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��14�4917 <br /> DEED �F TRLJ�T <br /> Loan Nv: 'i�'i2777g7 ����lti�lued} Page 4 <br /> is filed as a resul� of nanpayment, Trustor shall within fifteen {15� days af�er the lien aris�s vr, �t a �ien is fiiled, <br /> within fifteen ��5} days afrer Trusto�- has notice ❑f the fiiing, secure the discharge af the lien, ar if requested by <br /> Lender, deposit with Lender cash ar a su�ficient co�-porate surety bond or other security satisfac�ory to Lender in an <br /> amount sufficient to discharge the �ien plus any �osts and a�torneys' fees, ar vther charges that could accrue as a <br /> result vfi a fareclvsure or sale under the lien. In any can�es�, Trus�or shaIi defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any adWerse judgmen�be�vre enforcement agains�the Prvperty. T�-usfior shall name Lender as an additional ❑bligee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contest proceedings. <br /> Evidence of Paymen#. Trus�or shall upan demand furnish to Lender safiisfactary ��iden�e of payment❑f�he taxes <br /> or ass�ssm�n�s and shall authorize �he apprapriate go�ernmental offiGial tv deliWer t❑ Lender a� any�ime a writ�en <br /> statemenfi o�F the taxes and assessmen�s agains�t the Property. <br /> Notice af Canstruc�#Eon. Trustor shall notify Lender at least fifteen ��5� days before any work is �ommenced, any <br /> ser�ices a�-e furnished, ar any materials are supplied �❑ �he Praperty, i-� any mechanic's lien, materia�men's lien, ar <br /> ather lien �vuld be asserted an accvun� ❑f the work, ser�ices, ❑r ma�erials. Trusta� will upan request vfi Lende�- <br /> furnish to Lender advanGe assurances satis�actary ta Lender that Trustor can and will pay the cos� of such <br /> imprv�ements. <br /> PROPERTY DAMAGE �NSURANCE. The follawing pro�isians relating t❑ insuring �he Property are a par�of this Deed o� <br /> Trus�. <br /> Niaintenance of Insurance. Trustor shall prv�ure and maintain policies ❑f fire insurance wi�h standard extended <br /> cvWerage endorsements on a fair �alue basis for �he full tnsurab�e �alue ca�ering all Impro�ements ❑n the Real <br /> Proper�y in an amoun� sufficient t� a�oid application ❑� any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mor�gagee <br /> clause in fa�or o�Lender. Trustor shal� also prncure and maintain cvmprehensi�e general liabili�y insurance in such <br /> cv�erage amounts as Lender may request with Trus�ee and Lender being named as additional insureds in such <br /> l�abi�ity insurance po�icies. Additionally, Trustor shal� maintain such other insurance, including hut not limited ta <br /> hazard, busin�ss in�errup�ion, and boiler insuranGe, as Lender may reasanalaly require. Palicies shall be written in <br /> form, amvunfis, co�erages and basis reasana�ly acceptable to Lender and issued by a company ❑r cvmpanies <br /> reasonably a��eptable �o Lend�r. Trustar, upvn request of Lender, will deli�er to Lender fram time �k❑ �ime th� <br /> palicies ❑r certificates af insurance �n farm sa�isfac�ory to Lend�r, including stfpu[ativns that ca�erages will nvt be <br /> cancelled or diminished wi�hout at least ten �1�� days prior written no�ice fio Lender. Each insurance policy als❑ <br /> shall incfude an endorsement pro�iding tha�co�erage in fa�or a�Lender wi�� nv�be impaired in any way by any acfi, <br /> amission ar de�auft of Trus�or or any o�her person. Shvuld the Real Praper�y be [ocated in an area designated by <br /> the Administrator o��he Federa� Emergency Management Agency as a special flaad hazard area, Trustvr agrees t� <br /> ❑b�ain and main�ain Federal F��od