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��14�5�1� <br /> ��14�4��4 <br /> in the Property and rights under this 5ecurity Instrumen�; and�d}�a��s such action as Lend�r may <br /> reas�nably r�qu�re ta assure that Lend�r's in�eres� in�h�Propert�and r��hts under this Security�nstrurnent, <br /> and Borrower's ab��gation to pay�he sum�s�cured by t�is Security Instrumen�, sha�l continue unchanged, <br /> Lender ma� requ��r�that Borra��rer pay such reinsta�ement sums and expens�s in ane ar mare af the follawin� <br /> forms, as selec�ed b� Lender: �a}cash; �b}money order; �c}�ert��ed check, bank check, ��easurer'S ch�ck or <br /> ca�hier's che�k, pravided any su�h check is d�awn upon an inst�tutian vvhose depo�its are insu�ed by a <br /> federa� a�en�y, instrurnentality or entity; �r�d� E�ec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement b�Borro��er, <br /> this Securi�y�nstrun�ent and ob�iga�ions s��ured hereby s�a�l remain fully�ffecti�re as if no acce�era���n had <br /> occurred. Ho���rer, this ri�h�to reinstate shall not apply in�he caSe af acc�lerati�n un�er Sectian 1$. <br /> ��. Sa�e �f �ot�� �har�ge of L�an Serv�cer; Nat�ce of Gr�evance. The Note or a partia� interest�n th� <br /> �'o�e�together w�th th�s�ecurit�Instrum�n���an b�sold one or more t�mes�ithou�prior natice to <br /> Borrower. A sa��m�ght result in a chang�in the en�ity�known as�he "�a�7 S'e��icer-°} tha�co���c�s Periodic <br /> Payments due under the Note and this�ecurit��nstrument and p�rfarms o�her mortg�ge loan servicing <br /> ob�igatzons under the Note, this Securi�y�nstrum�nt, and A��li�able La��r. There a�so migh�be one or more <br /> chang�s af the Laan Ser�ic�r unrelat�d to a sale of�he�ate. �f�here is a�han�e of the Loan Ser�ic�r, <br /> Bnrrower wi�I be�fv�n written no��ce of�he chan�e�vhich wi��sta�e�he nam�and address of�h�new Loan <br /> Servicer, the addr�ss t��rhich pa�ments shou�d�e�aad�and any o�her informat�on RE�PA r�qu�res�n <br /> conne��ion with a nati�e of transfer�f servicin�. If�he I�ote is svld and thereafter�he�oan i�serviced by a <br /> L.oar�S�rvicer��her than the�urchaser of th�IVrot�, th�mor�gage�oan servicin���ligations ta Barra�uer wzli <br /> remain�u�th the I.oan Servi�er or be�ransferred ta a suc�ess�z�L�an Ser`ricer and ar�nat a�Sumed by�h� <br /> NQte pur���aser unless othervvise pr�vided by the Note pua�chaser. <br /> I�lr�ither�orrower nar Lendez�may comm�nce,jain, or be�ained to an��udicial action�as eithe�an <br /> individual i��igant ar the memb�r of a c�ass} that arises fram fhe o�her par�y'�actions pursuan�to this <br /> Secur€ty Ins�rument or that alle�es that�he o�her par�y has br�a�hed any prov�s��n of, or an�duty���ed b� <br /> rea�on of, this Securi�y Ynstrumen�, unt�� such Borrovw�r or�...�nder has notif�ed the oth�r part��w�th such <br /> na��ce given�n c�mp�iance w�th the requ�rem�n�s of Sec�ion l S}of such a���ged b�reac�and aff�rded the <br /> other party here�o a reasanable per�od af��r th�gi�ing of such notice ta�ak�cnrrectiWe a�tion. �f App�icab�e <br /> Law prov�des a time period�hich mus�elap�e befare cer�ain ac��an can be taken, �hat time pe�io�w��l be <br /> deemed�o be reasonable far purpos�s af th�s para�raph. The no�ic�of accel�ration and�ppar�uni�y���ur� <br /> �iwen ta Barrvwer pursuant to S�c�ion��and t��e no��ce�f acce�era�ion given to Borrower pursuant to <br /> Section �8 shali be deemed ta sat�sfy th�not�ce and��portuni�y fo take correcti�e ac��on provisions of this <br /> Section�D. <br /> �'1. Hazardou� Su[�s�ances. �.s used�n th�s Sect�on�I: �a} "�'azardous Su�stat�c��"are�hose�ubs�ances <br /> def�n�d as t�xic�r haza�dous substanc�s, pollu�ants, or�vast�s b� Envirazunental La��r and the fo�inv�in� <br /> substa��es, gas��inc, k�rasene, ather f�ammahie or�axi�petroleum products, �oxic pe�ticides and herbicides, <br /> v�]a�ile solven�s, ma�er�als containing asbes�as or�ormaldeh�de, an.d radioacfi�e maier�ais; �b} <br /> ".Lrzvi�-o�rtrte���al L�w"means federal�aws and laws of th��urisdic�ion where t��e Pro�ert�is�o�a�ed tlaat <br /> r�late to heaith, safe�y or enviranmental protection; �c) "L��rvif•ot�rtrerrtat Cleaf�u�"�ncludes any respons� <br /> ac�ion, remedia� actian, ar rema�al aetion, as d�f�n�d �n Envir�nmental La��; and�d}an "��xv�r•�r�rr�e�r�al <br /> �'�t�ditrorz"m�ans a cond�t�on�ha�can cause, c�ntribute�a, or o�herwise tri��er an�nvironmental C�eanup. <br /> Borrower shall not Gause or permz�th�presence, use, disposal, storage, �r rel�ase af any Hazardnus <br /> Subs�an�es, or threaten to rel�as�an�Hazardous Substances, on or in the Propert�. Borr��rer shall not da, <br /> nor a�lour anyone else�o d�, an��hing affecting the�'roperty�a}that is in violation of any Env�z�onme�ta� <br /> Lav�, �b}which Grea�es an�nv�ronmental Condi�ian, or�c� which, du��a the presen�e, usey or rel�as�of a <br /> Ha2ard�us Substance, �reates a c�ndi�ion that adve�sely affects t��e va�ue of tl�e�'roper��. Tl�e preceding�wo <br /> NEBRASKA-Singte Famity•Fannie MaefFreddie Mac UNl�OHM If�iSTHUMENT �orrr�3��$11�1 <br /> VMP[� VMP6ttVEf t 130Zj <br /> Wvtters Ktuwer Financiat Ser�i�es Page 13 vf i 7 <br />