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��14�4573 <br /> Natices. An notice to Borrow'er r�v�ded f�r in �his Securifiy Instrument sha1� be g�ven hy del�vering it or by <br /> Y p <br /> mailing i�by frs�c1ass mai�un�ess App�icable Law requires us��f�n�ther method. The n�tice shall be direc�ed t� <br /> the Proper�y Address ar any o�her address B�rro`nr�r designates b���tice to Lender. ]Borra�ver agr�es to provide <br /> Lender wi�h Barrower's na�s� current mai�ing addr�ss, as ��may ch�nge f.rom tin��-�a-time. Any�ofiice �o Lender <br /> shall be gi�en by firs�c�ass mai�to L�nd�r's address��a�ed herein or any o�her address.]Lender designa�es by na�ice <br /> t�Borr�wer.Any no�ice pravided f�r�n�his S��urity�ristrumer��sh�ll l�e deemed to haWe been gi�en to Borrov�er <br /> or Lender,w�en given as pr��vided in this paragraph. <br /> Ga�erning Law; �e�era�ili�y.This 5ecuri�y I�strument sha1��e gov�rned by fed�ra��aw and the 1a�vs af the stat� <br /> of Nebraska. �n the �vent tha� any pr�v�sion �r c�ause �f this S�cur�ty �nstrument or �he No�ce G�rifl1G�5 W1t�1 <br /> Appl�cabl�Law,such c�nflict shall na�affe�t flther provis�ons of�his Secur�ty�nstrum�nt or the N�t�v�hi�h can be <br /> g��en effec�wi�haut�he conflic�ing provision. T�th�s end�he pr��rs�ons of thls Security�ns�rumen�and the Nvte <br /> are declared ta be severab�e. � <br /> Bvrrower's Copy.Barr�wer�shall be gi�en�ne copy❑f�his Security�ns�rument. <br /> Transfer�f the Property�r a Beneficial Imt�rest�n �3�rr�wera �f aX��r any par�of�he Pr�pert�or any interes� <br /> �n it is so�d or transferred �ar xf a beneficial inter�st in Borr��er is sold or transfe�-rred and Barrow�r �s nat a <br /> natural person� unless �he No�e shows tha� B�rro�ver's laa� zs assumable, Lender- may, at its �p�ion, require <br /> immediate pa�ment in fu11 of a11 sums secured by this Security �ns�rumen�. Hotive�ver, this �p�i�n sha�l na� be <br /> exercised by Lender if exer��se is proh�bited b�federa� �a�nr a� of��e date af this Security Instrument. �f the Nate <br /> shovsrs tha�Borrov�er's loan is assumable,Borravver mus�ab�ain Lender's written permiss��n for an assumption and <br /> fvl�aw any other requiremen�s�f Lender re�ated t�an assumpt��n. �f Borr�wer does nvt d❑so,Lender ma�require <br /> immedia�e paymen�in fu�l af all sums secured by�his Security Ins�rur�ent. � <br /> �f Lender exerc�ses �his ap�ion, Lender sha�� gi�e B�rrower na�ice of a�celera�ion. The not�ce �ha�1 pravid� a <br /> period af no� less than �he m�nimum num�er �f days es�abl�shed by Applicable Law from �he da�e the no��ce �s <br /> del��ered �r m.ailed v��thin wh�ch Borrovver rrnust pay al� sums secured by �h�s Securxty �nstrument. �f Borrovver <br /> fai�s �� pay these sums pr�or to the expirati�n vf�his per�od, Lenc�er nlay in�rake any remed�es permitted by this <br /> Se�ur�t��ns�rumen��ith�ut fur�her notice or d�ma�d on Borrowe�. <br /> Barr�wer's R�ght to Reinstate. Yf B�rrov�er me�ts �er�ain canc�i�ions, Borr�wer sha1� ha�e �he righ� to have <br /> enfarcement�f this Security�nstrumen�disco��inu�d at any���me�rior t�the ear�ier�f: �a} S days �or such other <br /> p�riod as Appli�ab�e Lav4r�may s�e�ify for reinstatemen���efore sale of the Pr4per�t�r pursuan��o a�y power�f sale <br /> conta�ned in �his Se�ur��y Instrumen�; or (b} en� �f a �udgment enf�r�ing th�s�Security Tns�rumen�. Thase <br /> cor�d���ons are tha� B�rr�v��r: �a� pays Ler�der all sums �vh�ch then would be due u�der�his Security �nstrument <br /> and the Nate as �f no acceleration had �ccurred; ��} cures ar�}� def�.u�� of any other co�enan�s or agreernents; �c� <br /> �ays ali e�penses �ncurred in enf.orc�ng th�s Se�uri�Instrumen�, �ncluding,bu�not