<br /> satisfa�ion,provided�at su�inspec�ion s�a�.l�undertaken promptly. Lez�der may�aY for the repairs
<br /> and restoErat�o�in a si.ng�e disb t�r�n a se�ri.es of pr�gress payments as the wark is cor�p�e�ed..
<br /> Un�ess a�agreez�e�t is ma�d�e in writing or Applicable La�v requ�res�nte�t ta be paid an such
<br /> Miscellan.eaus Proceeds, Le�der sball not be requir�d to pay Borrower�y interest ar�ings on such
<br /> Miscellaa�eous Frac�eeds. If the res�oration or rep�air is not economically feasible or Le�der's security would
<br /> be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proce�ds shall be applied t�the sums secured by thi.s Security Inst�-ument,
<br /> wh�r or not then due, w�th the exQess, if any,paid t�v Borrower. �b Miscellaneaus Proce�ds s�ha�1 Ue
<br /> applied in the vrder provided far in 5ection�.
<br /> In the�vent o�a total taking, 'vn, or los�in va�u�e af the Proper�y, the Miscel�aneaus Prvice�ds s�all
<br /> be a�lied to the suumsms secur�d by tbis Security e�t, vvbe�her or nat then due, vv�th the exces�, if�y,
<br /> paid to Bairovver.
<br /> In the eve�t�f a partia�l taking, 'on, vr loss in va�uue of the Property in whiGh th�fair m�arket va�ue of
<br /> the Property imzr�ediately before the partia�tak�ing, 'an, o�loss in value i s equal ta vr greater than the
<br /> amaunt af the sums secured by t�is 5ecurity Instruna�e�nt imaaa�diately before the partial tal�ing, 'on, �r
<br /> lass in value, unless Borrower and L�;ader otherv�ise agree in writin�,th�sums sec�ed b�this Security
<br /> Ins�t s�.�be redwoed by the a�unt of the Miscellaneaus Proceed,�multiplied by the following
<br /> fi�a�caon: (a}the tvta�amaur�t of tbe su�ms secured i�rmn.�di ately before tbe pa�rtial takin�, destructian, or los�s
<br /> in�alue div�ded by�b}the fair market value af the Pr�p�rty inmanediately befare the part�al taking�
<br /> des#ruction, ar loss in�alue. Any balanoe s�,all.be pai�l to Sviravver.
<br /> Tn the�v�ut of�partial ta�ing, 'an, or lo�s in value af the in wbich�he faaar m�arket value af
<br /> the imm+ediately before the p�al taking, 'on,or�oss in�a1ue�s less than the am�unt�f the
<br /> su�ns secured�ately before the p�tia�taking, destru��tion, or lnss in.valu{e, ur�less Bvrruv�er and
<br /> Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Misc�llaneaus Pr��sha�.l be�pplied to the surns sec;u�red by this
<br /> 5ecurity t vvhe�ther or not thh�sums are then du�.
<br /> If the Praperty is abandaned by�orrovver, or if, af�er notice by L�d�er ta Borrovt�+er that the�p�sing P��rty
<br /> �as d�n�d in the next sentence)offers tv make�n aw�rrd ta selt�e a claim for dam�ges, Boirowe�r f�ails t8
<br /> respond ta Lea�er wi.thin 3�days after the date the notice�s given, Lender is authori�ed to coll�ct and a�ply
<br /> the Miscellaneous Prviceed.s either to restora�ion or rep�r�f the Property ar ta the sums secured by tbis
<br /> 5�curity Instrumezit, whe°ther or not then due. "�ppos�ng Party"�s t�►e t�urd p�rty tha�t owes Borrower
<br /> Misvellanevus Prv�aeeds or the party against whom B�rowez has�right vf a�ct�on in regard to Misoell.aneous
<br /> Prvveeds.
<br /> Borrower sha11 be�n defau�t if any arction or proc�eeding, whefiher�ivil or ar�minal, is begun that,, in Lender's
<br /> j t, could resu�lt in forfeiture of the Fr�perty or other materia�impairment af L�nd�r's interest in the
<br /> Prvperrty or ri�hts under this Security Ins�trun�e�t. Borrower can cure su+ch a defa.u�t and, if a�leration has
<br /> rein�tate as provxd�ed�n Se�ion 19,hy causing the action or proveeding tt�be dismissed with a
<br /> ruling that, in Lend�er''s jud.gme�t,Frec�u�des forf�iture of th�P'rope�y or o#her materia�im ' t of
<br /> I�nd�er's interest in th�Prvperty ar rights und.er this Secu�r�ty Ins�rument. The proveeds of any award vr
<br /> claim for d�g�s t�aat are attributab�e to�.e' ' �at af L�ndez's inte�ea��.n.the Property are he�reby
<br /> assigned and sha11 be paid ta Lender.
<br /> All Miscellanevus Froc:e�ds�iat are not applied to restoration or r�ir af the Prop�rty s�al.1 be gpglied in t�ie
<br /> ord►er prvvided for in 5ection�.
<br /> 23�Q338941 D VBN�
<br /> NE9RA5KAvinple Fem�y-Fannie MaelFreddia Mac UNIFBRM INSTRUMENT Form 3�2g 1101
<br /> VMP� VMPB�N�f�13DZ�
<br /> Wviters K�w�r�ir�andai 5enrica� Pa�a 1 Q af 17
<br />