Insurance, if a�ailable, within 45 days a�t�r notic� is gi�en by Lender that the <br /> Praperty is (ocated in a special flaod hazard area, f�r the full unpaid principal ha�ance o�the loan and any prior liens <br /> ❑n the properfiy s�curing�he loan, up to the maximum policy�imits set under the Na�ional Flood Insuran�e Program, <br /> or as o�herwise required I�y Lender, and to mainfiain such insuranc�far the term ❑f the Ioan. <br /> Applica�ivn of Proceeds. Trus�or shall promptly no�ify Lender vf any Ioss vr damage ta �he Prvperty. Lender may <br /> make proof ❑� I�55 if Trus�or fails t� do sa wi�hin �ifteen ��5} days o�F the casualty. Whe�her ❑r nat Lender's <br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lende�'s e�ec�ion, recei�e and retain the proGeeds af any insurance and apply <br /> the proceeds �o the redu�tion of the [ndebtedness, payment af any lien af�ecting the Praperty, or the restora�tion <br /> and repair of the Property. if Lender elec�s �❑ apply �he proceeds �o restoration and repair, Trus�or shail repair ❑r <br /> replace the damaged or destroyed [mprovements in a manner satisfactory �❑ Lender. Lender shall, upon <br /> satisfactory p�oof o� su�h expenditure, pay ❑� reimburse Trustvr frvm the proceeds for �he reasanable cast of <br /> �epair ar res�vration i'� Trusto�- is nafi in default under �his Deed ❑f Trust. Any proceeds which ha�e no� been <br /> disbursed within �8D days afker their receipt and which Lender has not �ommitted to the repair or restoratian of <br /> the Property shall be used first�o pay any amoun� owing to Lender under�his �3eed a�Trust, fihen to pay accrued <br /> interest, and the remaind�r, if any, shall be appli�d �❑ �he principal balance af�he Indeb��dness. I-� Lender halds <br /> any proceeds after payment in fu1� of �he [ndeb�edness, su�h proceeds shal� be paid to Trustvr as Trustar's <br /> interests may appear. <br /> Trus��r's Repor# an lnsuran�e. Llpon request❑� Lender, howe�er nat more �han once a year, Trustor shall furnish <br /> to Lender a report on �ach existing po[icy of insurance showing: �1� the name �f the insurer; �2� the risks <br /> insured; �3} the am�un� of the p�licy; �4} the prvperty insured, the then current replacement �alu� af such <br /> property, and the manner af dete�mining that�alue; and �5} the expzration date af the policy. Trus�vr shall, upan <br /> request of Lender, ha�e an independent appraiser satisfactvey to Lender determine the cash�alue replacemen�cost <br /> ��the Property. <br /> LENDER'S ExPEND1TURE5. It any a�tivn or proceedin� is cammenc�d tha�would ma�erially affec� Lender's in�eres� in <br /> �h� Property or if Trustor fails t❑ comply with any proWisivn ❑f this Deed of Trust ar any Related Documents, including <br /> hu� nv� limi�ed to Trus�or's failure to discharge ❑r pay when due any amounts Trustar is required fiv discharge or pay <br /> under�his Deed vf Trust or any Re�ated �3acuments, Lender on Trustar's behalf may �but shall nat be ��ligated �o� take <br /> any action that Lender deems appropriate, including hut not limi�ed �❑ discharg�ng or paying all taxes, liens, security <br /> in�erests, encuml�rances and o�ther cIaims, at any time le�ied ❑r pla�ed an�he Prvperty and paying a�� �vsts f�r insuring, <br /> main�aining and preser�ing the Praperty. All such expenditures incurred or paid by Lender for such purposes will �hen <br /> b�ar interes� at the rate charged under the No�� fram fihs dat� incurred or paid by Lender t❑ the date ❑f repayment by <br /> Trusfior. A�� such expenses will be�ome a part of the jndehtedness and, a� Lender's option, will �A� be payable an <br />