<br /> ir��he Prope�ty anc�rig�l�s ur���r��.�s Secur��y I�.s�rua.�.zen�; and�d��a.lces s��h acti�n as Le�1�.et��r�ay
<br /> �easot�ably��c�uire�o �ssu��tha�Lel�der's interes� in�he Pra�er�.y a��d rights L�r�der�his Securi�y I1zs���.itnent,
<br /> �.nc�Borrower's o�liga�:ion�o pay�.11e�uilas secured by this Securi�y xns�ru�ne��, sha11 ca�l�ir�ue uncl�ange�,
<br /> Lenc�er�nay�`equi�re�hat 13orrower�ay such reins�a�e��zer��su�ns a.nc�ex�enses ir�or�e or znore of�11e fo��owirig
<br /> for�ns, as s�lect;ed�y Lender: �a� cash; (�}�naney or�.er, �c} ce�tified checic, t�a�zlc chec��, treasu�ei'�chec��o�•
<br /> cas�iier's ch�c�f, provided any suc��che�I{is c���avsrn upon�.n ins�itt��iotz whose deposi�� are�zlsure�.by a
<br /> federal ag��cy, �ns��u�nen�a�ity ar entil:y; or �d�E�ect1 onic F`u��ds Transfer. �Jpon re��.s�a�e�-nex���y Boi rower,
<br /> �1zis Securi�:y Ifzs�rutnet��ti a�zd obliga�lo�s secured hereby��Zal1 reznair�fu�ly e�:'fec�ive as if r�o acce�eratio�had
<br /> occurred. Hawever, this rigl�t#:�reiris�ai:e shall no�a�p�y�n�l�e case of�.cce�e�a�ion unc�er Sec#:io�1 �8.
<br /> Z�. Sal� �f IVote; Change af Loan ��rvic�r; No�ice af �ri�rrance. r1,he Note ot•a p��•�:ial it�t�resl:in���e
<br /> Note�tog�f:l�er v�itl�t�iis Securi�:y I�Zs�ru�nen�} can be sold o��.e or lnare ti�nes without pr�or notic��o
<br /> Bor��ov�er. A sale�r�gh�resu.l���.a c��.an�e izz�he e����y���ilo�vn as t1�e "L�c�n Se�vic��"} ti1�a��allects Pet iadic
<br /> P�.��.1�e11�5 C�U�U�.C�e�'��10 N��e�11C���:115 S�CU�'1�;�II�S�T'U111�f1�;��1C��J�l�for�ns o��zer�nor�gage Iaa�servicing
<br /> o�ligaf.io�s utlder the N�o�e, ��115 S�GU�'1��X1�15ti��u�11en�, a.z�d App�icab�e Law. T11e�e alsa�Z�ig�t ve���e or�no�e
<br /> �hanges af���e Loa��Serv�ce�r��lrela�ed�o a sa�e af��ae Note, IF there is a cllange of�he La��z Se�rv�cer,
<br /> I3orrovsrer w���be g�ve�z wri�texz no�ice af�lze c�lange vv��ic��vvill s�a�e�he r�a.rne and a�.dress of��ze��ev�Laar�
<br /> Ser�xcer, �he ac�.dress�o vvh�c��pay�ne�.�s s�zould�e inade a��d a�y at�et�infor�n�.�ior�R.ESPA ree�u�z es in
<br /> e���neGl:ion v����a r�ot�ce of�ra�zsfe�of serv�ci�g, If��ze Na�e is so�d ai�d t�ereaftier�he Laa�.�.�s ser�ice�.�y a
<br /> LQ�.�Servicer ot�er �h�n�hc pt��c�laser af�he No��, �he mor�gage loan�e�vicTng obliga��o��s�o Bor�ovtrer�vi11
<br /> rema��1 vvit�l the La�.n Serv�cer or l�e�ra�lsferred�o a st�cces�ar Loa�z Servicer atld ai���o�assu�ned by�he
<br /> No�e pt�rchaser�.xn�ess fl�lzerw�se�ravi�.ed by��ze Na�e�0�.���cha.ser,
<br /> Neit�e�•Borrav�e�tlar Lelzder i-nay�o�r�tnence, j oin, or be�oii�ed to �.ny j t��.ici�.�ac�iox��as e���zer �.xz
<br /> �tzc��vidua� Ii��ga.�t ar the inetnber oF a c1a�s}1;ha�ari�es ft•o�a.1 t1�e o�her par�y's ac��o�zs pursua�z��a this
