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��14�4999 <br /> i�l�;he Pra�erty and�ig��ts u�der t�zis Securx�y Instru�ne�.�; ��d��.}�a��es sucl��.��io�as Lender��.zay <br /> r�aso�ably�equire to ass�re�hat Le�zc�er's ir��eres�in�he Pr��er�y and rigf�ts unc�er���is Se�uri�y Ins�ru�nent, <br /> anc�Bo��o�tnrer's ab�igat�on�fl pay�:�Ze su�r�s securec��by��z�s S�cL�ri�y I�s�rumer�t, s���.11 co�l�tr�ue unc��anged. <br /> Ler�der m�.y�ec�utre�h�:�Barrower p�y such�eir�s�a�eln��t sutns and expenses itl on��r mare of the lol�o�vving <br /> far�ns, �s selectec��y Ler�de�•: �a} cas�; �b}�no��ey o�der; �c} certified chec��, ba���checl�, �reasurer'� c��ecl�ar <br /> casl�ier's checl�, pro�id��.any suc1�c1�.eG��is c�rawr��.xpan an ins��tu��o�.vvhose deposi�s are inst�re�.by a <br /> federa�age�c�, i�lsti�u�r�ental��y or enti�y; ar��:� E1e��ra�z�c runds Transfer. Upot1 rein��a�e�nen�by Lorrower, <br /> �his Secu�i�y I��s�ru�ne�t and obli�a�ions s�cured.hereby s��.al�r���.zain f-u11y effec�ive as if na �c�elera��Qn�iad <br /> occ�rred. I�ourever, ��z�s�•�gh��o r��ns�a�e sha��not apply ii1�he c�5e oF accelera�io�l under Section 1 S. <br /> 2�, �a�e of No�e; �h�ng� of Loan �er�v�cer; N o��ce of �ri��anc�. T�ie Nof:e or a par�ial i.�.e <br /> No�e��oge�her v�i�h x���s Securi��I�s�;ru�r�et��� can�e sold o�ze o�r��.are�i�xzes wi�hotx�pr�or na��ce�� <br /> Borrovver. A sa�e rnig�.�resul�ir�a char�ge in f;he e�.�:ii:y(ktiovvt�as�he "Loan,Se�^t�zce�"}���a�co�leci:�P�riodic <br /> Pay�neri�:s �ue u��der��ze No�e a�.d�1�.�s Secu��i�y Ins�ru�nent�.�c��e�fo�tns o��ler i�nor�ga�e 1a��.servici��g <br /> ob�iga�ion�u�det•t�le Na1:e, �his_Sect�rity Ins�ru�.a.ner��, a�c�A�p1��a�Ie Law, There a�sa�nig�lt be o�e or�nore <br /> changes af the Loaz�Serv�cer unrelated to af�11e Nate. Tf�here is a�hai�.�e af��.e Loan Serv�ce�, <br /> Borrower wi�l be g�ven vvr���en no�ice ol the cllan�e v�rhiGh wi��s�a�e�he riaine and ad�.ress of��.e nev�v Laa�1 <br /> Serv��er, �1ze address�o vvhich payxnen�s s�lou�d be�naa�e and any o��ier ir�fortnatiotz I�SPA rec��.�ires in <br /> ca�nect�a���vt�h a no�ice of�ransfer of servic�ng. If the Note is s�1d and�her�after��e Loan is ser�ice�by a <br /> Lflan Servicer o��1er�han 1:he purcha�er of�11e No�e, �he�1lortgage�o�.r�serv�ci�g flU�igaf:ions to Barrower wx�� <br /> re�n�.zr�vvi�11�he Loan Servicer or�e t�ra.���fe�re�.�o a st���essor Laan Se�vice�a�zd a�e�.ot as�u�nec�by�he <br /> No�e purchaser un�ess o�herwis��rovided by the No�e purcl�aser. <br /> Ne���1er I3orro�ve�nar LezZder ir�ay co�ntner�ce, �oin, o�l�e j oinec��a any�udreial actior��as ei�ller a.� <br /> xn�.iv��:ua� ����ga.r���r the zneznber of a c1as5�����.t arises lrQm�:�ie o�her pa.��ty's act�a�ls pursu�.