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��14�5191 <br /> ���� �F Ti I�'��� <br /> ���r� h��; �������-� ����1�i�1���� Pa�� � <br /> In����arity. L�nder i� �a�� f a i�h ��l��:r��� it��1f�n����re. <br /> �I�WT� AN� RE�IlI��i�� �[� ���Al�L7. If �rr Ev�n� �f �e��ult �ccurs und�r�h�s f���d �f Tru$tr �t an�ti�n� tk�����ft�r, <br /> Trus��e �r L�r�ci��r m�y���r��s� �riy��� a�rn�r� af tl��#�I I�vtir in� rig ht� �r�� r���cl i��: <br /> A���l�ra�i�n ���r� ��fau�t� �►��iti�r��l R�rr������. I�f �r��r Ev�r,t�� �������v c c ur� �s p�r th� ��rms �#th� fV�t� <br /> ����r�� h�r�k��, L�r�d�r rra��d������ aE� In����edr�es� s��ur��# b�r�hi� a���l �fi Tru�t t� b� du� ��d p��r�bl� �n� <br /> t�� s�rr�� s h����h�r��,��r� ����m�� ��� �n�i ���r�bl��nr ith�v�t�ny �r����tm�r�tr d em�r�d, pr�t��t�r r�ot�ce ❑#���r <br /> {�i�d. Th�r�aft�r, Le r���r�n�y: <br /> {a} E�th�r in ��r��n �� k�� �o�ent, v�i�h �r wit��ut hr�n��r�g �ny a�ti�r� �r �ar�����lingr �r k�y � r��eiv�r <br /> �����nt�d by a caurt �n� vvith�u� r��ar� t� th� ��������r ❑� ��� �e��arit�r, �nt�r u�ar� �r�� ta�� p�ss���iar� <br /> �#�h� ��a��rt�, �� ��y p��t th�r��f f ir� it� �v�n na m� �r �r�th� n�m� o�Yr�stee f a r�d �� �n�r a��s w I�i c F� it <br /> ���m� �����s�ry ar����r�b��to �r��e�ve#���ralu�r �n�r��tabilit�r �r r�nt��i�it�r o�t�� �r���rt�r, �r part�f <br /> th� Pr��ert� ar �r�t�r�st i� th� �r���rt�� ir��r���� th� in��r�� fr�� t�� �rap�r��r �r pr��e�# th� ���urit� af <br /> �F�� �r���rt�ri and, vwr��� �r v�rit���t taking p������i�n ��r th� �r����t�r, s�e f�� �r �th�rv��s� ��ll��t �he <br /> r�n��f is�u�� �r�d �r��it� �f t�e �r���rtyr i r��l�d�ng tl���� ��st ��e a r�d un��i d, �nd app I� th� s a m�t I��s <br /> ��sts a n� ��p�ns�� �f���r�ti�n and ��ll��ti�n �tt�rr���+�' �r���, �� �ny in��lated ne�s�e�u r�� ��thi� a�ed <br /> ��r 7ru�tr ��I i r� s���► vr�l�r �� L�r�d�r m�� ����rm ir��. �h� �n��ran� u�an ��� ��k�i n� p����ssio�► �f th� <br /> Pr��ertyr �I�� c�l���ti�n �� ���� r�ntsf ���u�� ��d �rofit�� a�n� th� ap�l#���4�r� �h�r��f �h�ll n�� ��r� ar <br /> �nraEv� �r�� t��f�ult �r n�ti�� af d�fa�lt �n�]�r th�is ����d �f T�ust�r inva��d�t� �ny a�t ��n� ir� r�sp�rrs� t� <br /> ���h ��f�ul�ar pu�su�r�t t� ���1� no��c� ��d�f�ult; �n�i, natv�r�thst�r��ir�� th� ��n�in�an�� ir� ��ss�s�i��r �� <br /> �h� f�r���rt�r �r th� ��Il��t���f r���ipt an� a��fi�atia� �f r�r�ts� i����� ofi pr�fit�, Tru�#�� �r L�nd�r �F�aI� <br /> �� �r�titl�� �� e��r�i�� �v�ry r��h� prQvid��# ��r irr �h� f�vt� �r th� F����ted ��c�r��r��s or t�y la��r+f u���th� <br /> ���urren���f ar��r�v�nt