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��14�4917 <br /> DEE� �F TIRLJST <br /> Loan No: �o��777�7 {��nt�nued} Page 3 <br /> threatened li�tigation or claims of any kind by any person re�ating t❑ such mat�ers; and �3� ExGept as pre�iousiy <br /> disclosed�a and acknowledged by Lender in wri�ing, 4a} neither Trus��r nar any�enant, c�n�rac�ar, agent or❑�her <br /> authvrized user of fihe Prvperty shall use, genera�e, manufacfiur�, stare, treat, dispose of or release any Hazardaus <br /> Subsfance ❑n, under, ai�oufi or from the Property; and �h} any such a��i�i�y shall be conducted in comp�iance wi�h <br /> all app�icab[e �federal, state, and local laws, regulatians and ❑rdinances, inc�ud3ng withou� �imitation all <br /> Environmenta� Laws. Trustor authori�es Lender and its agents to en�er upon �he Proper�ty to make 5l]Ch <br /> inspec�ions and tests, at Trust�r's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate �o determine c�mpliance ❑� the <br /> Property w�th this se��ion vf the Deed vf Trust. Any inspec�ians ❑r �ests made by Lender shall be far Lender's <br /> purposes ❑nly and shali not be construed to create any responsibility vr liability on the par�❑f Lender to Trustor�r <br /> to any ❑ther person. The represen�ations and warranties cvntained herein are based on Trustvr's due diligence in <br /> investigating the Praperfiy far Hazardous Subs�ances. Trus�or he�-eby ��} releases and wai�es any -Future �laims <br /> against Lender far indemni�y ❑r �antribu�ion in �he e�ent Trustar becames liable for cleanup ❑r oth�r cas�s under <br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees to indemni�y, defend, and hold harm�ess Lender against any and all claims, Ivsses, <br /> ��abili�ies, damages, pena�ties, and expenses which Lender may direct[y or indirectly sus�ain ar su�fer resul�ing from <br /> a lareach ❑f this sectian af th� Deed ❑f Trus� ❑r as a consequence of any use, generatian, manufacture, s�orage, <br /> disposal, release ❑r threatened release ❑ccurring priar�a Trus�or's ❑wnership vr interest in the Property, whether❑r <br /> not the same was ❑r shoufd ha�e been known to Trus�ar. The pro�isi�ns ❑f �his sec�ian ❑f �he Deed of Trust, <br /> including�he ohligation to indemni�y and defend, shall sur�i�e the paymen�❑f�he Indehtedness and the satis�activn <br /> and recon�eyance of the lien vf this ❑eed of Trust and shall nat b� a��ected I�y Lender's acquisi�ion o�any interes� <br /> in the Proper�y, whether by fareclosure ❑r o�herwise. <br /> Nuisance, 1111aste. Trustor shall not �ause, canduc� or permi� any nuisan�e nor cvmmit, permit, vr su��e�- any <br /> s�ripping of or vvas�e on or ta �the Praper�y or any portion of the Property. V1lithvut limi�ing �he generafE�y ❑f�he <br /> fvregving, T�-ust�r will not remo�e, ❑r grant to any other party the right to remove, any timber, minerals {incEuding <br /> oil and gas}, caal, clay, s�oria, soif, gra�el vr rock prvducts without Lender's prior written c�ns�nt. <br /> Remaval of Impra►remen�s. Trustor sha[[ not demalish or remo�e any Impro�ements from�he Real Property withou� <br /> Lender's prior written consent. As a condi�ion�o the rem��ai ❑f any lmpro�ements, L�nder may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangemen�s satis�actory to Lender �❑ rep�ace such �mprv�ements with lmpro�ements af at least equal <br /> vaf ue. <br /> Lender's R�ght t❑ Enter. Lender and Lender's agen�s and representatives may ente�- upvn �he Real Prop�rty at all <br /> r�asanable �imes t❑ attend t❑ Lender's interests and ta inspecfi the Real Property far purposes a� Trustor's <br /> compliance with the�erms and conditions ❑f�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Cvmpliance with Go►rernmental Requirements. Trustvr shall promptly comply with all laws, ordinances, and <br /> regulations, naw or hereafter in e�fect, ofi afl gv�ernmenta� auth�rities applicable �o the use ar occupancy �� the <br /> Praperty, includin� without lim�ta�ion, �he Americans With Disabiliti�s Act. Trusfior may cont�st in good fai�h any <br /> su�h law, ordinance, ❑r regu[atfon and withhald compliance during any prv�esding, including appropria�e appeafs, <br /> s❑ iong as Trustor has natified Lender in wrifiing privr t❑ doing so and s❑ [ong as, in Lender's svle vpinion, Lender's <br /> in��res�s in the Prvperfiy are nat jevpardized. Lender rnay require Trustor �o pos� adequate security or a surety <br /> bond, reasonably satis�ac�ory t❑ Lender,to pra�ect Lender's interest. <br /> Du�y t❑ Protect. Trustor agrees neither �o abandon ❑r iea�e unattended the Property. Trustar shall d� all other <br /> acts, in addition to�hose ac�s set far�h abo�e in this section, which from the �hara�ter and use of the Property are <br /> reasonably necessary to protecfi and preser�e the Property. <br /> DUE�N SALE�CONSENT BY LENI3ER. Lender may, at Lender's vpfiivn, dec�are immediately due and payai�le all sums <br /> secured 1ay this Deed of Trust up�n the sale or transfer, wi�hout Lender's priar written cvnsen�, of all vr any part of the <br /> Rea� Prop�rty, or any interest in the Real Praperty. A "sale ar transfer" means �he con�eyance a�F Real Prvperty or any <br /> r�ght, title nr interest in the Real Proper�y; whether lega�, bene�icial vr equitable; whether �oluntary ❑r in�ofuntary; <br /> whether by outright sale, deed, installment sale contract, land �on�ra��, cantrac� for deed, leasehald Enterest with a <br /> term greater�han�hree �3} years, lease--option con�rac�, or by sa[e, assignment, ❑r transfer of any beneficial interest in <br /> or t❑ any land trust halding tit�e to the Rea[ Praperty, ar hy any other method of con�eyance of an interest in the Real <br /> Property. !f any Trust�r �s a c�rporation, par�nership ❑r �imi�ed lialaility company, transfer also incfudes any change in <br /> ownership o�more than�wen�y--fi�e percen� ��5°/Q} of fihe �oting stvck, partne�ship interests or limi�ed l�ahiiity company <br /> interests, as the �ase may be, ��such Trustor. Howe�er, this ❑ptian shall not be exerc�sed by Lender if such exercise <br /> is prohibifi�d by�Federal law or by Nebraska �aw. <br /> TAXES AND LEENS. The fvlf�wing provisians relating to �he �kaxes and liens on �the Prvperty are part of �his ❑eed vf <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustar shall pay when due �and in al! e�ents prior tv de�inquency} all taxes, special taxes, assessments, <br /> charges �including water and sewer�, fines and impositions le�ied against �r ❑n account of the Praperfiy, and shall <br /> pay when due all claims �vr work done ❑n or fvr ser�ices rendered or ma�erial furnished �o the Property. Trustar <br /> shall main�ain the Praperty free o�a[l liens ha�ing priority o�er or equal to the inter�s�af Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trus�, except �vr the lien ❑f taxes and assessments no� due and except as ❑therv+iise prv�ided in this Deed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> Right to Cvntes�, Trustar may withha�d payment❑f any tax, assessment, �r claim in connectivn with a goad faith <br /> dispute o�er the obligation t� pay, s❑ Iong as Lender's in�eres�in the Proper�y is not jeopardized. If a lien arises or <br />