limited ta,reasonable attorne�s' <br /> fees�o�he ex�en�permi�ted by lav�r; and�d�ta�es such ac�ion as Lender may reasanab�y requ�r��o assure�ha�the <br /> lien of this Securi�y�nstrumen�,Lender's right� in�he Praperty ancl Borrov�er's�bl iga�ion�o pay th� sums secured <br /> by this S�cur�fiy �nstrument shal� con�inue unchanged. Upon re�nsfia�ement by Borrovver, �his Securi�ty �nstrumen� <br /> and the ob�igati�ns s�cured herehy shall remain f��lly effe�tive as if n� accelerati�n had �ccurred. Howe�rer, this <br /> right�fl re�nstate shal�no�apply�n�he case of acce�era�io�under�he sec�ion����ed Transfer nf th�Praperty�r a <br /> Benefcial Intere5t in B�rr�vr�er. <br /> Sa�e af l���e Change nf Loan Ser�icer. The Note or a partial i�t�rest in the Note �together wi�h�his Security <br /> . Instrument}may be so�d ane or more�imes with�u�prior nat�ce to Bvrrower. A sale may result in�.change in�he <br /> en�it� �k�o�n as the "Loan Ser�icer"� that �o�lec�s periodi� pay�.en�s due under the Note and �his Security <br /> Instrurnen�.There also may be�ne o�-more changes of�he Loa�ServiGer unrela�ed to a sale of the I�i��e.�f there 1s <br /> a change�f�he Laan Ser�icer,Borrower v�i1��e gi�ren v�-�tten noti�e�f the change in accordance�vi�h the se��ion <br /> �i�led Notice� and Appli�ab�e Law. The notic� wi�� s���e �he name and address �f�he n��v Loan Servicer and�he <br /> adc�ress �� which payments should b� madea The not�ce will also con�a�n any ather inf�rmati�n required by <br /> Applicable Law. <br /> Hazardvus Subs�tanees.Sflrr�wer shal�not c�use or pern-�.i��he presence,use, disp�sal, s�orage, or release�f any <br /> Hazard�us 5uhs�ances on ar�n the Property.Borrarwer shalt no�do,nar allow anyone else�a do,an�hing affecting <br /> the ProperCy tha� is in �iola�ion of any En�ir�n�nen�a� La�r. The preced�ng t�ra sentences sha11 n�t apply t� �he <br /> presence,use,or s�orage on�he Proper�y af snrna�l quantities of Haz�rd�us Substances tha�are genera�ly recognized <br /> to be a�propri�.te�a n�rma�resident�a�uses and to main�enan�e of the Property. <br /> Borr�wer sha1�promp�iy give Lender�r�tten n��ice�f any�nvestigati�n,��aim,demand,lawsu�t�r o�her act�on by <br /> any governmental or regu�atary agency or pri�ate part�y in�vo��ing �he Property and �.ny Hazardous Substance or <br /> Env�ron�ental Law of rnrhich B�rr�wer has a��ua� knowledge. �f B�rrower �earns, or is no��fed �y any <br /> go�vern�m.�nta�or regu�atflry au�har��r,tha�any rem��al or�ther remediat�on of any H�zard�us Substance affec�ing <br /> th� Pra�ert� is necessary, Barrovver sha�l prompt�� ta�e a�� �ecessary remedial actions in �.�cordance w��h <br /> Envxr�nmenta�Law. <br /> As used in this�aragraph, "�azardous Substances4' are �hase substances defned as toxic or hazardaus substances <br /> by Environmenta� Law and �he fo���vving substiances: gaso�i�ae, kerasen�, o�her flamm.ab�e or �oxic petroleum <br /> produc�s, �vxic p�stic�des and herbicides, �ota�i�e sa�vents, xnate�ials conta�n�ng asbestas or formaldehyde, and <br /> rad��act�ve ma�er�a�s.As used in�his paragra�h, "En�iranrn�enta�Lav�" means fed�ral Iaws and la�vs�f the s�ate of <br /> Ne�ras�a tha�re�ate�o hea�th,safety ar environm�n�a�pr��ec��on. <br /> Accelera�i�n; Remedies. I.�ender sha�l g��e nntice to �orro�ve�- prior to a��e�er�tian foll�vv�ng Bflrrflwer's <br /> breach �f�ny co��nant or agreement in tfiis S�curi�y I�strumen� �but not pri�r to accelerativn under the <br /> �24�4-2Q13 Campiian�e Systems,I�c.9F9d-3��'A-2fl13L2.ti.72I <br /> Cansumer Real Esta.te-Sec�rity Instrument DL2�35 Page 4 of6 www.complianc�systems.�vm <br />
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