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��14�513� <br /> A�� insurance polic�es requir�d by Lender and ren�wals�f such po��cies shall be subjec��a Lend�r's r��ht to <br /> d�sapprove such pa�i�z�s, sha�i �nclude a standard m�rtgage claus�, and shall name Lender as mor�gagee <br /> andl�r a� an additional �oss pa�ee. Lend�r sha�l ha�e the r�gh�t�ho�d the pa�icies and renewa� �er�if�cates. �f <br /> Lender requires, B�rrawer sha�l prompt�y g�ve�a Lender a�� receipts af pa�d premiums and renewa�natices. <br /> If Borrower obta�ns any farm�f�nsurance c�verage, no�otherw��e requir�d by Lender, for damage�o, or <br /> des�ruction of, the Proper�y, such po��cy sha�� includ�a standard mor�gage�lause and shal�name Lender as <br /> mnr�ga�ee andl�r as an addi��onal loss paye�. <br /> �n the e��nt af l�ss, Borrower sha�X g�ve pramp�notice��the�nsurance carrier and L�nder. Lender may <br /> make pra�f of loss if n��made prompt��b� Borraw�r. IJn�ess I�nder and B�rrower otherw�se agree in <br /> wr�t�ng, any �nsurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insuranc�was required b� Lender, sha�� be <br /> applied�o res�ora��on or repair of�he Prop�r�y, if the res�arat�on or repair is ec�nam��a��y feas�b��and <br /> Lender's security �s not�essened. During such repair and r�st�ra��on period, Lender shal�ha�re the right ta <br /> h�ld such �nsurance pra�eeds until Lender has had an oppartunit�to �n�pe�t such Proper�y ta ensure the <br /> w�rk has been comp�eted t� Lender's satisfaction, prav�ded�hat �uch insp�c�i�n shal��e under�ak�n <br /> pramptly. Lender rnay disburse proc��ds for the repairs and restora��on�n a singl�pa�rm�nt ar�n a ser�es of <br /> pragr�ss payments as the work is eompleted, Un�ess an agr�em�nt is made in v�r�t�ng or Appl�ca��e Law <br /> requires interest to be paid on such �nsurar�c�praceeds, Lender sha�1 not be required�o pay Borrawer any <br /> �n�erest or earnings an such proceeds. Fees for publ�c ad�us�ers, or other third par�ies, retained by Barrt�vver <br /> shall no�b�pa�d out�f the insurance praceed�and shal� �e the so�e o�ligat�on of Bnrrawer. If the restora�ion <br /> or r�pair is not ecanam��al�y feasi��e or Lender's securi�y wou�d be les�ened, th�insurance proceeds shall be <br /> applied�o�h�sums secured by this Se�ur�ty �nstrum�nt, �vheth�r�r na��h�n due, �vith the excess, �f any, <br /> pa�d ta Barr�wer. Such insuran.c�praceeds sha�x be app�ied in the arder pro��ded far�n Se��ifln�. <br /> If Borrov�er aband�ns�he Prop�rty, L.�nder may file, negatiate and s�ttie any a�a��able insuran�e clairn and <br /> re�ated rna�ters. If Borrawer dnes nat respond wi�hin 3�days�a a not�ce from Lender�ha��he�nsurance <br /> �arrier has offered�o settle a c�a�m, th�n L�nd�r may negotia�e and �e��ie the c�aixn. Th�3�-day period w��� <br /> begin when�h�nv�ice is gi�en. �n e�th�r even�, or i�Lender acqu�res the Proper�y under Secti�n Z2 or <br /> oth�rwise, B�rrower hereby assigns t� Lender�a} B�rr�w�r's r�ghts to any insurance pr�ceeds in an amount <br /> not to�xceed�he amoun�s unpa�d under the N�a�e ar th�� Se�ur�ty �nstrument, and �b} any other of <br /> Borrawer's righ�s �ather than th�righ�to an� refund of unearned prem�urns pa�d by B�rr�wer}under alI <br /> �nsurance po�icies cov�rxng the Proper�y, ins�far as such righ�s ar�app�icable to�he co�erage of�he <br /> Praper�y. Lender may use the insurance proceeds ei�her to repair or res�ore th�Proper�y or tfl pay amoun�s <br /> unpaid under the No�e or this 5�curity Instrumen�, whether or na�then due. <br /> �. Dccupancy. Borrower shall occupy, es�ablish, and use th�Praperty as Borrow�r's principa� residence <br /> wzth�n 6�days after the execu�ion of this Secur�ty �nstrumen�and sha�I cont�nue�o oc�up�r�he Praper�y as <br /> B�rrow�r's pr�nc�pal residence fQr a��east one year after the dat�of accupancy, unX�ss L�nder�therwise <br /> agrees �n writing, tivh�ch consen�sha��not b�unrea�ona��y withhe�d, or unless e�tenuat�ng circumstances <br /> exist wh��h are be�ond Barrower's can�ro�. <br /> 7. Qreser�at�on, N�aintenanc� and Pratection af the Property: Inspectians. Borrawer shai�not destr�y, <br /> damag�or impair the Property, al�av`r th�Prop�r�� �a d���rzorate or commit waste on the Pr�perty. �hether <br /> or nflt Borrnwer is resid�ng in the Proper�y, Borrov�er shail main�a�n the Prop�r�y in arder to prev�nt the <br /> Proper�y fram�de�eriarating or decreasing in�a�ue due to �ts�anditian. Unless �t is determined pursuan�to <br /> Section 5 that repa�r or restora�ion�s no�ec�namically feasible, Barr�wer shall promp�i�repa�r the Prop�r�y <br /> �f damaged to avoid tu.r�her deterioratian or damag�. If in�urance or condemna�ian proceeds are pa�d�n <br /> c�nnect�on w�th damage ta, ar�he�ak�ng o�, �he Prap�r��, B�rrower sha�� b�r�sp��sibie�rar r�pa�ring or <br /> restoring the Pr�per�y on�y if Lender ha� r�Ieased pr�c�eds for such purposes. Lender may dis�urse proceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingfe��mily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac EJNl�ORM 1NSTRUM�NT Form 3428 11D7 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NE]413d2j <br /> Wai�ers Klt�wer Fir�an���!Ser�i�es Page 7 vf'i 7 <br />