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��14�5145 <br /> cont�nwe to pay to Lender the a�nount vf tbe separately designated pay�me,��s that were due when the <br /> insurance c�verage cea,.sed to be in�ffect. L�nd�er vv�ll acoept, use a�d re�tain these payn�nts as a <br /> non refundable lvss reser`�e in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss rese�ve sba1�be n�n�-refim.dab�e, <br /> notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is ultiumately paid in full, �zd Le�d�r shalx not be r�quired to Pay <br /> Bvrrow�r auy interest or ' on su�h l.vss res�rve. Le�d�rr can n�Ionger require loss rese�ve paym�nts <br /> if Mortgage Insuran�e coverage[in the a�ount�d for the periai that Le�d�r requires)pr�vided by aa <br /> insurer selected by Lender aga�becomes availab�e, is obtauaed, and L�ncler r�quires separately d�esignat�d <br /> payments tvward the p�r�miums for Mortgage Insurance. If Le�der re�quired Mortgage�nsurance as a <br /> condition of making the Loan and Bonawer was requ�red ta make sepaurately d�gpated payments toward the <br /> premium�s far Iusuranoe, Boirowe�shall pay the premiumns renuired to misint�n Mortgage <br /> Insurance in effect, or t�a provide a non-refund�bl.e Ioss reserve, unt�l L�d�r's requirement far Mortga►ge <br /> Tnsura�n�e�uds in a►ccordance w�ith any writte� t Sarrvwer�d I.�nder prov�ding f�r such <br /> termination or until t�rmi.nativn is required by Appli�abie Law. Nothing in this 5e�tion�4 affe�c�s <br /> Bvrrawer's obligation ta pay intear�st at the rate provid�d in tlie Nvte. <br /> Mortgage Insurance rei.mburses Lende��vr any en.tity that purchases the Note�for ce�rta,in losses it may incur <br /> if Borrowez d�es not repay the Loan as agreed. Barmw�r is not�parly to the Mortgage Insurance. <br /> Mar�gage insurers e�valuate their total risk on all such�nsur�aoe in f�rQe frvm ti�e to tim�e, and may e�t�r <br /> i.nto agr�.�s vvith othe�r parties that s�hare ar modify their risk, vr rec�uce�osses. These agree�ents arc an <br /> terms and conditians th�at are satisfarctory to the m�artgage in�urer and the other party(or parties)ta these <br /> agre�ents, These a ts may reqw�re the martgage insurer to make payments using any saurve vf funds <br /> that the m�rtgage insurer may ha�e available�vvhich may include fixnds abtained fram Mortgage Insu�nce <br /> . <br /> pre�ums . <br /> As a resu�t of these agreements, L.ender, �y purchaser of the Nate, anvth�r insur-e�r, any ' , any other <br /> ez�tity, or any affiliate�f�y of#be f�re�oin�,may receive�darectly or indire�cctly}amvunts t�at derive from <br /> (or might be c ' as}a portion of Barrower's payment�f�r Mortgage Ins�rancey ua.exch�ge fvr <br /> sh�-ing vr n�difying the m�rtgage insurer's risk, or redu�ing losses. If s�h agreement prvvides that an <br /> a�iliate af Le�.d�r takes a share of the i�surer's risk in exchange f�r a share of the premiwns paid to the <br /> i�surer,the arrang�n►t is oi�n te�med"capt�ve reinsura�ce."Fur�ier; <br /> ��� Any such agreements wili nvt affect the amounts that B�rrnwer haa agr�d to p�y for Mortgage <br /> Insuranse, or any other terms�f tbe I�an. 5uch ag�r�ee�nenta�ill not inerease the amount <br /> Borrvwer w�l owe far Msrtgage In�urant� and th�y will not ent�tle B�rrB�er to any refund. <br /> �b] Any�uch agreements�v�ll not affect the ri.ghts Barrower h�s-if any-w�ith resgect to the <br /> Mortgage Insuran�e under the Homeownera Prote�ian Act of 199$or any nther l�w. These r�gbt� <br /> may include the rtgbt to reoei�e certain disclo�ure�, to request�ad obtain cancella#�on of the <br /> Mortgage Iaauranc�, to b��e the Mvrtgage Insur�nce term�nated automat�cally, andlor to rec�ii�e <br /> a refund of any Mortga�e Insur�nce premiams that wer�unearned�t the i�me of auch <br /> eanoella#3on�r terminat�on. <br /> '!'I. As�ignme�t o�All�el�n�t�s Rr�o���s;, Ft�rf�iturre. All Misvella�eous Proceeds a�-�he�by assign�d ta <br /> and s�11�paid to L�d�rr. <br /> If the Prvperty is da�maged, su�h Misc�llaneous Proceed.s sha11 be applied ta restoration or repair vf the <br /> Property, if th�restoration vr r�pair is economi�ally feasible and L�nder's secur�ty is not less�ned. During <br /> su�ch r�pair and restorat�on periad,Lend�r shall have the right to hold such Misc�ell.�eaus Proceed�un#�l <br /> Lender has had an 'ty to ins�ct su�ch Property ta e�nsu�'e the work has�en comp�eted t+o L�nd�r's <br /> 23�33B94i Q VBAIE <br /> hIEBRASKA�e F�n�y-�annla Mse/Freddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT �(NEy�3�Z <br /> VMP[q� <br /> Wvlters I{luwar�al 5�vicea P�9 vf 17 <br />