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��14�451� <br /> not b�required to pay Borrower any interest a�r earnings�n such Iass r�serve. Lender can na long�r � <br /> require loss reserve paym�nts if Mortgage Insurance co�erage{in the�.mount and far t�e perYad that <br /> Lender requires}pravided by an insurer selected by L�nder again b�cames a�ai�ab�e, is obtained, ar�d <br /> Lender re�uires separately d�signa��d payments taward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance.If Lender <br /> reQuired Mortgage Insurance as a canditian of making the Loan and Borrawer was required t�make <br /> separat�ly desibnated payments to�vard the premiums far Mar�gage �nsurance, Borrower sha��pay the <br /> premrurns requ�red to mainta�n Mortgage Insurance in effect,or to�rovid�a n�n-refundabl�Ioss r�serv�, <br /> unt�1 Lender's requirement far Mortgage Insurance e�nds in accardance vvith any written agreement bet�veen <br /> B�rrower and L�nder providing for such termination or un�ii terminati�n is re�uired b�Applicable Law. <br /> 1�Iathing�n this Sec�ian �Q affects �orro�er's�b�igatiar�to pa� interest at the rate�r�Wid�d in�.he�at�. <br /> Mortgage �n�urance r�imburses Lender�ar ar�y e�tity that purchases the I�ote}for ce�ain losses �t ma� <br /> incur if Borrower does r�at repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a part�to th�Mortgage�t�suran�e. <br /> Mortgage�r�surers evaluate their to�al risk an a�l such insurance in forCe from time to tim�,and may�r�ter <br /> into agreements with ather parties that shar�or modify their risk,or reduce losses.�hese agreements are <br /> on terms and cor�di�ions that are satisfactory ta the martgage insurer and the other party��r parties}to <br /> these agreements. These agre�ments rn.ay require the m�rtgage insurer to make�ayments using any <br /> source of funds that the m�rtgage insurer may ha�e a�ailable�which may include funds obtained from <br /> Mor�gage �nsurance prem�um s�. <br /> As a re�ult af these agreernents, Lender, any purchaser af the Note, anather insurer, any reinsurer, any <br /> other entity,or any af�i�iate of any of the foregaing, may receiWe�direc��y or indirectly}amQunts that <br /> deri�e from �or might be�haraGterized as}a portion of Barr��ver's�ayments far Mortgage Insurance, in <br /> exchange for sharing or modifying the mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing losses. �f such agreement <br /> pro��des�hat an a�liate�f Lender�ak�s a share of�he insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the <br /> p�emiums pai�to the insure�,Cl��arra.�g�r�ent�s o�ten termed "capti�e rerrisuranc�." �'urt.her: <br /> �A} An� su�h agreerr�ents will not affe�t the ar��unt� that Borrower has agr�ed t� p�y for <br /> Mortgage Insurance, or any other terms of the Laan. Such agre�ments will not increase the <br /> amount Barrower will vwe for Martga�e Insurance� and they will not entitle �arr�w�r ta any <br /> refund. <br /> (B} Any such agreements wi�l not affect the rights BorrvvWer has - if any - with respect tn the <br /> M�rtgage �Insurance under t�e Homeowners P`rotection Act of 1938 vr any other �aw. �h�se <br /> rrghts may in�lude the r�ght to reCei�e certain disclosures, ta request and obtain cance�lation <br /> of the Martgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance terminated aut�matically, andlor <br /> t� recei�e a refund �f any N�ortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of <br /> such cancel�ati�n vr t�rminatian. <br /> 'I'�.AsSignm�n��f�Vlisce�lan��us Proc�eds; �or`feitur�.All Miscellan��us Praceeds are hereb}� <br /> assigned to and sha�l be pa�d to Lender. <br /> If the Proper�y is dama�ed, such M�scel�aneous Proeeeds shall be app�ied to restoration or repair of the <br /> Property, if the restaration ox repair is ec�nomical�y feasible and Lender's security is nat less�ned.I]uring <br /> such repair and restoratian periad, Lender shal�ha�e the right ta hold such M�sc�llaneous Proceeds until <br /> Lender has had an�pp�rtunity to�nsp�ct such Property ta ensure the�ork has been cQmpl�ted t�Lend�r�'s <br /> '�'!95�5575� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiFORM INSTRUMENT �' � � Form 3a28 1101 <br /> VMP� � �` �21��4 <br /> WQlters Kfuwer Financiaf S�rvices 2D1407� Initi ' � Page 9 af 17 <br /> '`H LD 119575575fl 11�3* <br />