<br /> Any applieation of payments, zr�.�urance praceeds, or Misce�Ta�a:eous Praceeds to pr�nc�pa�.due under the Note
<br /> sha1l�ot extend or pos�pone�he due date, or change the a.mount, of�he Peri�d�.c Payments.
<br /> 3. �'unds fvar Escro�ItemS. Borrower sha�i pay to Lender on the day Periodi.c Payme�.ts a�e du�under th.e
<br /> Na��, ux�ti��he No�e zs paid in f�1�, a sum���e"Funds"}to pro�gde for payment of aamaunts due for: �a]ta�es
<br /> and a�sessments and o�her�tems wh�ch caxx attain priority over�his Secur�ty In.strurnent as a lien or
<br /> encumbrance on the Property; [b� �easehold�aymerits or graund r�nt� an�he Proper�y, if any; �c�prex�a�iunls
<br /> for any and a���r�.surance requi.red by Lender under Section 5; and�d�Mortgage I-nsurance premzum.s, �f any,
<br /> ar any�u.ms payab�e by Borrower ta Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance premi�ns ir�
<br /> accordan��vrith the prov�szox�.s af Secti.on 1�. These items axe called"Escrow Items." A�or�gin.ation or at
<br /> any�ime du:ri.ng�he term af�he Loan, Lend�r may requ�re�hat Gomnmu�a.i�y Associ�.tion I]ues, Fees, and
<br /> As�essme�ts, Yf an.y, b�escrawed by Borrower, and such dues, �ees and assessmerits shal�be an Esc�-ov►�
<br /> Item. �orrawer shall prompt�y fi�.rnish to Lender a�l r�at�.ces af amaunts�o be paid uxac�er�his Section.
<br /> Barrawer sh.al.�pay Lender�:ie Funds for Escrow Items unles�Lender waives�orrower°�obliga���n to pay
<br /> �h.e Funds for ar�y or all Escrow Ite�s. Len�er may w�ve�arrow�r`s o���gatio�.to pay�o Le�der Funds for
<br /> any or a.I�.Escro�v Ite�ns at any t�me. Any such�raiver may ox�1y be in writing. In t�e event of such wazver,
<br /> Borrawer sha1�pay directly, whe�and vsrhe�e payabJ.e, �he a�a.our��s due for any Escraw Items fo��xrhich
<br /> payment of Funds ha.s been vvaived by Lender and, �f Lender requzres, sha�.�furn�sh to Lend�er receipts
<br /> ev�dencin.g such pay�nen�w��hir�such time period as Lender may requ.ire. BorrQwer's ob�i.gation�o make
<br /> such payments and t�prflvide receipts�ha��for all purposes be deem�d to be a covenant and agr�ement
<br /> car�tai�ed in this Secur�ty Instruxnent, a:��.e phrase p'covenant ar�d agreement" is used�n Sec�ion 9. If
<br /> Borr�wer zs obligated�o pay Escr�w Itexm.s drrectly, pursuant ta a waiver, ax�.d Borrower fails�Q pay the
<br /> amou��due for an Escrov►r Item, Ylender may exercise�:ts r�ghts�nder Sec�ion 9 and pay sucl�amfl-�.uzt ar�d
<br /> Barrower sha.I�then be obligat�d urnder Secti�n 9 to repay t�Lerider arxy sueh amau�t. Lender may revake
<br /> �ie wai�er as to any or a11 Escrow Items at az�y time�y a notice gi.ven ir�accarda�c�w�t�i Sec�a.an 1 S ar�d,
<br /> upon such revocati.on, Bar��wer sha���ay t��ene�.er all Fun.ds, and in such amaunts, t�iat are the�requ�red
<br /> t�d�er�is Sect�or�3.
<br /> �ender may, at an�r�e, ca�lect and ha�d Funds i�an am�unt�a} sufficient t�perm��Lender�Q app�y the
<br /> Fur�ds at the t�me specif ed under RESPA, and[b}r�o�to��ceed the ma�mum am�unt a l�nder can requ.�ire
<br /> unc�er RESPA. Len�.er sha11 estxmate the amount�f Funds due an the basis of current data ax�.c�rea�onabl.e
<br /> estimates of e�penditures of future Escraw Item� o�otherwise in accordance vv�th Ap�li�ab�e Law.
<br /> The Fur�d.�sha1�be he�d in a.n ir�s��tut�.�n whose depasits are�nsured by a federal agency, ins�ru.mentality, or
<br /> entity��.r�cludi-ng]Lender, if Lezxder is an ir�stituti:on yvhase depas�ts are sa insu:red} ar in any Federal H�m:e
<br /> Laan�3ank. Lender sha11 ap�Iy�he�urids��pay the Es�ow Items r�o l.ater��iar��h�time spec�._fied:ux�der
<br /> RESPA. Lend.er�hall no��harge Bo�r�-Rrer for�.��d:irag and app�ying�h�Funds; annua��y aria�yz�.ng the
<br /> escrow accaunt, or ver�fy�ng�he Escraw Items, uri�es�Lenc�er pays B�rr�wer�n�eres��n�he Fun.ds a�d
<br /> App�.�.cab�e Law permits Lender to mak�such a charge. Un.less an agre�merit�s made in�wr�tm�or
<br /> App�.i._cat��e Law requir�s interest�o be pa.�d�n the Fux�ds, Lender sha11 not be requ�red�o pay�orrawer ar�y
<br /> interest or earn�ngs on�he Furi.ds. Borrower axa.d Iaender can agree in�wr�t�ng, however, �hat interesf shaLl.be
<br /> paid o�n the Fur�ds. L�x�.der sha.11 give�o Borrower, �cvithout�harge, a�annual�.ccount�.ng of the Fum.ds as
<br /> requ�r�d by RESPA.
<br /> If�here is a s�1us af Funds held�r�escr�w, �d.efir�ed u�der R�SPA, Lend.er shal�accoun�to Borrou�er for
<br /> �he excess funds�acc�rdance urith�ESPA. �f t�ere is a sh.�rtag�of Fuxzds���d x.x�.e�crow, as r�e�ined�.n�.�r
<br /> ]�SPA, Lender sha11 nat�fy Borrower a.s�ec�rec�l�y�SPA, anc�Borro�ver s�a1:I���.y t�I��x�.der the arr�aur�t
<br /> necessar�y�o�a�e u��e shortage�n accardax�ce�vith�SP A., but in n�more than �2�.o��y payments_ If
<br /> �.ere is a d�ficiency of��nds he�.d�n escro�►r, as de�ne�.under RESPA., Lender shall not�fy�orrower as
<br /> 2440665Q
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Famify-Fa�nie M aelFreddie M ac LJNlF�RM 1N5TREJM ENT Farm 3D28�I�1
<br /> VM P Q VM P6�NE}{'13�2}
<br /> VIla[ters Kluw er�ir�ar�ciaf Sen�ices P����q��7
<br />