o�defi��lt, in�ludin��h� rigF�t����c�r�is��F�� ��u��r�f��I�; <br /> �b� ���rr��nc� �n �c�i�n#�f�r��las�#h[� ae�d �f�rust �s � m�r���g�r ����it�t a r���iu�r�r specifi���lly <br /> , �r�f�r�� a r��r��th� ���r�n a nt� her�af; a r�� <br /> ��� a�1 iv�r t�Tru�t�� a �rv ri�t�n �l��f�r�ti�r� af��f��it and d�m��d f�r��1� �nd � vwrri�t�r� rr�ti c� �f��fau�t <br /> an� �l��ti�n�� ���s� Tru���r's �nt�r���in th� �r�p�rt�r t� ������� v�rhi�h r��ti�� T���t�� sh�ll �au�� t� �� <br /> ����r fi�����r r���rd i n tk�� a ppr��ri�te �f#i��� ���th� �a�nty i r�v�r�i�F�th� Pr�pert�r �� I�,��t��r ��d <br /> �d� Vlli�h r�����#�o ail �r �n� �art�f th� Per�on�i Pr�p�rt�, �en�er�hall f���� �II th� ri���� and r�rn��i�� <br /> �f����ur��l ���'�t�+ �ar����the fVeb�as[c� l�r�ifar�n G�mm�rci�i ��d�. <br /> F�r���os ur�������r�f S���. I f L�nd�r����ts t� ��r�cl ase ��r ���r��s����h� �av�er�f��l� h�r�in ��r�tai n�d, . <br /> Ler���r s�all n�tify Tru�t�� �n� �ha�l ����sit vvit� Tr�st�� tfni� ���� �f Tru�t �n� th� N�t� �r�d su�h r���i�t� <br /> an� ��r���r��e of��c��r�d�t�ar�� r���� �r�� s�c ured b�+th i� D�ed❑��r�st�s Tru���� m��r r�q ui r�. <br /> �a� Up�� r����pt ��su�h n��i�� f�'�m L�r�d�r, Tru���e sh�lC �a�a�� t� �� �'��vr���l, ���li�h�� �n� d��i����d <br /> t� �'ru st�r ���h IV��i c� �� I��fi�4�It ��"1 C� C���l C� �f ��I e as th�n r��ui r��i �� i�vv �n� �y thi� ���� �f Tru�t. <br /> Tr�,�t�� �I��II, v'+�ith��t �l�mand ar� �i r�st�rr aft�r s�ch ti�� �s rr��y th�n �� requir�� ��r lav�r a�� a��er <br /> r�c�r�ati�n �� �u�I� �l�ti�� �f ��f��1t a r�� af��rt N�tE�� �f S�i� h��i ng b��n �i��n as r��ui r�� b�r la�rv i s�II <br /> ��e �r���rt�r �t the ti m� and �I��� �f s a I� �Fi��d �y it i r� �U�h �l�ti�� �f S al�r �itl��r �� � �r F��I�, �r "rn <br /> s���r�t� I�t� �r p�r��ls �r it�r�s �� �rust�� s��11 d��m �x��dient� �r�d ir� su��r �r��r�� it may t��t�rt�in�r <br /> �t �u�l�c au�ti�n �� tfn� h�gh��t �i�d����r ���h in {��rv#ul m�n�� ��tl�� �nited �t�te� �ayab�� �t�fn� �ime <br /> �� s a I�. '�r�,st�� s�af� ���i�r�r t� �uch ��a rc h�se r ar p u��ha�er� tl��r��f its ���� �n� �uf�ici�r�t d��� �r <br /> ���ds car����rin� tl�� pE���rt�r s� s�l+�r ��t �n.rithout �r��r ��v�n��t �r v��fr�nt�r, ��pr��� �r i�pli��. �h� <br /> r��it��s i r� s�,�k� ���d �fi �n� m at��r� ❑r #�c�� �h a II �� ��r��l��i�e �r�af �f th� tr�th���nes� th��r��f. A�y <br /> per��r�, in���a�in� �it�naUt lirr�i�����n Tr��t�r, Tru$te�r�r L�r���rr may ��ar�#�a�� at su��n ��I�. <br /> �k�} A� rn ay b� perrr�i���c� �� I�v�+�, �f��r �edu�ti r�� �I l ���t�r f��� a ncJ e�€��r�s�� �f T��st�� �n�J �� t�is <br /> �'rust, in�lu�in� c��ts ����ride��� �f