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��14�4999 <br /> Ar�y applic��ion af payxnen�s, instxra�ce�raceeds, or Miscellaneou�P�rocee�s�a pri�cx�al d�.�e u�.�.er��ze No�e <br /> sf�a11���extend or postpane���e due da�:e, or c�ia��ge�he afnottrz.�, af the Periadic 1'ay�ra.en�s. <br /> 3. Funds for Escraw Ite�»s. B�r�ower s1�a11 pay��Lendex on tlze day Peri�dic PayXner��s are due L�nc�er�he <br /> Nate, �n�i1�he Note�s paid ix�fu��, a su�n�tlze "'Tunds"�ta�f�ovid�fot pay�nen�of�m�un�:s due�o�: �a}��xes <br /> a�d�ssessa.x�en�s at�d o�her��e�ns�whi�h c��a�tax�z p�iori�y over this Secu�i�y Instru�netzt as a lien or <br /> ex��umbrance an�he Proper�y, �b� �e�sehol�.p�.y�nents or graur�d rer��s on�he Pro�erty, if a�iy; �c��re�niutr�� <br /> fo� �ny and.�.1� x�zsu�ran�e�ec�uire�.by Le�z�.er u�.d�r Sectian 5; and�d�1VIa�r�gage Insurance pre�niu�ns, if a�y, <br /> �r any st�lns payav��by I3orrower�o Lenc�er ir���eu af�:he�ay�nen�of Mor�gage Ynsu�`ance prem�ums ir� <br /> �.ccarc�an��wi�:h�11e pro�risions of Section 1�. 'I'f��se ite�ns a�e ca��ed"Escrow Itefns." A�arigi�a�ior�ar at <br /> a��t�z�e du�r���g��e tie�zr�of the, Lencle�i�nay requi�e�1�a�Cotn�nunity Assoc�a�i�r�I]ues, Fee�, and <br /> Assessinen�:s, �f any� be escro�tnred�y Borrowe�, a�d such dues, fees arid ass�sstnet�.t�s�all be a�1 Esc�ovt� <br /> Ite�n. Bort��wer s11a1�p�o�n��1�r furn�sh to Lender a:11 no�:ices oF�.inou�.���a be paid unde�i this Sec�ion, <br /> I3a�r�we� shall pay Lender 1:�e Func�s for Escraw Yte��s unless Ler�de�•waives Boi�ovver's o�a�iga�ian�o pay <br /> �he I'ux��.s for��.�or al��scrov�Y�e�ns. Lendex�nay wa�ve Bot rower's obti,gat�� pay�o Lender Funds for <br /> any or a�1 Escraw I�ems a�a�1y���r�e. .Ax�.y s�.����.�raive�znay on7y be itl w�i�i��g, I��.�he evelz�oF suc�l vv�.��er, <br /> I3orrovtrer s�a�l pay d�rec�ly, w�1e��and w��ere payable, �1ze atnoun�s due For any Esc��w Items for wh�ch <br /> payxne��of Funds�Zas veen w�.ived 1�y Lender��.�., i:f Len�.er rec�ui�es, s�a11 fur�ish�o Lender receipts <br /> evide��.ci�g such��.y�nex��wi�lli�z such���z1e per�od a�Lender may require. �o��rower's ab�iga��an�o ma1�e <br /> suc��p�:yi�n�n�s a.�d.�o prav�de receip�s s�1a11 for a11�u:rposes�e dee�ned i.o Ue a covena.���and agreemen� <br /> catl�ained i��t�1is Secu�i�y I���trutner��, as���e p�i�ase "coVenai�t and agree�nen�" is usec�in Secl:ion 9. 7f <br /> BQr�o,wer�s obliga�ec��o pay Escraw I�ems c��rec�ly, pt�rs�an��� a wai�er, and Barrov�er fa�1s t❑��.y��ze <br /> a��no�ur���.ue fa�r an EsCrow I�em, Lender�nay e�.e�•c�se���r�gh�s under Sec��on� ar�d pay stxcl�.��x�o��.�����d <br /> Borro�wer s��al1 then b�o���ga�ed u�.der Se��io�z 9 �a repay�o Le�c�er any such afnou��.