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��14�45�3 <br /> C�VE��NTS <br /> �, P�yments. Borrower a�rees to m�ke ai1 paymenis fln t}��secured debt wh�n d��e. Unl�ss F3orrowcr and Lender a,ree o����rwise, any <br /> payments Lender�ecei�es fram Barrow�r or�or Borrower's benefit will bc app�ied frsfi to ar�y amaunts �3arrower�wes on thc secured d�bt <br /> exe�usive af interest nr principal,secand io interest,and t}�cr�to principal. if p�rtial prepa�men�of t��e secured debt occurs for any reason,it wii� <br /> no�rcduce or excuse any sch�dulcd payment until the sccu�red debt is p�id in ful�. <br /> Z. �[aims A.�ains�Titic. Barrower wi11 pay aIl taxes,assessmer�ts,a��d ot��er���ar�es attribut�ble t�the prop�rty w�ien dc�e a��d wi1l defend <br /> title to����pr�perty��ainst any claims which w��sld impair t�e Iien af this decd of trust. Lender may reqi�ire Sorro�er to assi�n any ri�hts, <br /> claims or defer�5�s which Sarrower may ha�e agairast p�rties wha su�ply labor c�r m�c�eri�is to im�rove or mainta���t���prap�rty. <br /> 3. Insurance. Bor�-aw�r will keep t��c prapc�y insured under terms accept�ble t�Lende�at Bnrrawer's expense and for L�nd�r's benefit. �.11 <br /> Insurance pa�ic�es shall include a sfandard mortga��ciacrs�in fa�ar of Lend�r. Lender wi�l be named as Ioss pay�e�r as the insurcd an any suc�� <br /> insurance policy. �ny insurance proceeds m�y�e applied,within Lender's d�scretion,to either t��e restoration or repair nf the dama�ed pro��rty <br /> or ta the secLired de��. if Lender requires m�rt�age insurancc,Barrower a�rees to maintain s��c��insurance for as lon�as Lender requires. <br /> 4. Property. Borrawcr wi1I kee�th�pro��rty in�nad cnnditaan and make ail rcpa�rs reasonably nc�cssary. <br /> 5. Ex�enses. Sorrower a�rees to pay a�1 Lender's exp�nses, inciudin�r�asonabl�attorneys' fe�s, if Borrower breaks an��o�cnants in this <br /> deed�f trust or in any obli�atic�n secured by t��is de�d of trust. Bc�rrower wilt�ay these amo��nts�c�Lendcr as pro�ided ir�Cavenan�9�f this deed <br /> of trust. <br /> G. Prior Securi�y �n�eres�s. Unless Borro���r f rst ohtlit�s Lendcr's written cantest, Barrower will not make or perm�t an�chan�es to any <br /> prior security interes�s.Borrow�r will perform all�f Borrow�r's�bl��ations under�ny prior mart�age,decd of trust ar ot��er secc�rity a�reement, <br /> includin�Borrow�r's covcnants�a m�ke payments w��en due. <br /> 7. �ssi�nment c��'Rents and Profits. Bor�-awer assi�ns ta I�endcr the ren�s and profts of t��e praperty. Ur�iess S�rrower and Lender l�ave <br /> a�,rced ai�erwise in writin�, Barrower may co�Iect �tnd re#ain t��e ren�s as �on� as Borrower is no� in dcfautt. If Borrower defaults, Lender, <br /> Lendcr's agent,ar a��urt appointed receiWer m�y take passession and rnana�e the property and collcct�1��rents. Any rents Ler�der caIlects shail <br /> be app�i�d first �o�he casts of mana�in�the property, irac�ud�n�caurt costs and anarncys' f�es, comrnissians to rental a�enis, and any at��er <br /> necessary related expcns�s. The renaainin�,amount of rcnts w�ll#}�en apply to payrne�ats on���e secured debt as pravided in�ovenant 1. <br /> 8. L�aseh�Ids; Condaminii�ms; Pianned Uni�De�C�a�ments. Borr�wer awrees t�compIy with th�pravisions o#'ar�y Ieasc if this deed af <br /> �rust is on l�ase}�old. If this deed❑f trust is on a unit in a cc�ndominiur��or a planned unit de�e�opment,Borrower wi�l per#'orm all of Lorra�ve�'s <br /> duti�s under tl�e covenan�s,by laws,or re�ulations af t��e condominium�r planned unit de�elapmcnt. <br /> 9. �lutharity nf Lender to Perform for Borro���er. �f`Borrawer fails to perform,any af Borrower's duti�s under t��is deed of'trust,Lendcr <br /> may perform thc duties ar cause tl�em to be perfarmcd. Lender may si�r�Borrower's n�me ar pay any amount i�nGcessary for perfarmance. If <br /> �ny construction on the prope�ty �s discontinued or na� carried on in a reas�nable manner, Lendcr may d� w)�a�e�er is n�cessary to protect <br /> Lend�r's s��urity interes�in thre property. Thi�may in�Iude completin�tl�e construc�ion. <br /> Lender's faiiure to perform will not preciude Lender fr�m exercisin�any af its ather ri�hts und�r the law or t��is deed of'trust. <br /> Any amounts paid by Lende�-to pra�ect��ender's security interest will be s�cured by t��is deed�f trust. Su�h amounts will bc due on demand and <br /> �n�i�l hear int�rest fram thc date of'�l�e payment unfiil paid in f��li at tl�e interes�rate in eff�ct on th�securcd c��bt. <br /> I�. Dcfar���and Ac�eIeration. If Borro�ver�ails to m�ke any payment��hcn duc flr breaks any covenants und�:r t)�is deed of trust or any <br /> �bli�ation secured by this deed t�f frust or an�prior mo�t�a�e or dced of trust,Lender may acceierate�he maturity o�the s�cur�d deb�ar�d demand <br /> immedia�e paymeni and may ir�vnke the power�f sale and any ot��er rernedi�s permit�ed hy ap�licab�e�a�v. <br /> I I. R�q��est�'or Notice of De�'auIfi. It is hereby r�quested ihat�apies af t}�e natices of default and sale be sen��o eac��person w���o is a party <br /> hereto,a�the addr�ss flf cac1�such persan,�.