<br /> Sect�rx�y I�1s�ru�ner��or�ha�alleges��z���he otller party h�s�brea��a.ed any pro�isiatl of, ot• any c�u�:y nv�ed by
<br /> reason of, ���is Securi��r Ins�ru�ne�z�, u1z�i1 suc�z I3arrowe� or L��.der has��o�ifiec����e o�;1�er p�rty�v�it�such
<br /> T���1C��IV��1 1Y1 Cn171�7�1e1t1C�W1��.7��.le 1�C��.11•e�ner�ts of Sect�a�z 1.S} af s�c1z allegec�breach a�d aFlorc�ec�tl�e
<br /> o�he��arty�ere��a reaso��able�erioc�af�er�1�.e gzvi��g af sL�clz�Zotice to�a��e correc�ive�ctfo�l. rf A��1�cable
<br /> Lavv�ravides a�izne peri�d°vsrizich mus�elapse b�f�re ce���.�xa.a.c�ion ca�.be ta.1��n, �;hat tYi�1e periad w�11 Ue
<br /> deezne�.�a be�eason�.b�e for pu.�poses of��ais pa��.gr�ph, Tlie no��ce of acce�e�a�ion a��d�p�artu�l�ty�o cu�e
<br /> gxven�o Loz�ower pul�st��.x1��o Sec�io�a 22 an�.�he no�ice of ac�e�era��on g�ve��a]3orrower pursua�t to
<br /> Sec�ion �.8 sha11 be dee��led�a s��zsfy�he�otice�r�d oppor�L��i�y�a��1{e correc��ve ac�iof�provisions of��Zis
<br /> Sec�tio�Z�.
<br /> �'I� W�a�ardaus S ub��ar��e�, As used in�11is Sec�iof��1: �a} "I�c�zc��c�aus Sul�st�c�nc�s" are thase sul��tances
<br /> def'ined�s toxi�or h�z�.rdous subst�.nces, pollutants, o�wastes�y Erivira�unen�:a.l Law a.nc�i�he fa��owing
<br /> subs�a��ces: gasoline, �ceroseile, ��.11er�1��Z�nab�e Qt�taxic pe�roleu��n}�raduc�s, i:axic pes�icid�s a�c�herbic�c�es,
<br /> vo�atile s�1ve�1�s, �n��er�als con�aini�lg a�bes�o�or fortna.ldehyde, a�ld radioac�ive�Z�a�eri�,ls; �b}
<br /> ►�.�'nvi�or�me�ttccl L�c�"���e��s Fe�era��aws �.�lc�la�vs oF�;he�urisd�c�iai�wllere�11�P�op�r�y is�aca�ed tl1a�
<br /> re�a�e�o he�.I�h, s�.Fety o�etivir���nei�ta�pra���l:iotl; �c� ►'.Envz�anmen�al�leanup"ir�clut�es any res�flnse
<br /> �c�ior�, re��nedial�.c��an, or retnoval actfar�, as defir�ed i��.E�vi�•oi�u��e�1�:a1 Lav�; at1�(d} an "�'n�i�anm�ntc�l
<br /> C'ondi�zon"�neans a Conc�i�ian�;ha�ca.r�caL�se, GC]11��'1.�J1����:�� a�otherv��se�x�gge�a�l Envi�on�netz��� Cleanu�.
<br /> I3orrovver s1�a11 i1o�ca�xse a��ertnit�1z���rese�lce; �.�se, dispos�.�, s�or�ge, o�re�e�se of any Hazarc�o�.xs
<br /> Su�ast��ces, at•�hrea�:�n to release a�zy Haz�i c�ous SLi�s�a��.ces, on ar i�z�1�e Praper�y. Borrower slzall�10�;c�o,
<br /> �zor a1law�nya��e e�se to �.o, a.ny���ir�g�.Fle�i;ing t11e Prop�r�y�a} 1;1��.�t is in vio�a�:ion al a.��y�nv�t�an�.l�ei��al
<br /> Lavv, �b}wl1i��cre�.tes ��1 E��v�ror�nen�a� C���c�i�ia�, a�• �c� �h�c�i, dLxe�;��1�e�re�e�lce, us�, or release flf�.
<br /> Ha.za.�•dau� Su.bs�anGe, creates �.condi�i�n�1���ac�.versely a�'fec�s�he v�.1L�e�f�he P�ope�ty. `�he prec�d�ng two
<br /> 2�4ad�7�7
<br /> NE�RASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie M ael�r�ddie Nl ac LlNEF4RM INSTRLlM�NT �vrm 3�2$ �1��
<br /> VM P C7 VM P6�N�}�13�2 y
<br /> W alters Kfuw�r Financial S�rv9ces Pan�e 13�fi�T
<br />