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��14�4995 <br /> c�esign�ted a subs�i�u�e notice ac�d�ess�y�.o�ice�o Len��r, Borz ower s1�:a1��rox-np�ly z�a��fy Lender�f <br /> B�rr�wer'�c��an�e of ac�c�ress. If Lender specifies a procedure fo�reporting Borro�ver"s c�aa�lge of address, <br /> �hen La�i�rovver s��a11 on�y repar�a cha�ge af�ddress�hrougll�;hat s�ecifi�d�arac�dure. <br /> The�e�nay be only or�e desigr�a�ed noti�e ac�c�t ess un�.er���.is Se�urity Ins�ru�nen�a�a��.y o�.e�izne. A�.�y n���ce <br /> �o Le�ader sha�l be giver�by de��ver�z�g�����by r�naiting r�:by first class ma���o Lenc�er's address stated herei� <br /> unle�s Lenc�er has desigi�a�ed a��athe�add�ess by�zo�ice to Lo��rower. A�y no��ce�n connec��o�a.v��ti��.�h�s <br /> Securi�y Instru�a1e�1�:s��a1�n��:be c��emed to�iave bee��giver��a Ler�der un�il ac�ually recei�ec��y Lender, �f <br /> a�zy no�i�e reqt��rec�lay t11is Secu�ity r�s�ru��1�n�is a.lso required under Ap�licable La�, �he Ap�licab�e Law <br /> �equir��n�n��ri11 sa�isfy��1��orr�spo�ldi��r�quir��n�nt�nd�r t�is S��urit�Ins�t�u�n�nt, <br /> '��� �or�err�ing Larrv; �S�rrerabi[i�y; Rules af Can��rue�i�n. This Securi�y I��stru��ner��sha1��e gove�•r�ed by <br /> fe�.eral 1a�at�c��Ize lavsr of�lze j urisdic�ion�n v�r��c��.��1e Proper�y�s loca�e�.. A�1 rig�l�s ai�d obliga��o�s <br /> cantairied ii1�his Securi�y Ins�ru��len� su�bj ec�to s��:y req�.���re�nen�s a�a.d li�.ni����ons of App��cab�e La�w, <br /> A��licable L�.w t�igl��:explici�ly or it��licitly allavtr���e par��es�o agree by cfln�ract ar it�nig�a�be szl��zt, but <br /> suc1�:si�er��e sha11 r��t�e co�ls�rue�.as a prohi�ition against agree�nen�by Coni:ract, �n�he eve��:���at a�y <br /> provisio��or c1aL�se of�11is Secui i�y I�.s�ru�ne�a��r t�1e Na�e c���f�ici.s W�t;��Applica�te Law, sucll co�.flic�s���:tl <br /> r�a�;affect ot��er pravisia�s�F�his Se��.ri�y��.s�ruzne�t or��Ze Noi.e whrch can b�givetl eflect wi�l�ou��he <br /> co�lflic�:i�ig pr�vision,. <br /> As�:�sec�r��1�is Securi�y It�s�rumeri�: �a} worc�s of���e�nascu��z��gender sha11��nean���c�i�c1�.��.e corr�spo�di��g <br /> neu��r wo�c�s or wards of the f��ni�lilze ge�a�der; �1�) wo��ds �a.a��e sizzgula�s�1a���nea�1���d include tlle plural <br /> ax�d vice ve�sa; a.nd(c}��le vvard"in�.y„ ��ves sole c�is�xe��or�wz���.ax.Xt any ob��g��ion�o�a�fe any action. <br /> 'I 7. C-3orr�w�r'� Copy. BQrrov�er sha11�e give�arie capy of��ze No�e aa.z�.of�his Securx�y Tnstru.�ne���, <br /> '���. �`ran�f er of�he Pr�pe�ty or a E3en�f icia� ���er�st ir� F3orrow er. As used i��t��.is Sec��a��. �.