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� ��14�4999 <br /> �.esig�la�ec�a�ubs���u�:e notic�address��r na�ice to Ler�der. �arrower sha11�arfl�np�ly natify Lenc�er of <br /> La��ower's c�ange al addre�s. If Len�.er specxf�es a pro��du�e for repar�ing Bot•rower's change of address, <br /> ��ien Borrawe�slza��o��1y re�aor�a chan�e af ac��.r�ss�hrough�ha�spec�fied�racee�ut*e. <br /> T'h.ere�nay be on�y ot�e desig�a�ed�.otice a�dress�.�r�der t1�i� Secur.i�y�r�strL�tner�t a�atzy or�e�i�ne. Ari�r�o�ice <br /> �a L.ender slza�Z]ae g�ven by deli�rertng��or by�n�.i��ng it�ay f�rs�c�ass inarl�o Lende�'s a.ddress s��.�ed het•ein <br /> unless Leizder has c�esxgr�a�ed anot�zer ac�c�ress by nat�ce tfl�3orr�vv�r, An�no�ice in caz�nection vvi��this <br /> Security 7nsl:ri�l�nen�sha�1 na��e�.eetned ta ha�e�een give�.�o Lender un�i1 actually�eceivec�by Len�et•, If <br /> a�.y��.��xce required by��Zis S�cu�•��y Ins�r��n�nt is atso r�qui�ed under.A.pp�icable Law, the 1-�p�liGable�.�a.w <br /> �equi�ement�r��1 sat�s�ry t11e cort es�and�ng requirement under��zis Sectxr��y I�.s�ruznex��. <br /> �G. �o��rnin� Law; �e'verabrli�y� Rules of Co�s�ruction. '�'I�is Secu�ity In��:rutnen�sha�1 be gover�ze�.�y <br /> federa� �aw at�d�he�aw of the j urisdiction i�which�he�'ro�erty is locatec�. A11�ights�.�d al�ligal:ians <br /> co�l�azr�e�in tihis Security I�zs�rtx�x�er��.�r�su�jec��o any rec��.��r��nen�s a��.lizn��ati�ns nf Applicab�e L�.w. <br /> Ap�lical�le Lavv�riig�l�exp�i�itly o�t�nplici�ly a�low 1:he p�.��ies�o agree by cor��rac�o�i��nigh���s�1en�, bu� <br /> such si1���ce sha��no�be cons��iued�s a prolzi�i��o�a.agai�ls�agree�nen#:by ca�ztract. ��z�he ever����ia�a�zy <br /> prov�szon ar clause of��i�s Securi�y Ir�s�rutnenl:oi�he Na�e conf�xc�s wi���Appl�c�ble Lavt�, such coriflict sha11 <br /> no��.Ffect at�e�p�o��sions of t��is Security rr�str�t�.etl�ar�he Na�e w�aich ca�b�g�ven effeGt wi�hau�t�ie <br /> co�aflicl:ing provis�o�. <br /> As us�d in��Zis Security Ins�ru�ner��: �a�words of ti��e t1z�.sculine�ender s��.a�l��ze��z�nd��c�ude c�rrespatic�ing <br /> �Zeu�e�words or words of the fe�n���ne gen�.e�r; ���vuards in the sin�ular sl�a�1 inea�l an�.include��e p�ural <br /> a1�d vice versa; and�c}t��e word."�nay" gives sole d�scretian wi�hout a.r�y abligatian�o�ake any action. <br /> 'I 7. B�rrav�r e r's �a py� Borrower�11a11 be given o�ze copy of the Note a.�1c�af�his Security It�s��•uinetlt. <br /> '�8. Tran��f�r of�he Proper�y or a Ben�f��ial N n��res� in �vrrovtir er. As�used��.