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��14�4�93 <br /> �e3 Restricti�ns an Enforc�ment. Na�wi�hstanding any�hing else in �his S�cur�#y Ins#rumen�, �he <br /> Borrower sha!! not �e �bi�gated to comply wi#h the c�v�nants hereof, and Paragraph �9 sha�1 <br /> ha�e no for�e and effe�t,whene�er there is no outstanding balance und�r the Second No#e. <br /> �14. For�earanc� hy Lender N�t a Wai�er. Any forbearanc� �y Lender in exer�ising any right ar <br /> remedy sha�l nat be a waiver of�r preclude the exercise af any righ�or remedy. <br /> 15. Successors and Assigns Bound; Jo�nt and Se�eraE Lia�ility. E34rrower may n�t as�ign any <br /> rights or o�liga#ions under�his S�curity lnstrument or fihe Second Note, excep�to a trust that me�ts <br /> the requirements af the Secretary. Borr�wer's�o�enants and agr��ments shali b��aint and se�era�. <br /> '16. Not�ces.Any notice tfl Borrower pr�vided for in �h�s 5ecurity �nstrument sha�� be given �y del��ering <br /> i� �r by mailing it by first c�ass mail unless applicable law requires use af another method. The <br /> nvt�ce shaif �e direc�ed �o the Property Addres� or any other addre�s a�l Bflrrvwers jo���ly <br /> des�gnate. Any noti��to the Secretary shali be gi�en by frst�lass mail to the HUD F��Id affice w�th <br /> jurisdi���on av�r�he Prflperty or any other addres�designated �y�he Secretary.Any notice pr���ded <br /> �ar �n this S�curity Instrument sh�l� b� deemed to ha�e been gi��n to Sorra►►ver or Lender vrrhen <br /> gi�en as prav�ded �n this Paragraph 1�. <br /> �'�. ��vernin� Law; 5e�erabi�ity, This Se�ur�t� Ins#rumen� shali be go��med b� Federaf law and the <br /> 1aw of�he jurisdiction in wh�ch th� F�roperty is lacated. �n the ev�nt that any pro�is�on or clause of <br /> this Se�urity lns#rum�n# ar �he Secvnd Not� canflic#s with applicabi� law, such conflict sha�i not <br /> affect ather pro�is�on� of this Security Instrument or the S��and No#e whi�h can b� given effect <br /> w�thaut the �anfl��tin� provisian. To �his end the pravisions of this Secur�ty Instrument and the <br /> S�cond No�e are de�lared�o be se�erabl�. <br /> '�8. Borravrrer's Copy. Barrower shail be gi��n ane �onformed capy of the S�c�nd Note and th�s <br /> S�c�rity Instrumer�t. <br /> � NC�N-L�N�F�RM CDIIE�ANT�. Barrav�er and Lend�r further r�venant�nd agre�as fall�ws: <br /> '��. Assignment �t �e�ts. 8flrr�wer �ncor�ditivr�a�i� ass�gns and �ransfers to Lend�r al{ th� r�nts and <br /> re�enues of the i�raperty. Borrower authorizes Lend�r or Lender's agents to co11�c# the rents and <br /> �eVen�es ar�d hereby direc�s each �ena�� of tne �'r�perty ta pay t�� ren�� to Lend�r v� Lender's <br /> agents. Howe�er, prior to Lender's n�t�ce to Barrow�� of gorra►nrer's breach of any co�enant or <br /> agre�r�en� �� the SecuritY �nstrumer�t, 8�rrovv�r shal� cfl�l�ct and receiue al� ren�s and re��nues af <br /> �he Property as trus�ee fvr the benefit of Lender an� Borrower. This a�si�nment of rents c�nstitutes <br /> an abso�ute assi�nrr�ent and �ot a ass�gr�ment for addit�ana��ecuri#y on�y. <br /> ' #€ Ler�d�r ��v�s notic� of �reach to Borrawer: �a� a�l �er�ts rece�ved �� Sar�awer snall be �eld �y <br /> Barro►nrer as trus�ee for �enefit of Lender oniy, to be applied �v the sums secur�d by this Secur�ty <br /> �r�s#ru�nent; �b} Lender sha�� be e���tled to cailect and ��ce�we al�of the rents af the Propert�; and �c� <br /> each tenant of the Property shall pay al! ren�s du� and unpaid to �.end�r or L�nder's agenf on <br /> Le�a�e�'�►nrrit�en d��a�d to t���enant. <br /> Bo�-�awe�has n�t ex�cute�f an�r pri�r assi�nr�n�r�t o�t�� r�nts ar�d has r�ot ar�� will n�t perfarrr� �ny <br /> ac# that wou�d pre�ent Lend�r from exercising �#s rights under this Paragraph �9, except as <br /> pravio�ed in the Firs�Secc�rity��strument. <br /> qo33za � 45zaa � � 7 � o000000e <br /> Ar.centure Mo�tgage Cader�ce�ocument Center Q �7 vf 9� Nebraska Second Deed of Trust-HEGM F1xED RATE <br /> oz7s o�i�4 <br />