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��14�515� <br /> App�icable La►�v. As used �n �h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�, the ��rm "Applicabl� Law�' shall n�.ean all can�r����ng <br /> applicab�e federa�, s�a�� and 1oca1 statutes, regulations, �rdinances and adm.inis�rati�e rules and �rr�ers ��hat have <br /> �he effect af iav�}as vve1�as a�l applicable fna�,n�n--app�alable�udi�lal opin�ons. <br /> Charges; Liens. Borrov��r sha11 pay a�l taxes, assessments, �harges, f�nes and impositi�ns attributab�e �o the <br /> Praperty which may a�tain priority a�er th�s Securi�y Instrume�.�, and l�asehold pa�m�nts or gr�und rents, if any. <br /> A�the request of Lender,Borr�wer shal�pr�mp�ly furnish�o Lender rece�p�s ev�dencing the paym�n�s. <br /> B�rrower sha��promp��y disGharge an�lien which has priori�y over this �e�urity�nstrument un�es�Borr�wer: �a] <br /> agrees in vWriting �o th� payment flf the �b�igation secured by the lien in a ma�ier acceptable �o Lender; �b} <br /> contests in gaod fa��h the �ien by, or defends aga�ns� enfarce�ment of the lien in, legal proceed�n�;s vvh�ch 1n the <br /> Lender's opinion opera�� ta pre�ent �he enfor�ement �f the l�en; �r �c} secures from �he holder of the l��n an <br /> agreemen�sa�isfactory�o Lender sub�rdinating�he Iien�� �his Security I�strument. Tf Len�er determznes�hat any <br /> part of the Proper�y is subject�o a 1�en v�hich may atta�n prior�ty o�er t�is Secur�ty �ns�rument, Lender may gi�e <br /> Borrov�er a notic� iden��fy�ng�he 1i�n. Borrov�er sha�� sa�isfy the Iien�r take one ar more of the actions set forth <br /> above w��hin 1�days of the g��ving of n���ce. <br /> Ha�ard or Property Insurance. Borrov�er sha11 keep�he impro�ements nav��x�s��ng or hereafter erected on the <br /> Pro�erty insured against Ioss by fire,hazards inc�uded with�n�he�erm"e��ended��verage" and any�o�her hazards, <br /> including floods or fl�oding, f�r which Lender r�qu�res �nsuran�e. This insurance sha�1 be ma�ntained �n the <br /> am�unts and for�he periods that Lender requires. Th�insurance carr�er providing�he insurance shall be chasen by <br /> Borrvv�er subject to Lender's approva� v�hich shall nat be unreasanabl� w�thheld. �f Bvrro�er f�.�ls t� ma�n�aln <br /> cnverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's op�i�n, obta�n coverage �o prat�c� Lender's rights in the <br /> Property in accordan�e�v�th se�ti�n titled Protectian of Lender's Rights�n th�Property. <br /> A�� insuranc� p�licies and renewals sha1� be acceptal�I� to Lender and shall in��ude a standard xnortgage �lause. <br /> Lender shall have the righ�t�h�id�he po�i�ies and ren�wals. �f Lender r�qu�r�s, B�rr�v�er sha�l p1-ampt�y give�� <br /> Lender all r�ceipts�f paid prenl�urns and rene�va�notices. �n the �ven�of�oss, Borr�wer shall give promp�n��ice <br /> to the insurance carrier and Lend�r.Lender may make proof of loss if no�made prompt�y by Borrovver. <br /> Un�ess Lerid�r and Borrower o�herwise agree in �►n�ri�ing, insurance pra�eeds sha�X be appl�ed t�� restora���n or <br /> repazr �f�he Pr�perty damaged, if, in Lend�r's s��� discretion, �he rest�ration ar repair �s ecanom�ca�ly feasible <br /> and Lender's se�ur�ty is not l�essened. If, in Lend�r's so�e dis�re�ior�, the res��ra�ion or repair �s ncf� economica�ly <br /> feas�ble or L�nder's se�ur�t�r wou�d be less�ned,�he�nsurance pr�ceeds sha�l be applied�fl the surr�s se�ured by th�s <br /> Se curity Tnstrument, whether �r n�� �her� due, w��h any excess paxd �a B�rrav�er. �f B orrower abandons �h� <br /> Proper�y, or doe�n�t ansv�rer v�ithin�he nuznber of days prescr�bed l�y Ap�l�cabXe L.av�r as se�for�h in a na�ice fr�m <br /> Lender t�Borrovsrer�hat the �nsurance carr�er has offer�d�o s�ttle a c�aim,then Lender may colle�t the insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds t� repair �r res�are��e Properfiy �r ta pay sums secured by this Security <br /> �nstrumen�,v�he�her or not then�u�.The per�od�f��me for Borr�vtrer to�nswer as se�for�h in the n��ice will begin <br /> when the notice is g�ven. <br /> Unless Lender and B�rravver atherwise agree �n wri��ng, any applicati�n�f proceeds�o princ�pa� �ha1�not ex�end <br /> �r p�stpone�he due da�e of�he paymen�s due under the Contract or change�he amaun�of th�paymen�s. �f under <br /> the section ti�Ied Ac�elerati�n; R�medies, the Proper�y is acquired b�Lender, B�rrv�v�r's righ�tfl any insurance <br /> po�icies and praceeds resulting fr�rn dan�age ta the Prope�y prior�� the acquisztion sha�l pass to Lender to the <br /> exten�of the sums secured by�his Security Instrurnent�mrned�a�e�y priar�o the acquisi��on. <br /> Preservat�on, Maintenance and Prat�c�iun of the Property; Barr�wer's Loan Applicatia�n; Leaseholds. <br /> B�rro�ver sha�l n�t des�r�y, damage �r impair�he Pr�perty, allow the Pr�perty�� de�eri�rate, or cornmit waste on <br /> th�Praper�y.B�rrower shal�be�n default if any forfeiture act��n or proce�ding,vvhether ci�il�r cr;imina�,is begun <br /> that in Lender's goad faith�udgmen� cau�d r�sult in forfeiture �f�he Pruperty ar otherw�se materia�ly in�pair�he <br /> lien created by this Security �ns�rument or Lender's secur�ty in�erest. �3orrower may cure such a default and <br /> re�ns�ate, as pro�ided in sec�ion titled Borrov�er's Right to l�einstate, by causing�he ac��on or praceeding�o�e <br /> dismissed vw�th a ruling tha�,in Lender's gaod fa���determina�ion,pre�ludes forfeiture of the Borrower's�nteres�in <br /> the Prvperty or �ther material impairmen� af the lien �reated by �h�s �ecurity �ns�:rumen� �r L�nder's se�uri� <br /> �nt�res�.Borr�v�er sha11 alsfl be in defau�t if Borr�wer,dur�ng�he lflan app�ica�i�n process,gave m���erial�y fa�se or <br /> �nac�ura�e infarma�ian or sta�emen�s �v Lender �ar failed �o pra��de L�nder w��h any ma�er�a� informa��an} in <br /> �flnne�t�an�vith�he loan e��denced by�he �ontrac�. ��'�his Security Znstrument is �n a leasehflld, Borrow�r sha�l <br /> camply w��h aIl the�r��isions�f the Xease. If Borr�vver acquires fee t�tie to�h�Property,�he�ease�iold and�he fee <br /> title shall n��merge un�ess Lender agrees t�the n��rger in v�rr��ing. � <br /> Protection �f Lender's Rights in the �r�perty. If Borrov�er fails �o perf�rn�. �e �ovenan�s �.nd agreements <br /> cantained�n thzs Secur�ty�nstrument, or there is a legal prace�d�ing tha��ay signifcant�y aff�c�L�Jnder's righ���n <br /> the Proper�y �such as a praceed�ng in bankruptcy, proba�e, far condem.nation �r farfe�ture �r�o {vnforce laws or <br /> regu�a��ons�, then Lender may do and p�.y for whatever is necessary ta pro�ec� �he value flf���e Property and <br /> Lender's r�ghts �n�he Prvperty.Lender's actions may inc�ude paying any�ums secured by a lien w�ich has prior��y <br /> over this Se�urity�nstrument, appearing�n court,paying reas�nable attarneys'fees and en�ering on�he ProperCy t� <br /> make repairs.Alth�ugh Lender may�ake a��i�n under this sec�ion,Lender does n�t ha�e to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under �his se�t�on sha�l ��come add�tinnal de�t of B�rrower seGured by ���s <br /> Secur�ty �nstrument. Unless Borrovv�r and Lerider agree t� at�er terms �f paymen�, �hese amounts shall bear <br /> in�eres� from �he date �f d�sbursemen� a� the same rate assessed �n ad�ances under the Contr�.ct and shal� be <br /> payable,with�nterest,upfln no��c�fr�m Lender�o B�rr�wer request�ng payment. <br /> C 2044-2fl13 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.9F96-1260-2413L2.Q.72I <br /> Conse��er Real Estate-Secu�ity Instrument DL203b Page 2 of 5 �nn�vv;r.compliancesystems.cvm <br />