�. Lezzder z-nay revolce <br /> t�ie v�a�ver as 1:o at��ar a1�Escrow Ite���s a�any�i�ne by a no�ice given in ac�ord��ce with Sectiat� �5 atid, <br /> L��on such revocatio�, Borrov5rer s�i�.11 pay��Lende�•a11 Turids, a�d ir�suc11 a�noun�s, �hat a�e�he�l required <br /> L�.riC���'��.�15 ����1C1�7.3. <br /> L��1C�e1 111c��'9 a��c�t1�'�1131�, co�1e��a�ld hold I't�nds ����1 arriou�.��a}suf�ciet�i:to pe�illit Lender�o app�y the <br /> Ftx�ds �:t�h.e��me specifz�d under R.:ESPA, c��.1C���7��1���� �X�e����.1�111�.X1111Li111�17t1flt111��.�.�11C�.��'G�.Zl�'�CjU1�'e <br /> u�zde�r l�ESP.A.. Le�lc�er shal� es�i�na�e�1ae a�nou�t o�'Funds�.ue on�he basi� of cui��ez�t data and reasona�le <br /> esti�na�es of ex�e�:di��.�res of fixture�scra�r T�ems or othe���se i��accorda�lce vvit�z Appl�cab�e Lavv. <br /> T`he Fun�s sha�l�ae�Ze�d in an ins�itul;ion w���se deposits are i�sured by a federa� age�cy, i�s�t ume��alitiy, or <br /> entity(iticluding Let�der, ir Lenc�er�s an instii�utio�l vvhfl�e depasi�s are so��su�ed� or i�any Federal Home <br /> Loan I3ar�1�. Ler�der sha�1 apply the Fun�.s��p�.y�he Escrow r�e�ns no 1a�er t�zan the�i�ne��aecifie�L���.er <br /> RESPA, Lender sh�11 not;cha��;e Borrower for ho�ding a��d app�yi�zg�1ze Ft�nds, ar�rival�y a�aly2ing t�1e <br /> escrQw account, or vex ifying�1�e�scr�w�1:eir��, un�ess L�i�der pays Borr��ret�ntere�t on i:l1e T`t�nds an�. <br /> App��cable]Lau�perinits Le��d��to�n�ke su�h a charge. ZJnl�ss an agree�nex���s�nade in v�ri�i��ot• <br /> A�ap�ica�le L��v�ec�uires�n�erest t�b�paid or��he F'utz�.s, �,ender s��al1 tzo�be reqL�ired�a��y I3or�•ov�e�ar�y <br /> in��rest o�• eart�i��gs o�z�he T`t��c�s, Borrov�e�r�i-�d Lend�r ca�z a�ree i��.,writing, howe�er, �11a�izz�erest shall be <br /> o�.�t�e F�nds. Le��de�r sh.a11 give to F3orroW�r, vvi��iaut charge, an an�u���.c�o�.���ing���he Ft�f�c�s a� <br /> requ��e�.by R�GSPA. <br /> Zf tlze�e is a s�rplL�s of Fun�s he1c�in esc��o�v, as definec�u�lder RES�'A, Le�� s�1a11 accQunt�o I3or�owet for <br /> �he excess f-u��.ds i�1 acco��.ax�c�wit1�RESPA. If�here zs a s11�r�age o�F�:Ynds held in escravsr, as def���ed�tnder <br /> RESPA, Le�ider s��.a��nat�f�Borrower �ts rec�uireci lay RESPA, a�zd Lo�rovve�slla.11 p�.y�a Len�ez•�he��noutl� <br /> necessary to t�1al.�e up�he s�zor�age���.accorda�ce wi��a RESPA, bu�in��a�zzo�•e f;����1 I2 mon�hly��.y�neri�s. Ir <br /> tl�.er�is a deficie�cy of I'unds hel�.��.escrow, as �.efiz�ed t��a.der RESPA, Lender s1��.11�1o��fy Bor�,o�we��s <br /> ��o�srzs <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�am�1y-F'annie M ael�reddi�M ac L1NI�aRM INSTRLIM ENT �arm 3Q28�1�� <br /> VIVI P Q VM PG�N�}{�3�2} <br /> Wolt�rs Kluw er�i�ancial 5ervi�es Page 5 of 1 T` <br />