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��14�4�93 <br /> Lender sha�� nat b� requ�red �o en�er upon, �ake �on�rol of or main#ain fh� Property b�fore or after <br /> gi�ing not�ce of breach to Borrower. Hawev�r, Lende�or a jud�cial�y appointe� receiver may dv so a# <br /> any time there �s a breach. Any application of ren�s shall not cure �r wa�ve any d�fault or�nvalida#e <br /> any other ri�ht ar remedy of Lender. This as�ignment of rents af�he Property sh��l �erminate when <br /> the d�bt secur�d by th�s Security lns�rument�s paid in full. <br /> 2�, Fareclosure Procedure. �f Lender requir�s imm�diate payment in fu�l under Paragraph 9, <br /> Lender at its option may require immed�ate payment �n ful� �f all sums secured by this <br /> � S��ur�ty Instrument with�ut fur�her demand and may in►rake the power�f saie and any�ther <br /> remedies perm�t#ed �y appficab�e law. Lender shall be entitled t� co�l�ct al! expenses <br /> �ncurred �n pur�uing the remedies pro►rided in this Paragraph ��, incfuding, but n�t �imited <br /> #o, reasonable attorne�s'fees and c�sts af title e�idence. <br /> �� the �aQwer Qf sal� is invoked, Trust�e shal l rec�rd a notice of defau It i n each c�u nty i n � <br /> wh�ch any part of the pr�perty is located and shal� mail copi�s �f such notice in the manner <br /> �re�cr��ed by Applicab�e Law to Borrow�r and tv t�e o#her p�rsQns pres�r�bed �y <br /> Applicabfe Law. Aft�r the time requ�red by App�icabie Law, Trustee s�all gi�e publ�c n�tice <br /> �f sal� to the pers�ns and ir� the rnann�r pr�scr�bed by Appficable L�w. �rustee, without <br /> . demand �n B�rrower, shalf sell the Pr�perty at pu�li� aucti�n to th� highest hidder at th� <br /> time and p�ace a�d unc�er the terms desi�nat�d i�n the not��e of sale �n ar�e�r m��e parc��s <br /> and �n �ny ord�r Trustee determ�nes. Truste� may postp�ne sale �f ail or any parcel of the <br /> PrQ�erty �y pub��c announ�ement at #he t�me and p�ace vf any pre�ri��sl� s�h�du�ed sale. <br /> Lender ar its design�e may purchase the Properiy at any sale. <br /> Upon rece�pt af payrri�nt of the price bid, Trustee shal! d�ii�er t� the purchaser Trustee's <br /> � deed c�nrreying the Property. The recita�s in the Trustee's deed sha�t #�e prima fa��e <br /> e►r�d�nce�f the truth�f th�stat�ments made th�rein.Truste�shall app�y th� pr�ceeds of the <br /> sale �n the folf�win� order: �a� to a!I ct�sts and expenses af exercis�ng the p�wer �f sa�e, <br /> and th� sale, incfuding the payment of the TruStee's fees actual#y incurred and reasonab�e <br /> attorneys' fees as permitted by Applicabie Law; 4b� ta a�l sums secur�d by th�s Security <br /> Instrument; and �c� any excess#o the person ar pers�ns legally entitled to it. <br /> �1. L��n Pr�ority. The full amount s��ured by this Secur�ty �ns#rumen# shall ha�e �ien pr�ority <br /> subordinate�nly#o the ful�amount secured hy the First Security lnstrument. <br /> ��. Ad�ustal�le Rate Feature. -N�T AQPLI�ABLE � <br /> 2�. Recan�eyance. U�an payment of a!I sums secured by this �ecurity �nstrum�nt, Lender shali <br /> request Trus�ee to re-�onvey�he F�roper�}�and sh��1 surrend�r�his Security Ins�rument and a11 nate� <br /> e���encing debt secured �y this Se�ur�ty �nstrument to Trustee. Truste�shali recon��y the F�raperty <br /> vuitho�t wa�ranty#o��e p�rs�n ar�ersons I�ga�1y�ntitled�o�t, Such persvn or pers�ns shal��ay any <br /> recordation casts. Lender may charge such person vr persons a f�e for r�con►reying the Property, <br /> but only if #he fe� is paid �o a �hird part� (such as the Trust��� far serv�ces rendered and the <br /> �harg�ng of the fee is permitt�d under Applic�ble . <br /> �4. Su�stitute Trust�e. Lender, at its option, may from time to t�m� remo�e Trus#ee and appoint a <br /> suc��ssor#rustee to any Tr�s�ee appvir�ted �ereunder b� �n instrum�n� re�ord�d in �h� coun#y in <br /> whi�h thiS Security Ins�rument is record�d. t�Ui�hou� �on�eyance of the Property, the su�cessar <br /> qo3 � zs � 4s � s8 � 7z00000ao � <br /> Accenture Mvrtgage Cadence Dacument Cer�ter� t8 vf 9} Nebraska Se�ond D�ed of Trust-HE�M FI?CED RATE <br /> a279 D1114 <br />