�t 1:���1is <br /> Securi�y Tns�rulner���r�1�a�alleges�hat the c�ti�ler party���s breached any provision oI; or any c�u�y o�ed.l��r <br /> reaso�.of, ���.is Security Ir�s�ru�nent, u��ti1 suc�i Barrower or Lender has no���ed�he a�her party�w����suG�z <br /> , <br /> no�ice g�v�n xn cazxlp�ia�ce v�i�h�h�requiretnen�s af Seci;ion �5� af suc�l al�eged�rea�h a�zd afforde�.�he <br /> o�her pa�t�11ere�a �.reasor�ab�e�aer�od after tlze givi�g or such nflf:ic��o tia1{e correcti�ve act��n, If A��lical�le <br /> La.w provfdes a�it11�perrod v��iich inusi.el�pse�efor�cel�ta�n aci��o�can be�al�en, �ha��i�ne per�o�.w�11 be <br /> dee�ned�o be reasona�ale for�u�poses Q�f this pa��.graph. T�e�latrce of acce�era�ion��.�.oppoz tuni�y�o cure <br /> g�ven�o Borrower�ursua�l��a Sec�io�a 2Z �n�.��.e no�ice of acce�era�io�.giver��o Bort awer�ursLxar�t to <br /> Sec�ian 1 S shall be c�eelr�e�ta satisfy the natice and a��o�tu.�zi�y�o t�1fe correc�iv��.ctror�provisions of t�ais <br /> Sec�ion 2�. <br /> Z'l. H azardous S ub��ances. As used in this �ection 21: �a} "�Iazc��d�us Su�stances" at•e th�se subs�ances <br /> c�e�ned as �o�ic a����azardaus su�s�ar��es, pollutat��s, or was�es by�nvit•a�ne�ta�La�v a�d the:Collov���.g <br /> sul�s�;a.nces: gasali�e, lferosene, �tller Fla.�n�na�le��°toxic�etf•�leuin pt•oducts, f;oxic pes�icides an�her��c��es, <br /> valatile so�vents, �naterl�.1�co�ltainiilg asbestos or for�nalc���lyde, and r�:dioac�.iv��n�.te�•i�.�s; �b} <br /> "�'nvi�onm��tc�l'Lc�w"�1leans fed�t�a1 laws and laws o-f t�e,jurisdicl;ior�,w�ere the Proper�y is Ioc�.t��tha� <br /> �e�af:e to�ie�.I�h, sa�ety�r�nvironsn�i�t�.�prote��:io�; �c} "�'nu��^anm�n�al�'l���u�a,� i�lclt�des any response <br /> ac�ia��, re�llec�ial ac�io�, or re�noval ac�ior�, a� c�efined i�z�r�v�ron�r�er��al L�.w; �nd(d} �r� "�rtvi�an�ne�tc�l <br /> �'ancli��nn"�n�a�s �.conc��.�ia�x��z�.ti ca�1 cause, co�1���bute to, or otherwise�r�gger a��Env��rar��nelz�al�leatlu�a. <br /> �3o�rower s��a.11 r�o�ca�xse or per�ni��h.e p�e�ence, use, d�sposa�, ��oz age, or release of�i�y Hazarc�aus <br /> Sul�s�at�ces, or thre��e��ta release any IIaza�dous Su1�s�ances, o�a.a�in�lae P��o�ert�. I3or�ower s1�aI1 na�c�a, <br /> �xar a�1ow af�yane else to do, atay�l�.i�a.g affecti�zg thc Pro�e�'�;y�c�� ��1��X5 �.11 V1C]��.�1�T1�f c�fl��11V1�'�t1111�t1��� <br /> �..raW, ��� W�11C�1 C�'��.�;e5 a11 E�1V11��].lY].�I1�1� ��1.1C���1�I.1, �1"�G�W�l].G�1, C�.U�����10�T'�5�11C�, US0? o�release of a <br /> Ha�ardous Su��i:ance, ci ea�es a cox��.��io����a1;a�.ve��se�y affec�s�he v�.ILx�aF t��e P�opef•t�, Tl�e pt�ecedir�g��t�ro <br /> 24�06725 <br /> NEBRASKA-5jngle�'am ily-Fannie M ael��eddie M ac llN1�C71�M INSTR�M CNT Form 3�2 a�!p 1 <br /> VM P� VM P6�NE}��3�2} <br /> 1�lalters Kluw�r Financial Services Page 13❑f�7 <br />