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rn <br /> m IV �� � <br /> rnm � �� rn <br /> � <br /> o �� � � zrn � rn <br /> � �o rn , � �� � o <br /> � �z � C �� � � <br /> �, _�, � � �z � cn <br /> w G�7� � � =rn � z <br /> �� � � �� � <br /> rn� r� � � <br /> rn� o � rU] W c <br /> . �o � � � <br /> �� � � <br /> o� � .�.� z <br /> o� � � � <br /> � z <br /> 0 <br /> THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: AFTER REC�RD�NG R.ETURN TC): <br /> Home Federa�Sa��ngs&Loan Associa��on af Home Federal Sa��ngs&Loan As�o��ation vf <br /> �rand Isiand Grand IsZand <br /> Z21 South La�us�Street 2Z1 Snutih Lvcust Street <br /> GRAND ISLAND,NE 688fl1 GRAND ISLAND,N�6SSU1 <br /> (Space Aba�e This Line For Recording Data} <br /> L�AN QR�GINAT�R NAME:Lisa Mayer <br /> NMLS��MPANY�DENTIF�ER: 44f 443 <br /> NMLS�R.I�INAT�R�DENT�FIER: 4946G9 � <br /> : D��D �F Tl�tJST <br /> TH�S DEED �F TRUST�'iSecur�ty Ins�rumen�") �s made oM June 12, Z414. The gran�ars are RANDY JAMES <br /> SKARI�A and B�ENDA SUE JANICEK-�SKARKA, a�s❑ knvwn as RANDY JAMES SI�ARI�A, <br /> TRUST�E �F THE RANDALL JAME� SKARKA REV[I�ABLE TRIIST, AND BRENl3A SU� <br /> JANICEI�-SI�ARI�A, TRUSTEE �F THE BRENDA �UE JANI�EI�SKARKA R�V��ABLE TRUST, <br /> husband and w�fe, wh�se addres� �s 3�US �RLEAN� DR, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 688�3-�34�1 <br /> �"Barrov�rer"�.Borrower�s no�ne�essar�ly�he same as the Pers�n or Persans who s�gn�he No�e. The obliga���ns af <br /> Borr�v�ers v�h� did no�s�gn�he Note are explained fur�her in the sec��on t���ed Su�cessars and Assigns Bound; <br /> Jo�nt and Se�erai L�a�i�ity; Accammadat�on �igners. The trustee�s Arend R.Baack,Attorney whase address <br /> �s P.U. Box 79�, �rand Is�and, N�hraska 588UZ �"Trus�ee"}. The benef��ary is Hvme Federal Savings & <br /> Loan �1�soc�atiian af Grand Is�and, wh�ch �s argan�zed and ex�s��ng under the �a�vs of the Un�ted S�ates vf <br /> A.merrca and whose address �s 2�1 South Lacust Str�et, Grand Island, Nebraska G8801 �"Lender"}. RA�TDY <br /> JAM�S SKARKA and BRENDA SUE �ANI�EI�-SKARI�A owe Lender �he pr�ric�pal sun�. af Twen�y <br /> Thausand Une Hundred T�irty-�ight and �UIlUU Da�lars �U.S. $�4,138.�U�, wh�ch �s evidenced by the note, <br /> c�nsu�mer l�an agreemen�, or s�miiar vvr��rng da�ed�he sa�r�.e da�e as �h�s Secur�ty Instrumen� ��he "No�e"), which <br /> provides for per�odic paymen�s[ff Per��dic Pay�m.en�s"},wi�h t�e full deb�,�f n��paid ear��er,due Qn June 2U,Z�19. <br /> This S ecur�ty Ins�rumen�secures�o Lender: �a��he repayment�f the debt��idenced by�he Na�e,w�th interest,and <br /> ax�renewa�s, ex�ensxons and modif�cations of�he Na�e; (b}�he paymen�nf a�l�ther sums, w�th interes�, advanced <br /> ��protec��h�security of�his Se�urity�ns�runlen�under the prov�sxons af�he section ti��ed Prote�ti�n of Lender's <br /> Rights in the Praperty; and [c} �he performance �f Borrower's ca�enan�s and agreements under �h�s Securxty <br /> Ins�rumen� and �he Natie. For th�s purp�se, B�rrower, in cons�derat�on of the deb� and �he �rus� herexn crea�ed, <br /> irrevoca�ly grants and con�eys�o Trus�ee, xn trus�,vv��h poWer of sa�e,the�al�flw�ng des�ribed proper�y�aca�ed in <br /> the C�UI�TY of�-IALL, State af Nebraska: <br /> Address:3Ua8�RLEANS DR,GRAND ISLAND,N�braska�SSD3-3421 � <br /> Legal Descrip��on: LUT SIX �5� CUL�NIAL ESTA�.TES, THIRD SI78DIVISIUN IN THE �ITY UF <br /> �RAND�SLAND,HALL�UUNTY,NEBRASI�A <br /> T4�ETHER W�TH a�l �he improvemen�s naw or hereaf�er erec�ed an the proper�, and a�I easements, <br /> appur�enances, and f�tur�s n�w or hereafter a par� of the proper�y. A1� rep�acements and add��zons sha�� a�s� be <br /> covered by �h�s Security �ris�run�ent. Al� of �he foregoing �s referred t� in �his SeGur��y �nstrument as the <br /> "praper�y.,' <br /> B�RR��]VER��VENANTS tha�Barr�wer �s �avvfu�ly se�s�d of�he �state hereby conveyed and has the r�ght to <br /> gran� and c�nve� the Proper�y and that �he Prope�ty x� unencumbered, ex�ep� far encumbran�es af recard. <br /> BQrrov�er warrants and will defend genera��y�he ti�le �� the Praperty agairxsti a�� cia��s and demands, subject ta <br /> any�ncu.mbran�es of recard. <br /> Bnrro�ver and I�ender covenan�and agree as fo�lo�vs: <br /> Payment of Pr�n�ipal and Interest; Prepayment and Lat�Charges. Borrower sha�I prnmptly pay v�hen due the <br /> princ�pa� �f and i.nteres� on the deb� ev�denced by �he Nate and any prepayrnen� and �a�e charges due under the <br /> A°��icable Law. As used i.n thxs Securx �nstrument �he term "A �icable " ' <br /> pP ty , pp Law sha�l mean a�l c�ntro��ua.g <br /> appZ��ab�e federa�, s�a�e and �ocal s�atu�es, regula���ns, vrdinances and adm�nxs�rati�e rules and �rders ��hat have <br /> �he effe��af�aw}as we��as a��applicab�e f�na�,non-appea�able jud�cial opinivns. <br /> �Z004-Z013 Compliar��e Systems,�r�c.9F96-39FA-2013L2.D.7�1 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Sec�rity Instr�ument DL2035 Page I af 5 www.ctimptiancesystems.c�m <br />