�set forth��erein. <br /> I 2. Power of Sale. If th�Lend�r invak�s tlae power of sale,the Trustee shall �rs�record in tl�e off ce of����re�ister of deeds af eac��coun�y <br /> �v��erein the trust property c�r some par�or parc�l�1��reof is situated a r�otice af defa�ilt�ontaininy the infarm�ctian r��uired hy Iaw. T��e Trustee <br /> sh�lt also mail cop�es of thc: notice of default to the Barrower, ta each p�rsan who is a pa�ty herctn, and to ot��er persons as pre�cribed by <br /> applicabie law. Ir1ot Iess than one rnon�h af�er thc Trust�e records the n�tice of default, or two manths if the trust propeMy is n�t �n any <br /> incorp�rat�d ci�y ar Wi�la��and is used in f�rmin�operations carried on by t��e trustor,t1�e�I'rust��shall�,ive pub�ic notice of sale t�the persans <br /> and in the manner prescribed by applica�Ie law. Trus�ee, �vithaut der��and on B��row�r,s��all s�ll�he prt�perty at public auctian ta the��i���es� <br /> bidder. if required by fhe Farm Hames�ead PrQtec�ion I�c�,Trustee shall aff'er t)�e property�n two scp�rate sales as re�uircd by ap�riicahle Iaw. <br /> Trus�ee may postpanc sale of 11I or any parcel of t}�e property by public annaur�c�m�nt at�l�c:tim�and place of any previously scl�eduled saie. <br /> Lcnder c�r its desi�nee may purc}�ase the property at any sale. <br /> Upon rec�ipt af p�ymen�af t��e price bid,Trustec shall deli�er�o thc purchaser Trustce's deed can�eyin�th�proper�y. The rcciti�ls contained in <br /> Trustee's deed sha�l be prima facic eWid�ence af the tz�u���of thc stat�m�nts conta�ncd t���rein. Trustee sl�all apply t1�e proceeds of t�ie salc in t}�e <br /> followin� order: �a} io aI1 e�penses n1"t}�e sa�e, i��cludin�, but nat limited tc�, reasor�ab�e Tr��stee's fees, re�sanable aitorney's fees and <br /> reins�atemen�fees;�h}�o alI sums sectired by t��is deed of trust,and�c}the ba�ance,if ar�y,t�t��e persons le�aliy entit�cd t�rcc�i�e it. <br /> 13. Fc�recl�sure. ,�t �.�ender's o�ation, t�zis deed ❑f trust m�� bc f�recla�ed Yr� tl�e rnann�r pro�id�d by appiic�ble I�w for fareclasur� �f <br /> mort�a�es on real proper�y. <br /> 14. �nspect�on. Lender may enter�h�praperty to inspect it�f Lend�r�ives Bott�owe�noticc befarehand. The notice must state thc reasonable <br /> cause f��r Lender's inspeGti�n. <br /> 15. Cond�mnation. Bonraw�r assi�ns �o Lender the proc�eds af any avvard or claim for datna�es connec�ed wit�� a cflndcmna�i�n or ot��er <br /> takin�of aI�tir any par�c�t'the�rape�,y. Suc��pr�cecds will be applied as pro�ided in Co�enan�l. This assi�nmeni is sub�ect to the terms of�ny <br /> prior s�curity a�r�cment. <br /> �6. '�'�aiver. �3y excrcisi��� any r�medy avai�able to Lender, Lend�r does not wive up any ri���ts �a Iater use any o�her remedy. By not <br /> exer�isin�any remedy upon Barrnwcr's default,Lender does not��ai��any ri��1t to later consid�r the c�ent a defau��if it h�ppens a�ain. <br /> �7. ,l�oint and Se��ral Liabilifiy;Co�signers;Suc�essars and Assi�ns�3o��nd. �1,11 dutics under this d�ed of tr��st are joint and se��ral. Any <br /> Borrower w��o co-s��ns this de�d af�rust but does nat co-si�n t��e underlyinw de�t instrumen�s�s} does sa onIy to �rant and canvey t1�at <br /> B�rrawcr's intcrest in the property ta the Trustee under the�erms of this deed of trust. In addi�ion,such a Barrower a�rees t}�at the Lend�r�nd <br /> any other Borrower unde�-tl�is deed of'trus�may ex��nd,madify or make any�tt�er c��anges in�he terms of this deed of irust or tl�e secured debt <br /> wit��out t��at Borrower's cansent and without rel�as�n�that Borrower fr�m the terms�f this dc�d of trust. <br /> The duties and benefits a�'this deed of t�-ust sha�I�ind and benefit t��e successors and assi�ns nf Lender and Borrov��er. <br /> IS. �Iotice. Untess ot��erwise required by Iaw, any no�ice to Borrawer sha�I �e �i�en by deli�erin� it or by mai�in� it by certifed mai� <br /> addressed to Borrnwer at t1�e properry address or any a���er address t��at Borrnwer h�s�iven ta Lender. Borrower will�iWe any not�ce�o Lend�r <br /> by cer�ifed ma�I t�Lender's�ddre�s on pa�e � of this d��d oftrust,or t�any flther address,�hiGl��,�nder has desi�nated. Any o���er not�ce to <br /> Lender sha�l be sent to Lender's address as stated o��pa�c l of this dced of trust. <br />