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201404665 <br />1.2 "Association" or "Unit Owners' Association" means the THE POINTE CONDOMINIUM <br />PROPERTY REGIME I <br />1.3 "Declarant" means Southeast Crossings, L.L.C., a Nebraska Limited Liability Company. <br />1.4 "Identifying Number" means the specific number and address that identifies one unit in this <br />condominium. <br />1.5 "Common elements" means all portions of a condominium other than the units. <br />1.6 "Common expenses" means any expenditures made by or financial liabilities of the Association, <br />together with any allocations to reserves. <br />1.7 "Common expense liability" means the liability for common expenses allocated to each unit <br />pursuant to the Condominium Act. <br />1.8 "Unit" means any portion of the condominium designated for separate ownership or occupancy. <br />1.9 "Unit estate" means a unit, together with an undivided interest in the common elements, as set forth <br />in Section 2.3.4 of this Declaration, and the right to exclusive use of the limited common elements reserved for <br />the exclusive use of the unit under Section 2.4 of this Declaration. <br />2.1 Description of the Unit Boundaries. <br />ARTICLE H. <br />DESCRIPTION OF CONDOMINIUM <br />2.0 Description of the Condominium. The condominium is comprised of a total of 2 units which are <br />numbered Unit 2435 and Unit 2441 , as contained on the attached diagram and map. The condominium is <br />located entirely in Hall County, Nebraska, and the legal description of the real estate included therein is Lot 7 <br />and the North 135 Feet of Lot 8, Menard Second Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />2.1.1 The interior walls, floors, and ceilings are the boundaries of a unit. All lathe, furring, wallboard, <br />plasterboard, plaster, drywall, paneling, tiles, wallpaper, paint, finished flooring and any other materials <br />constituting any part of the finished surfaces are a part of the unit. All other portions of the walls, floors or <br />ceilings are a part of the common elements. <br />2.1.2 Any duct, wire, conduit, bearing wall, bearing column or other fixture which lies partially in and <br />partially outside of the boundaries of a unit, as described in Section 2.1.1 above, and any portion serving only <br />that unit is a limited common element allocated solely to that unit; and any portion serving more than one unit <br />or any portion of the common elements is a part of the common elements. <br />2.1.3 Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 2.1.2, all spaces, interior partitions and other fixtures and <br />improvements within the boundaries of a unit are a part of the unit. <br />2.1.4 Shutters, awnings, and all exterior doors and windows designed to serve a single unit are limited <br />common elements allocated exclusively to that unit. <br />2- <br />
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