�, "Ir��eres��r� <br /> ��ze Pro�er�y" tneans any 1ega�or l�enef�cial i�teres�in the Pr��ert�, 1f1C1UC�117�, �u�i�o�1i�ni�ec��o, �hose <br /> �be�leficia�interes�s tr�nsferred i��.�or��.far �.ee�., ca�1t���.ct fo�dee�., ins��liment s�.�es ca���'aCt flr escrov� <br /> agi ee��nent, �he itl�ent af wl��c�i is �he f;ransfer of�i�1e�ay 13orrower a�a fu�u�re datie��a pLt�'chaser, <br /> Zf a.l� a� a�1y�a�t af the P�a�erty ar a.izy It�teres�i1z t�ze Pro�Oer�y�s sa�d ar�r�r�sfexred�or if I3or�ower is�1��a <br /> n�.tural persan and a beneric�al itl�eres�in I3ar�ower�s sol�.o�tz•az�sfet�ed]wi�hau�Lenc�e��'s pt•ior wrif;�en <br /> �a�setlt, Lende�•�r�ay rec�uir�i���i�.�e pay�a.�.��z���.full oF a1�su�x�s secul�d by tl�i�Sec�.�rit�r�st�`u1nezl�, <br /> How�ver, 1:11zs aptiax�sha11 na��e exer�ised by Le�c�er if such exet�cise is���a�libi�ec��y Ap�licab�e.Law, <br /> Il Leridet exet ci�es��is o��zon, Le�lc�er s�za���ive Borrower natice of acceleration. The t1o�:ice sl�al�p�•ovide�. <br /> pet•iod oF naf:less that�3 D days �'ro�n th�da�e��1e�Zo�ice is given in�i'C�cl11C�W1�:�1 S�C�:1011 �.S W1��:1111 W�11C�1 <br /> BQrrower must�ay a1� suins secut�ed by th�� �ecur��y��.s�ru��ne�z�. If Borrower f�.ils t�p�.y tllese su1ns�r�o�ta <br /> ��Ze expi���.tifl�of�l�is perifld, r.�e��.e���nay��vol�e a��y re�nedies�aer�n�t�e�.by��z�s Securi�y Tnstru�zle�1�with�u�i: <br /> fur�he�na��ce��de�na.nd o�Borrower. <br /> 'l 9. �orrow erw� Righ� �o ����st�te After►4��elera�ior�. rr Bo����wer�neets cet�ai�conc�i�:ia�.s, B�rzowe�� <br /> s11a1r izave�he riglz��o�1ave enforcetnen�ol i:��is Secur�ty���s1;ru.�netlt dis�fll��i�atxec�a�any�i�ne�rior!.o��ze <br /> earli���of; �a� f�ve days b�for�s�1e of i;1�e Pro�e�`�:y p�xrsua.�1:�a �.�zy�ower of sa�e co���a�ned�xa.���s Sect����y <br /> I�zs�r�.���nen�; �b� st�ch otl�et�e�iod�s A��alicab�e La�v znigh�specify far�he�er�l�uzla�ifllz of Bori•ower's rig11�to <br /> �eins�a�e; or(c� elltry of a judg�nent enforc�ng this Securxty I�zstr�.��ne�z�. rr��ose co��c�i�i���s �.r�tha�BQi•rower�: <br /> �a��ay�s Le�1�.er all s�.��r�s v�hicll�:��en wauld be due t���der t��is Sec��r��y��.s�ru�ner��a�l�.�he Note as if no <br /> a�c�l�ra�ioxz�zac�o�ct��r�d; �b� �ur�s any d�rault�f at�y oth�r cave��a���s or agree��le���s; �c��ays all ex�e��s�s <br /> 111CL��'1�C�.1I1�11F0�'C111��:�115 ��CU.TI.�y'I175�t•L��ZZer�t, incluc�ing, l�ut�za��imi�ec�to, reaso��a��e a��or�eys' fees, <br /> �t�o�er�y it�s�ectia�a.nd�a�l�a�i��z fe�s, �r�c�otil�er fe�s i�cti�t rec�For tYie pur�ose of pra�tec�irig L�za.�.er's i�a�eres� <br /> z�oa�r�� <br /> NE�F�45KA-5ingle�amily-�annie M aelFreddie M ac L1NlF�RM INSTRUM�NT Form 3a28 �IQ� <br /> VM P C} VM P6�NE ��3�2� <br /> W olters K{uw er Fii��nci�!Se�vices Page��of 1 7 <br />