> �►�r�ua! R���r#�. I f �h� Pra per�y i s ���d t�r �urp�s�� �fih�r ��a r� �r�r�t��'� r�s�d�n��� Trust�r �h�a�I ��r�i�h t�
<br /> ��n��r, r���n r��ue��r � ��I'�I�f$C� st�t�m��tt a� r�e� ap�r�tir�� in��r�� ������r�d f��m th� �r�p�rt�r �!�ri r�g Tru�t�r'�
<br /> �r�vi�u� fis��l �r�ar in �u�h ��rr� �r�d c����i� �s ��n��f si-tafl r��uir�. f'1��� ��a�r�tin� in��r�-��" sl��lf rt���n �I� �asl�
<br /> r���i��� fr��th� Pr���r��r le�s �11 ���h��p�r�d�#ur�� rri��1� in cor�n��ti�n v�ith th������fii�r� a���r� �r���r�y.
<br /> ���ti�r� Headin+��. ���ti�n h��di r�gs i n th i� ����1 �f Tr�st ��'� ��r �o�v�ni�n�� ��r����s an�y �r�� �r� n�t ta I��
<br /> u����� in��r�r�t�r���i r��th�e pr�v�$i�ns �f this ����I �f Trus�. �
<br /> [I�I�r�er. �E�'h�r� s ha II b� t�� m�r�er�f�h� i���re st�r e st��t� ��'��t�� b�th i� I�e�d �f Tr�st�nritt� ��y�ther i r�t�r��t �r
<br /> ��t�t� �n t�� �r�per�y �#�n�r tim� h�ld �y�r fof'��� b�n�fit�f L�n��r in �r�y �apa�t�y�r v�ith��t th� �nrri�t�rt ��r�s�nt
<br /> �f L�nder.
<br /> �a��rr�ir�� L�w. Ti�i� ����1 �f T�u�# wilf b� ��v��r��d by f���r�l I�w appli�ab�� �� ���n��r �nd, t� tl�� �xt�nt n�#
<br /> pre�rx��t�d by f���r�l I��r, t�e C��r� �f th� �tat��#N��a��sk�wi#��ut r�g�r�l t�it� ��nf�iGts ����w�r�vi�i�n�. Thi�
<br /> a��t]�f Trus#h��i���t�a���pt��i��L�rid�r in#h� St�#��f N�����k�.
<br /> �h�i�� �f V�nue. I f �h��r� is a I aw�ui�� �r���a r ��r�es ���n L�nd�r's r�q���t �t� su�r�it �a �he j�,ri s�i�ta�n �f th�
<br /> ��urt� ��H�II ���n�y� �tat� �f N�l�ra�ka.
<br /> �I��r�t �n� ���r���l �Eaf�ili#y. �II ��li�ati�r�s �f B�rr�vv�r ar��l �r��t�r un�er this D��ci �-F Tru�� sh�l! b� j�int ar��
<br /> ��v�r�lr an� a11 r�f�r�n����� Tr�st�r�h��ll m���n ���I� an� ���r�Tru�st�rr a�� all re�er�n��� t� ��rr�w�r shal! rr���r�
<br /> ea�h ����v�r� B�rr�w�r. �`h�is m��n� th�����1�Tr�st�r si�nin� bef�uu �$ r��p�r�si}�[�f�r�I!t�k�ligafiian� Fn�his L}���
<br /> �f Tr�st. �lh�r� a�ry �n� �r rr��r� �f th�� p�r�i�s is � ��r��r�ti��t p�rtr�e�sh�i�r �IR'19��C� I[�,�Ell�i� c�m��n� �r �i�ilar
<br /> �ntit�, it i� rr�t r����s��ry far L�n��r t� in��ir� in��t�t� pav�r�r� ❑f an�r�f th��ffi��r�� �ir����rs, R�rfin�rs, m�r�t��rs,
<br /> �� �th�r ���n�� ��tir�� �c' ��r��rtEr�g ta ac� �n �h� �r�tity's ��h�lf, �n�f ��y �l�li�a�i�n� rra�l� �r cr�at�d ir� r�lian�e
<br /> �a�an th� p r�f�s se�l e�cerci���f s�r�[� p���rs�F��I l b�gU a ra n���� �n�l��this C3��� ��T�ust.
