<br /> �pp�r�unit}�t� cure g�ven to Borrower pursuant to �ectian 2Z and the notice of acc���rati��gtv�n to
<br /> Borr�wer pursuant to Section 1$shal�be deemed to�atisfy th�n�t�ce and o�pportunity to take corre�ti�e
<br /> actian pro�isions of th�s Section 2�.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Su'�stanc�s. As used in this Section 21: (a� "Ha.zard�us Substances" are those
<br /> su�stances defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pal�utiants, or wastes by En�ironmen�al Law and
<br /> the fo�low�ng substances:gaso�ine,ker�sene,other flammable or to�ic petroleum products,toxic pesticides
<br /> and herb�c�des,�olatile so��ents,materials contain�ng asbestas or�nrma�dehyde,at�d ra�ioact��e materia�s;
<br /> �b} "E���ronmental Law" means federal laws and la�vs of the jurisdic�ion�vhere the Property is located
<br /> that relate to health, safety or en�iranm�ntal protec�ion; �c} "En�Yr�nmental�leanup" inc�udes any
<br /> response action, remedial action, or rema�al action, as defined ir� En�ironmental Law; ar�d(d}an
<br /> "En�ironm�ntal �ond�tian"means a condition that can�ause,c�ntribute ta,�r other�vise trigg�r an
<br /> Environmental�teanup.
<br /> Borr�wer shall not cause or perm�t th� presence, use, disposa�, storage, or re�ease of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, ar threaten to release any Hazardous Sub�tances, an or in the Property. Borrower shal�not
<br /> do,nor a�low anyone e�se to do,anything affect�ng the Property�a�that is in�inlat��n of any En�ironm�ntal
<br /> Lavv,(b}�vhich creates an En�ironmental�ondition,or(�}which,due to the�r�sence,use,ar r��ease of
<br /> a Ha.zard�us Substance,creates a condition�hat ad�erse�y affects�h��alue of the Property.The preceding
<br /> tw� s�ntences shall not ap��y�o the presenG�, use,�r storage on the Propert�of sma�l�u.antiti�s a�
<br /> Hazardous Substances�hat are general�y re�ognized�a be appropriate to narma� res�d�ntia� uses and t�
<br /> ma�ntenanc�o f the P roperty�in��ud ir�g,hut not 1�m ite�ta,h a�ardou s su�stan�es in cor�sum er praducts).
<br /> Borrawer shall prompt�y gi�e Lender written notice of�a}any�n�estigation, c�aim, d�mand, �awsuit or
<br /> other act�on by any go�ernmental or regu�atary agency�r pri�ate party Zn��l�ing the Prop�rty and any
<br /> Hazardaus Substance or En�ironmental Law�f which Borro�ver has aGtual knawtedge,�b)any
<br /> En�ironmenta��ondition, inc�uding but not�imited ta, any spi�ling, leaking,discharg�, re�ease or threat
<br /> of rel�ase of any Hazard�us Su�astanc�,and(�)any eondition�aused by th�preser�ce,use�r re��ase af
<br /> a Hazardous Subs�ance which ad�ersely affects th��alue of the Pr�perCy.If�orr�wer learns,ar�s notified
<br /> b�any g�vernmenta��r regulatory authorit�,or an}�pri�ate party,that an�remava�or oth�r rem��iati�n
<br /> af any Hazardaus Substance affecting the Praperty is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take all necessary
<br /> �-�medial actions �� accordance with Environmental La�v.Nnthing herein sha�l create any obligatian on
<br /> Lender far an En�ironmental ��eanup. �
<br /> N�n-Uniform Co�enants. Borrflwer and Lend�r further co�enant and agree as fal�ows:
<br /> ��. A�celeration; R�med ies. Len�er sha�� g��e notic+e to Borrower prYor to acceleratian .
<br /> fvllowing Bvrr�wer's breaCh nf an� c��enant �r agreement in this Secur�ty Instrument �but
<br /> not pri�r ta acce�erat�on under Seefion 18 unle5s App�icable Law pra�ides atherwise}. The
<br /> notice shal� spec�fy: �a} the defau�t� (b} th� actian requ�red tv cure the default; ��} a dat�, n�t
<br /> less �han 3� days from the date the notice i� gi�en to Bor�ow�r, by which the default must
<br /> be cured; and �d} that failure tv curQ the default on or before th� da#e s��cified in #he natice
<br /> may result �n acceleratio� af th� sums secured by this Security Instrument and saie af th�
<br /> Property. Th� not��� sha�l furth�r inform B�rrawer flf the r�ght to rein�tate after ac�elerat�on
<br /> and fh� right to bring a court action to assert the n�n-existence �f a default �r any oth�r
<br /> 1�9575575�
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gle Family-Fannie Ma�IFreddie Ma�UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3Q2$11Q1
<br /> VMPC�] 02J�4
<br /> �
<br /> Wofters Kiuwer Financial Servi�es 2a�4�7�,12��33 226Y Initia Page 14 of�7
<br /> *H LD 119575575�1�23*
<br />