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��14�451� <br /> which B�rrower must pay a�l sums secured by�his S�curity Instrument. If Borrovver fai�s to pay�hese <br /> sums priar to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any r�medies perm�tted by this Security <br /> instrume�t vvithout further natice�r demand on Borrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acce�eration. If Borrower meets certain conditions, <br /> Borrawer shall ha�e the right to ha�e enforcement of this Security Instrum.ent discantinued at any time <br /> pr�ar to the earlies�af �a�f�e days before sal�af the Praperty pursuant to any power�f sale�nntained <br /> in this Security �nstrument; (b} such other period as Applicab�e I�a�v might sp��ify for the termination <br /> of Borrower's r�gh�to re�nstate; or(c}entry of a judgm�nt enforcing�his Secur�ty Instrument. Those <br /> ��nditians are that Borrower; �a} pays Lender a�I sums�h�ch the��Qu�d be due under this S��urity <br /> Instrument and the No�e as if na acce�eratran had.occurred; �b}cures any d�fau��of any other co�enants <br /> or agreements; ���pa�s al�expens�s in�urred in enfar�ing�his Secur�ty �nstr�umer�t, inc�uding, but nat <br /> �imited to, reasonab�e attarneys'fees,property inspectron and�a�uation fees,and o�her fees incurr�d far <br /> the purpase of pratect�ng Lender's in�erest in the Praperty and rights under this�ecur�ty I nstrument;and <br /> �d}takes such action as Ler�der may reasonably require to assure that Lender's interest in the Property <br /> and rights under th�s Security Instrument, and Barrovver's obligation to pay th� sums s��ured by this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument,s�hall continue unchan�ed.Lender may requ�re�hat Borr�vver pay such reinstatement <br /> sums and expenses in one ar mar�of the fallawing forms, as selected by Lender: �a}cash; (b�money <br /> order; �c}certified che�k, bank che�k,treasur�r's check or cashier's check, pro�ided any such check�s <br /> dravvn upon an i�stitution wh�se deposits are insured by a federa� agency, instrumentaiity or�ntity; or <br /> (d}Electranic Funds Transfer.Upon reinstat�ment by Borrovver,this Security Instrumen�and ob�igat�ons <br /> secured hereby shall rema�n fu11y effecti�e as if no acceleration had occurred. Howe�er,th�is ri�ht�to <br /> reinstate shal� no�app�y ir�the case of accelerati�n under Sectio�. 18. <br /> ��. Sale of Note; �hange of L�an S�r�icer; Notice of�rie�an�e. The Note�r a par�ial interest <br /> in t�e Note��oget�er vvith this Secur�ty Instrumen�}can be soId one or more times�vithnut prior n��ice <br /> t� Borrovver. A sale might result in a chan�� in the entity�known as the "Loan Serv�cer"�tihat collects <br /> P�riodic Payments due under th�Note and this �ecurity Instrum�nt and perforrns�ther mortgage loan <br /> ser�ic�ng obligatians under the Nate,th�s Security Instrument,and Applicable I�aw.There a�so r�ight be <br /> one or m�re changes of the Laan Serv�cer u�related ta a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan <br /> Ser-�icer, Borrower will �e gi�en vvritten n�tic�af the�hange which vv�11 stat�the name and ad�r�ss a� <br /> the new Loan Ser�icer,the address t��vhich payments should be made and any other�nfarma��o�RESpA <br /> requires in c�nnection with a no�t�c�of�ransf�r of ser�i�ing. If the I���e rs s�Id and thereaft�r the Loan <br /> is serv�ced by a Loan Ser-�icer other than the purchaser of the Note,the mortgage�oan sex-vicing obl�gations <br /> �o BQrro��r���1 remain vvith�he Laan Servic�r or be transferred to a successor Loan Ser�icer and are <br /> not assumed by�he Note pur�ha�er unless�therwise prn�Yded by th�Note purchaser. <br /> �leither Borraw�r nor Lender may carnmence,join,or b�joined to any judicia�act�on �as�ither an <br /> i nd ivid ua� I iti gant or the mem ber of a G�ass��hat arises from the ot�her party's a�tions pursuan�t�this <br /> Security Instrum�nt or�hat alleges that the�ther party has breached any pro�ision of, or any duty awed <br /> by reasan�f,this Security Instrument, unti I such B�rrov�er�r Lender has notif�ed�he ot�er parl�y(with <br /> such notice g��en in campliance with�he reauirements of Sectton 1 S}of such a�leged breach and aff�rded <br /> the other party her�to a reasar�a�le�eri�d aft�r the g�ving�f such notice to take c�rrecti�e actio�. I f <br /> Applzcable Lavv pro�ides a�ime period vvhich must elapse befor�certain a�tion can be taken,that t�me <br /> p�riod w��l �e deemed t�be reasor�able for purposes�f this paragraph. The notice af acceleration and <br /> �195755750 <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-FannFe MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUMENT Fo�m 302B'1141 <br /> VM P� <br /> �2114 <br /> Walters Kluwer Financia!5etvices 2D�4D7234.1.1.2529-J2�131225Y initial� Page 13 of 17 <br /> *H��119575575D1���3* ' <br />