titi� in ��nn��tian v�itl�s�l�,Trust��shal] ���l�r t�� ��a����s�f 5a�� <br /> t� �a�rr��nt Qf {i} alf��m� ��cp����c# �nd�r the#�rrn� �f tl�i� ���d �#Tru���r un�er th�t�rm�❑�tF�� f��t� <br /> n�� then r��ai�� �n�1u�i r�� f�ut nat lim it�� t� a��r��d inter��t �r�� I�t� �har��s, �ii} �I! �tf��r s u�ns �h�� <br /> ���u��� h�r��yr an� {iii} th�� r�m�in��rr i#�n�rr t��h� p�r��n �r��rs�n� I���ll��r�titl��f�h�r�t�. <br /> {�} T�r��tee rrt��r irt th� mann�r�r�vi���l b}�lav�r p�stp�n� s�l� �f�II�r an}� p�rtiQr���th� �r���rty. <br /> R�m��J��� I�a� E��lu�iv�. Tr��t�� and L.�n��rr �n�1 e��h ❑f tl��rnr sh��li b� �n�i�l�d t� �r�f�rc� ���rrn�nt ��d <br /> ��rf��'rr��nc� �f�n�r ind e bt�d r��ss �r�k�1 i��ti�ns se�U r�d k��r fihis ���c� vf Trust�r�d t� �x�r�i�� �f I ri gh�ts a�n� �aw�rs <br /> un��r this C���d of Tr�sx, �n��r t�� N�t�r ur�d�r �ny �f t1�e R�����(� ���Ui"�"1�.'r1�5r o� u�d�r ar��r �tk��r ��r��tn�nt or <br /> an�r I�v�r$ naw or f��r��tt�r in f����; r�atv�rith���r�din�r s�r�� �r a�l �f�uc� ir�d��������� �nd �blig�ti��s ���ur�� b� <br /> th�� D��� �f Tr��t m ay n��v �r h����ft�r b� �the rv�i�� ��c ur��t �h����r h� m�rt����r ����1 �f�r��t, pl����r ki�r�r <br /> �ssi�r�m�nt �r �thervtiris�, N��th�r th� acc�pt�n�� �� tl�i� C���� �f Trus� n�r it$ ���arce��r�tr v�r�r�th�r by ���rt <br /> ��t��r� �r p urs��r�� �� th� ����r �f sal� �r ��h�r ��w�r� ��nt�i n�� �n �l�is ���� �f Tru�t f �ha I� �r�j ud��e �r i r� a r�y <br /> m�nn�r ��f���k �rus�ee's �r I�����r's rigl�t ta r��li�� up�n or enf�r�� �r��r at�r�r ���uri�y now �r �er�a�t�r F��Id b� <br /> Trust�e�r L�n��r, i��ein� ���'��d th�t�ru�t�� �nd L�r�d�r, a r�d �a�h�f�h��f sh�I! �� �ntitl�d t��nf�r���l�i� ���d <br /> af Tr��t and ���r ath�r ����rit�r n�w �r I���r��ft�r h�l� f�y Le���r �r Trust�� �n ���� �r��r �n�i rr��r�r��� as th��r �r <br /> �itF��r �f th��m r�a�y i n th�ir �i���lut� dks c r�ti�n de��r�ni r��. N� r�m���r �or�f�rr�� u��r� or r�s�rv�� tQ �'rust�e �r <br /> ��n���� i� int�r���d t� b� �x�I�s i�� �#�r��r a#h�r r�m��l� ir�th�s ���� �f T�u�t �r �� I�v�r �r�vi d�d �r ���m it�e�, b�t <br /> ����n ��all b� ��mulativ� �r�d s�al� b� i� ���i�i�n �� ���r� �th�r r��rn��y �i��r� ir� �t�i� I���d �f Trus� �r n��r�r ar <br /> �e r��ft�r��isting �t 1�v��r an ���i�y�r by st�tut�. Ev�ry�����r v r r�rr�����iven b�t�� N�te or ��� �f�h�� R�l a�e� <br /> D��u��r�ts t� Tr��t�� ar Len�l��' ar ta �rvhi�h �i�h�r af th�m rr���r �� ��h�rv�rise �r�tit l�dr ma�r f�� ���r�is�dr <br /> c�n�u�r�n�fy �r in����r�d��tl�r, fr�m �ime ta tir�� and as oft�n �� m�y b� d��rr��� ��c���i�n� �y �rust�� �r L�n�err <br /> and �i���t' �f th��m ma�r p��s�� in��r�si�t�nt r�m��i�s. N�th�n� in �his a�ed af Tr��t s�all fa� ��nstrued �� <br /> pr�hi�i�ir�� ����i�r fr�m s��l�in� a �����i�nc�r j���rr��nt a��i�st the Yru�t��t� tl�� ��t�n���ch a��tt��r i� ��rmitt�� �y <br /> lav�r. Ele�ti�n k��r Lender t� �ursu� a�n� r�me�y sh��l r��t �x�lu�� �ur�u�t �f ar��r �th�r ��m��yr ��� a� el��ti�r� t� <br /> rr�ske exp�r��fiture� �r x� t�k� acti�n t� ��rform �r� �bfi�ati�r� �f Trus��r �n�er this a��� �# �"r��t, ����r TrUstar'� <br /> ��ilur�t� pe���rrn+ �I��I[ r�at ��f��t L�nd�r'� ri�l�t t� d������ a de#a�lt �r�� �x�rci�� i�� remedi��� <br /> �eqU���f�r N�ti��. �ru��or, �r� l�ei��lf�f Tr��t�r ��� L�r�d�r, h��r�b�r r���est�tl��t� ���y�f an�+ �l�ti�� o���#�ult <br /> ar�� a ����r �fi �n� �l�ti�� �f���� +�n��r�l�i� ��ed �#Tr��t be maile�t��h�rr� �t��� �d�r��s�� ���f�rth irr th� fir$t <br /> para�ra�h �f#hi�����i �#Trust. <br /> A��r��y�' F���� E�€p�r���s. !# ��n�l�r wn��itutes ���r suit �r ��t��� �v �r�f�r�� �ny �� t�� t�rms ofi tf�is a�ed �f <br /> �rus�, �.���er�h�ll �� entitl��l t� r���v�r�u�h �Um a� �h� �ourt rrr�y �djr�€��� r��sa��bl� �s att�rn���' f�e� �� tria� <br /> ��d u��n �n}� �p��a l. 1ll��e�i��� �r r��t ��y ��U rt a����r� i s ir�v�lv�c�r �r�d t� tf�� ��t�n� ��# ��r�hi�ited ��r ��v�rt al I <br /> r�as�n��l� e�€p�r���s t����r ir��urs tha� ir� L�n�e�`� ��iniar� ��� r�����sary �t �n� trrn� fi�r t�� �r�t��ti�n ❑� i�� <br /> i���r�s��r�h� �n#�r��m�r�� �# i�� r�gh�s �h�I� ���a m� a� p�rt�fi th� 1 nd��t�d��ss p�ya�l� �n €i�m a�d �r�� s�a I I b�a r <br /> i r�#�r�s� a fi t�� I��t� rat�fr�m the d��� �#t�e ����n�itur��ntil re��i d. E�p�n��� �over�� fo�this �ara�r��f� ir��lude, <br /> �rvvi#�a�t �imita�i�nr havv���r �t��j��t t� �ny lirnit� Und�r a�p�i��l�le lav�rf �.�r��#�r'� a��r�r��r5' ���s and L�r���r`s �e��l <br /> exp�ns�s, v�h�th�� �r n�t ther� i� a ��v����#r i��l��ling att�rr��ys' f��s an� exp�r���s f�r bar��r���cy pr�����iir��� <br /> �i r��l�c�in� e�Forts t�m��i�'�r �r va Gat��r�y �ut�rrti�ti� �t��r a r inj un�ti�n}r �����I�, a nc� �ny �r�ti�i��t��! ���#-j�r��m�nt <br /> ��!I��tw�� s�rvi��s r �t�� ��s# �f s��r�hi ng re��rds, ��tai r�i r�� t��l� rep�rts {ir��i ud�n� f�r��I��ure r���r���r �urv��+�rs' <br /> r��a�ts, �r�� ��pr�i�a� ���s, �itl� k1���..i��T1�'►�r and ����.f�r t�� Tr�s���r t� th� ��t�t�t �a�rr�it��d f�y a�pli��t�l� ]�v�r, <br /> ---�----�-------�-----._�_..�...�... .,.�.�.nr�..�,.,.�.,.,,�.,�.......w.�..iiuurrr.i+. r-. r•+����rv'r'.,.,.,,.,..,��,�uaaa.�-..�•Ts--•w���"'�""I"��.�'�'��v�°i'.�v�.nr.�'��.......w.��+w+��i..�—�-I,..,o�.,�...-r...............h�w�� <br />