��ais Sec�io� ].8, "Ir��et es��t� <br /> ��.e Proper�y" �n�ans a�y�e�a1 or•be��efieial i�zturest i���Ze Pro�et ty, �r�c�udiizg, b�:��no��imi�ed�o, �hose <br /> benef�c�a��.n�e�ests transf�rrec��n a band fo��ee�, catz�r�ct�ar�e�d, tnstallrnent s�.1es co��rac�a�r es�row <br /> agree�nen�, ���e�zx�en�o�which is xh�trai�sfe��of�i�:le by�3ori aw�r at a f-uture da�e�:o a.�u�c�iaser, <br /> If�.�1 or�n�y�ar�of the Praper�y or a.�ly rr��e�est in t�1e Pra�erty is so�d or�ra�sferred��r if Borrower is not a <br /> �a.atu.ra�per�on axzd a��nefici�:l inl:erest in Bor�ovve� is sold ot•�f�ansferred�without Lel�der's p��iar writ�e�l <br /> conse�z�, Len�er znay rec�uire i�n�nedia�e paytnent in fu1l of a1� �utns secut•ed by 1:his Securitiy I��s1:l�ume�t. <br /> I�o�wever, �his ap�iox�s�.a1X no�be ex�rcised by Lende� if suc11 exe�c�se is��o1�i��tec�by Ap�l�cab�e Law. <br /> If Lender exercises��z�s op��a�., Lender s�1aZ� give Barrower�a�ice of acce�eY��.�ion. The zlo�ice s1�a.1�pravide a <br /> period of t1o�l�ss�han 3� days Fi a�n�l�e da�e�he notic�is give�in acc�rdance w��h Sec�io�. �.5 vvx�hi��vtr�lich <br /> Borravt�er��zus�pay all suzns sect�re�.�b�r�his S�curx�y Ins�ru�nen�. If I3o�rowe�.f�.i�s��pay�hese su�r�s pr�or t� <br /> �1�e ex�ira�iat�of��zis pe��od, Len�.e�•�nay znvolfe azzy�emed�es pe��n���e��y�:his Securx�y Izzs��«nzer�t wi�hou� <br /> fi.�r���er notice ar�.e�nan.�.on Barrav�re�. <br /> �9� �rraw�r°s F��gh� to �ein�ta�e Af�er Accelera�Non. If Bor�-awe�r zxlee�s c�r�airi cand��io�ls, Bo�rrovvet• <br /> sh�:11 hav����rig�i��a ha�e enfarce�ne�z�of�h�s Secu��x�y I�as�r�.�.xa.��.�disconi:�nt�ed a�any titne�rior to�he <br /> e�liest of: �a} five days befo�e sale of��.e Proper�y��:��sua.n��� a�y��ov�e�of sale can�ainec��ri�1zis Securxty <br /> Ynstrutne�t; tb� sucll o�lzer pez�iod a�App�icable Lav�inigh�spe��fy fo�r��.e�er�ni�.a�iaiz of Bo��avve�'�rig11�i.� <br /> reinsti�.te; or��� entt•y oC a.,�udginet��enfa�cing�his Securi�y I�.s�rumeri�. Thase cot�ditions �.re���ai:Barrawer: <br /> �a�p�.ys Lenclex �.11 sL�1ns v�flich 1;��eti vvou�d be c�ue unc�er�t��is Secut ity rtlstru�ner��at�.d the Note as i��o <br /> �cce�era��o�.�1�.o�cu��rec�; �b} cures any del�.u��of any ot��er cove�an�s ot� �.gre��nents; �c�pays al� ex�e�lses <br /> incurre�.ir�enforci�g�11is Secu�i�y Ir�s��•u�nent, �ncludi�g, bt���a�Ii�nite�.tio, reaso�ab�e a.��or�a.eys' fees, <br /> pra��r�y��.spec��an and va�ua�ion fees, and a��1e��fees iticu��red for�h�purp�se af protectiizlg Le�de�'s in�e�•est <br /> z�oo�7�� <br /> N�gRASKA-5ingle�ami�y-�annie h�a�IFreddie M ac�NI��RM INSTR�IN�NT �arm 3028 �1�1 <br /> VM F� VM P6.�NE}��3�2} <br /> Vllolters Kluw er F'ir�an�ial 5�rvices Page�2 af�7 <br />