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��14�5�1� <br /> �D14U4�S4 <br /> desi�nated a subs�itute natic:e add�ess by not�c�to �.ender. Borro�rer shali pr�mptly n��ify L�nder�f <br /> Borrower's chang�of address. If Lende�r spec�f�es a procedu�e for r�por�ing Barrawer's change of addr�ss, <br /> then Barr�wer sha�l anly rep�r�a change af ac��r�ss thraugh th�t spec��ed proGedur�. <br /> There may be only one designated not���address under this Security �nstrument at any one time, Any notice <br /> ta Lender sha���e g�ven by�el�v�rin�it ar by maz�ing�t by f�rst clas�ma�i �o L�nder's addre�s s�ated herein <br /> unless Lender�aas des�gnated an�ther address b�n�ti�e to Borrower. Any notzG��n conn�ction�vith this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument shall no�be deemed to hav�been g�ven to��nder un�il actually r��eived by Lender. �f <br /> an�r no�iee required b�th�s S��urity Instrum�nt is also rcquir�d under App�icable Law, the Appl�cable La�r <br /> requ�rement�vill satisfy the c�rresponding requirement under this Se�ur�ty �nstrument. <br /> ��. �avern�ng Law; �er►�rabi�ity,• F��rles nf Ct�ns#ruc�ion. "�his Se�u�rit��nstrument shall b�gor�erned�� <br /> fed�ra� law and t�e�avv flf t�e jur�sdi�t��n in which the Pr�perty is lo�ated. A�1 �ights and o�I�ga�ians <br /> cnnta�ned in this S�curity�nstrument are sub��c�to an�requ�r�ments and Iimitations�f Appl��ab�e Law. <br /> Appiicab�e Law mi�h��xp�ic�t�y o�imp�i��tly a�i�w the parties��agree b�contract or�t m��ht b�siient, but <br /> such sil�nce shail no�be�vnstrued as a proh�bit�on against agreement b�c�nt�act. �n�he e�ent that any <br /> p�rov�s��n ar c�aus�of this S��uri�y Instrument or the Note confli��s�v�th Applicab�e Laur, such conflict shal� <br /> not affect o�her pro�is�ons of this Security �nstrc�me�t or�e N�te which�an be gi�en eff�ct w�thout�he <br /> canflictin�pr��ision, <br /> As used�n�his Securi�y Ins�rument: �a}words af�he rnas�u�ine g�nder sha�l mean and i��ciu�e�orrespond�ng <br /> n�uter words or w�rds of�he f�rninine�ender; �b�words in the singul�r shal�mean and include the plura� <br /> and v����rersa; and�c�the word "may" g�ves so�e d�scretion withau�any obligatian to�ak�any ac�ion. <br /> �7. Bvrrower's Co�y. �orrov��r sha�l b�gi�ren one cap�af�he Note and�f this 5ecu�it�Ins�rurnent. <br /> 18. Transfer �f the Prnperty ar a Bene�iciai lnterest �n Barr�wer. As used in�h�s�ection 18, "�nteres�in <br /> ihe Proper�y" means any legal or b�nef�c�al intexest in�he�roperty, �ncluding, bu�not��m.�ted ta, th�se <br /> b�nef��ial in�ez�ests transf�r�red in a bond for deed, �ontrac� far d�ed, �nsta�iment sales contract ar escra«r <br /> agr��men�, #h��n�ent of wh�ch�s the transfer Qf ti�le by Borro�ver a�a future dat�ta a purchaser. <br /> �f a�� or�ny par�of�he Proper�y ar any�nt�res�in the Pra��r�y is sold or�ransfer�ed�or if Barrawer is no�a <br /> natural persan and a ben�f�ciai inter�s�in Barrower is so�d ar�ran�ferr�d�urithau�Lender's pr��r w�itten <br /> cons�nt, Lender ma�r�qu�re�mmedia�e payment�n ful��f a�l sums secured by this�ecuri���nstrument. <br /> ����e�er, this�ption shal�n�t be exe�rcised�y L�nder if such exerc�se is prohibited b�Appl�cab�e Lav�. <br /> �f Lender ex�rcis�s this optzon, Lend�r shal�g��re�nrz�o��r�r notice of ac�e�eration. The notice shali pr�vide a <br /> per�od flf not less than 3Q c�ays frnm the date�he noti��is gi�en in accordance w�th�ecti�n I5 ��i�hin��hich <br /> Barrowe�z�nust pay aI�su�ns se�ured by this 5ecurity �nstru�nent. If Barro���r fai�s�o pay t���se sums pri�r to <br /> the expira�ion of th�s pe�iad, Lender may in�ok�any remed�es p�rmitt�d by th�s Security Instrum�nt w�th�ut <br /> fur�he�no�ice or demand tin Borrower. <br /> '�9. B�rro�rer's ��ght tv �i��nstate After A�celeratian. �f Borrflurer meets c�r�ain c�nditions, Btirrov�er <br /> shall ha�re the righ�to nave�nforcemen�of this Security Insrrument discon�inued at any time prior t�the <br /> earliest of: �a} f��e da��before sale of the Property pursuant�o any ppwer flf sal��an�ained�n this�ecuri�y <br /> �nstrumen�; �b}such athex peri�d as App�icable La��m�gh�s�ecif�for the�ernunat�on of Borraw�r's r�ght tn <br /> reins�ate; �r�c}en�ry of a�udgmen�enforcing th�s Security�n�trument. Those�ondi��ons a�e that Barrower: <br /> �a}pays L.ender all sums�vhich then wouid be due under�his Security Instrument and�h� Note as if no <br /> acce�eration had accurred; �b}�ures any defau��of an�other cavenants or agre�m�nts; �c}pays a�t exp�nses <br /> incurred in enforcing this S�curit�Ins�rumen�, �nc�ud�ng, but not��mited ta, reasonable at�a�neys' fees, <br /> praperty �nspec�ian and valuation f�es, and oth�r f�es incurred far�he purpos��f prt��ecting Lend�r's �n�eres� <br /> NEBRASKA-Singl�Family-�annie MaelFrecidie Ma�UNlFORM[NS�RUM�NT Farm 3ti28'ilD1 <br /> VMP� VM�S{NEy{�342� <br /> Wa�ters Ktvwer�ina�ciat Sec�ices Page i 2 0#7 7 <br />