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<br /> Return To:
<br /> Home Federa� Sa��n�s&Loan
<br /> �o B�� �oo�
<br /> Grand�sland,NE �88�2
<br /> D�ED�F TRUST
<br /> PART�ES: Th�s Deed of Trust �s made on .Iuly 3�, 2a 14 am�ng the Grantor, Adam T Bierhaus AND Sara J Bierhaus,
<br /> HUSBAND AND �1V�FE �"Borrower"}, AREND R BAACK, ATT4RNEY, whose residence address is P. �. Box 79�,
<br /> Grand Is�and, Hall �ounty, Nebraska �"Trustee"}, and the Benefic�ary, H�ME FEDERAL SAV�NGS AND L�AN
<br /> ASS�CIAT��N 4F �RAND iSLAND, a corpa�rat�nn ar�anized and ex�stin� under �he laws �f NEBRASKA whose
<br /> address �s�21 S�UTH LC]CUST STREET,GRAND�SLAND,NEBRASKA 6884� �"Lender"�.
<br /> ��NVEYANCE: F�r�a�ue�ecei�ed, Barro�rer irrevocab�� �rants and conveys �o Trus�ee, in firusf, w��h power of sale,
<br /> �he real proper�y,�f�h�ch Borr�wer is lawful�y sei2ed,described below and ali buiid�ngs,f x�ures,and exis��n�and fu�ur�
<br /> impra��ments thereon and all r�gh�s-of way,�asements,rents, �ssu�s,prof�s,incame,�enements,he�edi�aments,privi�eges
<br /> and any appur��nances�hereunto belon��n��all called�he"proper�y"}.
<br /> PR�PERTY ADDR�SS: 29�$ Lee S�,Grand�sland,NE 688U3
<br /> LE�AL D�SCR�PT�[]N:
<br /> Lot Th�r�een�13},Block Two�2},Nor�h�iew First Subd��is�on, �n�he Ci�y af Grand Island,Hail Caun�y,Nebraska.
<br /> Laca�ed in Ha�I County,Nebraska.
<br /> T�TLE. B�rro�er con�enan�s and war�ran�s�i��e to�he proper�y,except f�r
<br /> SECUREU �]EBT: This deed of trust secures �a L�nd�r r�payment of the secu�red d�b� and fh� performan�e of the
<br /> con�enan�s and a��reemen�s contained in �his deed of�rust and in an� o�her documen� incarporated he�re�n. Secured deb�,
<br /> as used �n this deed af�rust, includes any amounts B�rrflw�r awes to Lender under �h�s deed �f�rus� �r under any
<br /> ins�rum�n�secured by th�s de�d af�rust,and aI�m�dificatians,ex�ensions and�enewals thereof.
<br /> The secured d�bfi is��idenced by�List a�� instruments and a��eements secured by this deed of trus�and the dates�hereof.}:
<br /> ❑ Fu�ure advances: The abo�e amount �s secured e�en fihough al� or par� af i� may not yet be ad�anc�d.
<br /> Fu�ure advances are contemp�ated and �nrill be seGur�d fio�he sarne ex�ent as �f nnad� on the date of fhis deed of
<br /> trus��s executed.
<br /> A�� amounts awed unde�r th�s agreemen�are se�ured e�en fihough a�l amounts may na�yefi b� ad�an�ed. Future advances
<br /> under�he a�reemen�a�e cflntempIated and will be secured �a the same extent as if made an the da�e�his deed of trust is
<br /> execufied.
<br /> The abo�ve obli�a��on is due and payable on February OI,�0�5,if n��pa�d earlier.
<br /> The tofial unpaid ba�ance secured by�his deed of�rus�af any �ne time shall n�t exce�d a maximum p�rincipal amount of
<br /> $1 ZD,44�.�4,plus interest, plus any amaunts d�sbu�rsed under�he terms of th�s deed af t�rus�to pr�tect�h� security of this
<br /> deed of�rust or to perfo�-m any of the co�enants can�ained�n�his deed of trust,w�th in�e�rest�n su�h disbursements.
<br /> [� Var�ab�e Ra�e: 7'he interest rate on �he obl�ga�ian secured �y fihis deed of trus�may vary accarding t��he
<br /> �erms of tha� ab�i�a��an. A R.ider c�ntain�ng fhe fierm� under vrrhich �he in��res� rate may vary is attached ta this deed of
<br /> �rus�and made a par�here�f,
<br /> Riders;
<br /> ❑ PtJD ❑�ondam�nium ❑ ARM ❑ ��her
<br />