<br /> ��14a4�S4
<br /> Any appii�ati�n of payments, insurance proceed�, ar I1�iseeilane�us Proceeds to�r�nc�pa�due under the Not�
<br /> s��ali not extend or post�on�t��e due date, or change�he amount, of�h�Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for�s�ro����t�ms. Borra��er sha���a�to�.,ende�r fln the day Feriodic Pa�m�nts are due under the
<br /> N�te, un�i� �he Not�is paid�n full, a sum�the "Funds"}to prov�de�o�pa}�ment af amounis du�fo�: ta}tax�s
<br /> and ass�ssments and o�her items which�an a�tain priori�y o�er this 5ecurity �n�trument as a��en or
<br /> encurnbrane��n�he Proper�y; �b� Ieaseho�d payments or ground rents an�he Proper�y, if any y �c}premiums
<br /> far an�and all insurance requ�red by�..ender under Section 5; and�d}Mort�ag��nsuranc�pr�miu�s, if any,
<br /> or any sums pa�abie b�Borr�v�er ta�.aender in lieu of the payment af Mor�gage�nsurance prem�ums in
<br /> acc�r�anc�wi�h ��e pra��s�ans of Sect�on ��. These items are called "Escraw ��err�s." At origina�ion�r a�
<br /> any time during�he�erm of th�Laan, Lender may r�qu�re that Commun�ty Assoc�ation Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessmen�s, �f any, be escrowed by�3orrower, and such dues, f�es and assessments shai�be an�scra��
<br /> ��em. Borrovc��r shali p�omp�ly furnish to Lender a�I notic�s of amoun�s to bc paid under this Section.
<br /> Borrower sha�l pa� I.e�.der t�e Fun�s for Escrov� ��ems un�ess L.ender wai�es Borra��er`s obligati�n to pay
<br /> the Funds far any or a�l Escraw I�em�. Lendex rnay vvaive Borrower's oh�igation�o pa�ta Lender Funds far
<br /> any o�a�l Escrow��ems at any�ime. A��y such�ra�v�r m.ay o��ly be�n��rriting. �n�he ev�nt af such waiver,
<br /> Borrawer sha�l pay dir�c�ly, urhen and where payable, the amoun�s due far any Escrow�tems for which
<br /> pa�me�at of Funds��as been waived by L.ender and, if L.ender requires, sha11 furnish to Lender receipts
<br /> evidencing such paymen�within such time period as L.,end�r may requir�. Boz�rower`s obligation to make
<br /> suc�a payments and�o prov�de receipts�haii for aII purposes�e de�med to be a covenant and a�re�men�
<br /> conta�ned�n this Securi�y�nstrum�n�, as the phrase 'f co�enant and ag�r�ement" i�used in Sectian 9. �f
<br /> Borro�er is Qbligated to pay Esc�avv Iterns d�re�t��, pursuant to a��vaiuer, and Barrovv�r fa��s to pay the
<br /> amount due for an Escraw Y���n, Lender may��ercise��s rights under Se�t�on 9 and pay su�h amount and
<br /> Bar�r�wer�hall then be ob�igated under Sec�ion 9 to repay t�L�nd�r any such amount. L�ender may revoke
<br /> the��vaiver as ta any tir all Escrow��ems at an�time b� a natic�given in accordance with Se�ti�n �5 and,
<br /> up�zx such re�oCa�ion, Borrower sha�I pay�a I..�nder atl Funds, and in such amounts, �ha�ar�then r�quired
<br /> under this 5ec�ian 3.
<br /> Lend�r may, at any time, ca�Ie�t and h��d Funds�n an am�unt(a}suffic�ent to permit L�nder to apply the
<br /> �unds at�h�time specif�ed under RESPA, and �b}n�t to exceed the max�mum amouni a�ender can requ�re
<br /> under RESPA. Lender s�ali estzmate the amaunt af Funds due on the bas�s of curren�data and reasonab�e
<br /> es�imates of exp�nditures of future�scraw ��ems or other��ise in accordanc:e w��h AppliCab�e Law.
<br /> The Fund�sha�l be held in an ins�itutian whose depas�ts are i��sur�d by a federai ag�ncy, ins�rumentality, or
<br /> entity [inc�uding Lender, ��'�.�ender�s an insti�ut�an wh�se depos�ts are so insured}vr in any Federa� �ame
<br /> L�aan Bank. Lender sha1� a�ply the Funds to pay the Escrow Iten�s na�ater than�he time specif�ed under
<br /> R.ESPA. �ender shal� not char�e Borrower for h��d��g and applying t�e Funds, annual�� anaiyzing the
<br /> escra��v account, or�rerifying�he Es��ow Items, un�ess L,ender pa�s Borrawer interes�on the Funds and
<br /> App�ic�ble La�r permits L�nd�r��make such a charge. Unl�ss an agreernent is made in writ�ng or
<br /> App�icable La��r requ�res �nterest�o be paid an the Funds, Lender shali not be required ta pay Borrow�r any
<br /> interest ar earnings an�he Funds. Borrawer and Lend�r can a�r�e�n writing, h�vw�v�r, tt�a�i�aterest shal�be
<br /> paid an the Funds. Lender shal�gi�e�o Barr���ver, vvithaut char�e, an annua� accoun�ing af the�unds as
<br /> required b��E�PA.
<br /> �f there is a surplus of Funds held�n es�rav�r, as d�f�n�d under�.ESPA, Lender shal� acC�unt ta Borravcrer for
<br /> �he excess f�unds in aG�ordance u�i�h RESPA, �f�here is a shar�a�e af Fund�held in escra�, as def�n�d under
<br /> �.ESPA, L��der shal� no�if}�Borrovver as require�b� �ES�'A, and Borro���r shall pa�to Lend�r th�arnaunt
<br /> nec�ssary to make up the shor�age�n accordan������h RESFA, but in no more than I2 mon�h��r paymen�s. �f
<br /> �here is a def���ency af Fund�held xn es�row,�as defined under��SpA, L�:nder shail n�ot�fy Borro�►rer as
<br /> N�SRASK�-Single Far�iiy-�anr�ie MaelFr�tid's�Mac UNf�OAM lNSTRUMENT �orrsi 3��8#101
<br /> VMP[s� VMP6iNE1 t1 3�2�
<br /> W�alters Kluwer�inancia!Services
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