<br /> App�icati�n of Payment�. I�nless Appli�a��e Law prov�des a�herv�ise, a�I pay�ents received�y Lender shal�be
<br /> appli�d: first, t� any prepaym�nt charges due under�he N���; sec��d, to inte�est due; third, to principal due; and
<br /> �ast,�o any�a�e�harges due under�he N�te.
<br /> �harges; Liens. �3orrower �ha�l pay a�l �axes, assessmen�s, �harges, fines and irnp�si��ons attri�autab�e �� the
<br /> Praper�y v�h�ch ma�r atta�n prior.i�y�ver�h�s 5e�urity�ns�rument, an�Ieasehold payrn�n�s or ground rents, if any.
<br /> Borrower shal�pay th�se ob�iga�ions�n�ime and directly�o the person�v�ed pa�ment. A�th��equest of Lender,
<br /> Bflrrower shall prompt�y furnish�o Lender receipts�videncing�he paym�n�s.
<br /> Borrower sha�I pramp�ly d�s�harge an�l�en which has pri�r��y o�er this Security�ns�run�en�unle�s Borrov�er: �a�
<br /> agrees in vvr�t�ng to �he payment �f the �bli�at�on secured by �h� lien �n a rnanner accep�ab�e �o Lender; �b)
<br /> cantests i�. good fai�h the lien �by, ar d�fends against enfarcement af��ie �ien �n, �ega� praceed��gs v�hi�h �n the
<br /> Lender's �pinian operate to preven� �h� enforcement of the lie�; or �c� secures from �he ho�der of th� 1i�n an
<br /> agreement satYsfact�ry t�Lender subvrd�nating th� l�e�to�h�s �ecurity�nst�urnen�. �f Lender determines�hat any
<br /> part of�he Property �s subjec��� a 1�en v�hich ma� at�ain priorifiy��er�his Securil:y�nstrumen�, Lender may g��re
<br /> Borrower a no�ice �dentifying�he 1ien. Barrower s�a11 sa��sf��he l�en �r take one or more �f�he a�txans se�for�h
<br /> ab�ve vvi�hin ��days of the giving of nat�ce.
<br /> Ha�ard ar Pro��rty Insura�ce. Barrflv�er sh��l k�ep th� �mpro�ements na�exis�ing or hereafter erected�n�h�
<br /> Pr4per�y ir�sured agains��oss by fire,ha�ards included wi�h�n�he term "e�tended coverage" and any�ther hazards,
<br /> inc�uding flaods or floodzng, for which Lender ��quires insurance. This irrsurance sha�1 be n1a�ri�ained in the
<br /> arnounts and f�r�he per�ods t�at Lender re�uir�s. The�nsurance carrier providing the insurance sha��be chosen by
<br /> B�rr�wer sub�ect to Lender's a�pro�val virhich shall na� be un�-eas�nably withheld. �f B�rr�wer fai�s t� maintain
<br /> caverage descr�bed ab�ve, Lende�r may, a� Lender's �p�ion, flbt�in c�verage tfl pr��ec� Lend�r's r�ghts in the
<br /> Property i�accardance vwi�h section titled Protecti�n�f Lender's l�igh�s in the Prop�r�y.
<br /> AIl insurance p��ic�es and renev�ra�s shal� be accep�able to I�ender and shal� include �. standarc�mor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha�l have the right t�hold the policies and renewa�s. �f Lender requires, B�rrower sha1�pr�mp��y g�ve�o
<br /> Lender all re�eipt�af pa�d premiums and rene�val natices. In the e�rent of��ss, Borro�er shal�g�v�promp�no�i�e
<br /> to�he insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make pr�of�f�oss if no�made prompt�y b}�Borrovt�er.
