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. ��14�4573 <br /> sect�on titied Transfer of the PrQperty or a Senefc�ai Inter�5t�n B�rrower,uni�s�Appl�cabie Law r��ides <br /> P <br /> otherwi�e). The nv�ice sha�� spe��fy: �a] �he defau�t; (b} the act�an requir�d tv cure the defau��; ��� a da�e, <br /> not less than �he min�mum nurnb�r t�f days�stab���hed �y Appi�cab�e Law from th�date thQ na�ice is �ven <br /> � <br /> to Bvrrower, by which the defau�� must be�ured; and �d) that fa�lure t� cure the defau�t�n or befare �he <br /> date spe�ifed �n the n�tic� rnay resu�t in ac�eZerati�n of the sums secured by thxs S��urxty Ins�rument and <br /> sa�Q of the Propert�. To �he ex�ent permitted by law,the natice sha�I fur�h�r inform B�rrower af the r� ht <br /> g <br /> ta reinstate after acce�erat�fln and the right �v �r�ng a caurt acti�n �o assert th� ntin-�xis�en�e of a defauit <br /> ar any vther defense of B�rrower to acceierat�on and saie. If the default �s nflt�ured on ar before the date <br /> spec�fied in �he not�ce, Lender at its opt�on may requ�r� �mmediate payrnent �n fu�� of a�I �ums se�ured by <br /> th�s Security Instrurnent w��hout fur�her demand and may�n�oke the pawer of sa��and any vther rem�dxes <br /> permitted by Appx��ab�e Law. Tv the exten� perm���ed by Zaw, Lender sha�l be entit�ed ta cv��ect all <br /> expenses incurred �n pursu�ng the rernedies pro��ded �n this Sect�an, inc�ud�ng, but not i�mi�ed �o, <br /> r�asonab�e att�rneys'fees and cfl��s of t�t�e e�idence. . <br /> If the pawer of 5ale is �nv�nked,Trustee sha�l r�c�r�I a noti�e of dQfault�n each county�n whxch any part�f <br /> the Property �s lvcated and �ha��ma�l cvp�es of such nat�ce�n th� mann�r presCr�h�d by,App���ab�e Law ta <br /> Borrower and to the ather p�rson� pre�cribed by App��cab�� Lav�. Af�er the �ime rQquxred;�;b�'Appl��abie <br /> Law, TrusteQ sha�l g��e pubI�� n���ce af saIe to the person5 and �n the max�ne`�r:.:pr�escr��e�.:�by Appiicab�e <br /> Law. Trustee,w��hout denn�and on Bvrrawer, �hai�se��th�Property at pu���rc a�c�tiari..`ta.;�he hx�h�s� ��dd��r <br /> at�he time and piace and under the��rms des�gnated �n �he nnt�ce af sale�n❑ne or mare parcels and��any <br /> order Trustee determ�nes. Truste� may pvstpvne saie af all or any parcei �f the Property by pub�i� <br /> annauncement at the t�me and piace of any pre�x�us�y scheduled sa�e.Lender�r its d�signee may purchase <br /> the Pr�perty at any sa�e. <br /> Upon rece�pt t�f payrnent of the pr�ce ��d, Trustee sha�� de���er to the purchas�r Trustee's deed con�ey�ng <br /> the Prop�rty. The rec�ta�s �n �he TruStee's deed sha�� be prima facie evidence af the truth vf the s�a�emen�s <br /> made therein. Trustee �hai� app�y the pro�eeds of the sa�Q in the fo�lawing order: (a� t� ail casts and <br /> expenses of ex�rc�s�ng the pawer vf�aie, and the sa�e, inc�udin�the paymen� �f the Trustee's fees ae�ua�Iy <br /> �ncurred and reasonab�e a�torneys' fee� as perm�tted by Applicab�e Lavv; (�a ta a�� sums secured by th�s <br /> Se�urity In��rument; and�c]any exc�ss to the pers�n ar persnns l�ga��y ent�t�ed to it. <br /> Recon�e�a�ce. Upon pay�rnent �f a�i sums secured by �his Security Ins�trumen�, Lender sha�� request Trus��e �o <br /> recan�ey�he Property and sha�� surrender this Securz�y �nstrument and aIl nates e�rid�ncin� debt secured by th�s <br /> S�curity Ins�rum�n� �n Trustee. Trus�ee sha�� recan�ey �he Praper� w��hflut �uarranty ta the person vr pers�ns <br /> �ega�ly en�it�ed to �t. Such person �r persflns shail pay any rec�rda�zon c�sts. Lender may charge �uch persan or <br /> persons a fee f�r reconvey�ng the Prapert�, bu�t on�y �f�he fee �s pa�d to a th�rd party �su�h as the Trustee} for <br /> servi��s rendered and the charging�f the fee�s permitted under App��ca��e Law. <br /> Substitu�e Trust�e. Lender, a� its ap�ion, ma� fram ta��me remove Trustee an.d appv�n�a suc�essor trus#ee <br /> �o any Trus�ee appo�n�ed hereunder by an �ns�rument recorded in the c�un�y in wh�ch �h�s 5ecuri�y �ns�rumen� is <br /> recorded. Wi�h�ut�an�eyance of�he Property,�he suc�essor trustee sha��succeed��aZ��he t���e,power and duties <br /> conferred upon Trus�ee herei.n and by App��cabie Law. <br /> Req ues�for No�ices.Borrower requests�hat�vpies��'�h�nat�ce of defaul�and sa�e be sen�to Barro�er's address <br /> wh�ch is the Proper�y Addxess. <br /> BY SI�NING BEL�W, Borrower a�cep�s an� agrees �o the terms and covenants con�a�ned in a�I pages of�h�s <br /> Secur�ty�nstrumen�and i.n any R�der execu�ed by Borrovver and recarded��th�t. S�gned and sea�ed by Borrov�er: <br /> �� �Y <br /> 1`-' <br /> � ^��..,�� ��.' f 7 <br /> ��_ <br /> � °� � � <br /> � Sea� . ���- � �-,��-� <br /> � ) a� � <br /> . � <br /> RANDY A ES SI�ARI�A Da�e BR�NDA Si]E JANI�EI�- Date <br /> SKARKA <br /> CS�2�04-�Q13�vmpliance Systerr►s,��tc.9F96-39FA-ZD13L2.�.721 <br /> �vnsumer Real Es#ate-Security Ir�strument DL2�35 Page 5 af 6 www.compliancesystems.c�m <br />
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