<br /> �� 111f�iw�r I�y��r�der. Len r��r�h�l l �at b� �f��m��f �� i���re uv a i�r�� �n}r ri�h�s �r�d�r��n i� ���d �f Tr�St �nl��� ���h
<br /> vvaiv�r�s �i��n in v�ritit�� �n�l �F�ned by L�n��r. �I� �����r�r�mis�i�n ar�the ��rt�f L�r���� �n �x�r�i�Er�� �r�y �E�hfi
<br /> s h��l I ���r�te �s � �a i��r�f���h ri�h���r �r�y at��� ri�ht. �4 �nr�i��r b� L�r�d�r �� � pr�vi�i�n ���hi s D���i �f Tr��t
<br /> sh�a11 n�t �r��u�i�� �r ��r��tit�t� � w�i��r �f L�n��r's ri�ht �tl��rvxrf�� �a �i�m�r��l str��t ��r��li�n�� �rvi#�t tha�t
<br /> �r��ri�i�n v r a�y ����r �r��is i�n,af this ���d �fi �ru5�� N� �ra�� v�raiv�r �� L��r d�r� �or an� ca�rs� of �]��I i r��
<br /> b�tv�r��n ��n��r �r�d Tru�t�r, s�a ll ��ns�i��,t� � �rv a i�r�r �f �r,y �� L�r���r'� ri�h�� �r �f �ny �f Tr��t�r's ��I i��ti�r�s
<br /> �s t� at�� fu�ure transa��i�r�s. I�Ilh�r����r th� ��r�s�nt a�F L�nd�r is r���ir��l un�f�r thi� ����1 a�Trustr the ��r��n�in�
<br /> ��sU�h ��n��nt �y L�n��r i r� ��y in�fi�n�� 51�a11 r��t ��nstit�te c�r�ti r��ir�g ��ns�r�t�� 5 u���q��nt �n�t�n��s �f��r�
<br /> su�h���s�rrt is r�qUired ��d ir� �I! �as�� s��h �ans�r�t m�y�� gran��� �r v�ri�hh�l� in th� s�l� di��r�ti�r��fi L�r�d�r.
<br /> �e�rera��l`rty. If a ��u rt �f ��r���t�nt ju ri�dEcti�n ���ds �ny pr��i s i�r� �f thEs ��ed af Tr��t t� b� i El�ga�, En�al id, �r
<br /> �r��r�f�r���f�l� �� ta �n�r ci r���st�n��, t�t�� ftt��ir�� s�a Il r�Q� m�,l�� th�� �ff�n�in� �r��i�i�r� iC1��a1 r i n��li�, �r
<br /> un�r�farceafal� �,� �� �r�y �th�r �i��Um�t�n��. If f��s�b��, th� �ff�r�[�i�� pr�v�sian �h�ll I�� ��ns������ m��i���� s�
<br /> �h�t �� ����rrti�� ��g�l, valid ��� �nf�r���b��. If t�r� �ffendin� �r�vf�ian �a�rr��t �� �� m��lifiedr i� �h�l! ��
<br /> ��nsid�r�d �l�l�t�d fratr� thi� d��d af Tr�$�. �nE��s �th�r�rvis� r�q�i��� t�y 1�v�, th� il1��alit�, ir�v�lidity� �r
<br /> �n�nf�r���E�iEity of any p���ri��an �f tf�is a���l �f�rU�t sh��l n�t �fi�F��� th� I���fity, valEd�ty �r en��r��aCai�it� �f ar�y
<br /> �th�r p r��i�i�n ��t��s ���� �f Tr�st.
<br /> S e�����s or� ar�� ,�►�s i�ns. S u�j��t to a ny I�m it�tE��s �t�t�r� i n this ���d �� �ru�t �n �r���f�r �� Trust�r"s �nt�t'�st,
<br /> thi� ���� �� T��st sha�i b� la�n�i�� up�r� �r�d i r�u r� t� th� b�n��i� �fi tl�� �arti��, tl��i r su������rs �r�d as�ig n�. I f
<br /> ��rv r�ers hi p �f th� Pr���r�y ����r��s v�s��� i r� � ��rs�r� �th��r tf��� Tru��t�r� L�nc��r, �nri�h��t n�ti�� t� �r�s��r+ m��r
<br /> ���I with�rus��r'�s�����s�rs ��t� r�f�r�r����a t�ri� 1���� �-�Tru�� �r��J th� (r�d�i�t��n�s� k�y v3ra�❑�fart��ar��n�� �r
<br /> �xt�r�si�r� �,rith�ut��lea��ng Tr��t�r tr�m th��f�li�ati��s ��F#h�� ae���f Tr�s��r�i��ility un�er th� I�d��t��r��ss.
<br /> �irr�� �� �f�h�E�s�n��. Tim� is a��he�s����� in th� p�r��rmar�����f tl�is ��e� a�Tru�t.
<br />