<br /> Unless Lerider and B�rro�nrer other�rise agree in �rri��ng, �nsuran�e proceeds sha�l �e app�ied �o restora���n or
<br /> repa�r of the Property damaged, if, �n Lender's s��e discre�ion, the restora�i�n ar repair is e�an�n��cal�y feasible
<br /> and Lender's securi�.y �s not�essened. �f, in L�nd�r's sfl�e discret�on, �he res�ora��on ar r�pa�r 1s n�t econom�cal�y
<br /> feas�b�e ar Lender's security v�ou�d be�essened,the insuran�e pr�c�eds sha11 be applied t��he sums seCured l�y this
<br /> Securit� �nstrument, whe�her ar not then du�, vvith an�r e�cess paid to Borrovver. �f B�rrovWer aband�ns �he
<br /> Properfiy,ar does not answer vvithin th�number of days prescribed by Applicable Law as set fvrth�n a notice from
<br /> Lender ta Barrower tha�the insuran�e carr�er has �ffered�a set�le a c�aim,then Lender may c�llect the �nsuran�e
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds t�repair ar r�store the ProperCy or t�pay sums secured by�his Se�ur��r
<br /> �nstrunlent,whether ar nat then due.The perio�d of�ime far Borrower to answer as s�t fflrth�n�he no�ice vWil�begin
<br /> when�he no���e�s g���n.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rro�srer�therwise agree �n vvri�ing, ariy appli�ati�n�f proceeds��principal shall na�ex�end
<br /> �r p�stpon� �he due date of the paymen�s referred �� in �he se�t�on ���led Payment af Principa� and Interest;
<br /> Prepaym�nt and Lat� �harges or change�h� am�u.n��f�he paymen�s. �f under�h� se�tion tit�ed Ac�eieration;
<br /> Rem�die�, the Property �s acqu�red by Leridex�, B�rrower's right to any insurarice po��ci�s and pr�ceeds resu���g
<br /> fram dan�.age�o the Prapert�pri�r ta the a�quisiti�n shal�pass t�Lender to the ex�en�of�he sums secured by�his
<br /> Secur��y�nstrumen�immedia�ely pr�or t�the a�qu�sition.
<br /> Pr�ser�a�ian, N�aintenance� and Protectiar� of the Proper�y; �3orrower'S Laar� Application; Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrower shal�not destroy, damage ar impa�r the Prope�y, a11ow�he Property to det�r�orate, �r camm�t�as�e �n
<br /> the Property.Borrovver shal��e i�defau�t�f ar�y f�rfe��ure ac�ion�r proceeding,whe�her civ���r�riminal,is begun
<br /> �hat �n Lender's goud faith�udgment could resu�� �� f�rfeiture of�:he Property or ��herv��se ma�er�a�ly �rnpair the
<br /> lien crea�ed by ��is Secu.���y �nstrumen� ar Lend�r's securi�y interest. B�rrower ma� cure such a default and
<br /> reinstate, as pr�v�ded in secti�on�itled B�rrov+ver`� R�ght to Rein��ate,by caus�ng the acti�n �r�ar�ceeding to�be
<br /> dismissed v�i�h a rul�ng tha�, in Lend�r`s goad�aith determinat�on,precludes f�rfe��ure�f the Borr��er's interes�in
<br /> the Prap�rt� ar other m.a�erial impairment of the lien crea�ed by this Secur�ty �nstrument or Lender's security
<br /> �n�erest.Barr��er shall alsa be in defau��if Borr�v�er, during the laan appl�ca�ion pracess,ga�e ma�erially false ar
<br /> znaccurate inf�rmation or sta�emen�s �o Lender �or failed tn pr��ride Lender with an� material Ynformation} in
<br /> c�nraec��on w�th �he loan e�idenced by the I�ote. �f�his Secur�ty rnst-rumen� zs an a leasehold, :Borrower shal�
<br /> campl��ri�h aI1�he prav�sions of the lease. �f�3arrawer acquires fee�i�le��the Pr�perty,the�easehold and th�fee
<br /> title shall not m�rge unless Lender agrees ta the merger in v�n-���g.
<br /> Protection �f Lender'� Rights �n the Pro�erty. �f Borrovver fails �o perform th� �o��nants and agreements
<br /> cfln�ained in�his 5e�ur�ty�nstrumen�, or�here �s a�egal prflceeding�hat may sign�f ca�tly affect L�nder's r�gh�s in
<br /> the Prflperty �such as a proc��ding �n ban�rup�cy, pr��ba�e, far candemnat�an or forfeiture or t� �nforce �a�vs �r
<br /> regu�atians�, �hen Lender may do anc� pay f�r wha�e�rer is nece�sary tQ pro��ct th� value of the Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's rights in�he ProperCy.Lender's ac�ians may inc�ude pay�ng any sums se�ured by a��en�hi�h has prior��y
<br /> o�rer�his Security�ns�rument, appearing in court,�aying reasonab�e at�vrneys'fees and en�er�ng on th�Propert���
<br /> rnake r�pa�rs.A�th�ugh Lender may take actio�under�h�s sect�on, Lender d�es no�have to d�so.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed l�y Lender under th�s sec��on sha1� bec�me additiona� debt �f B�rr�wer secured by this
<br /> Se�urity Instrumen�. Un�ess Barr��er and Lerider agr�e to �ther �erms af payment, these arx�aunts s�al� bear
<br /> �24a4-2�I3�ampliance Systems,Inc.9F96-3�FA-2013L2.4.721
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2036 Page 2 0�6 www.cornplian�esysteins.�am
<br />