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��14�444� <br /> Ali insurance pfllic�es requ�red by Lender and renewals of suGh policies shall be sub���t ta �.ender'S righ��fl <br /> disappra�e such pa��ci�s, shall �nclude a standard mnrtgage c�ause, and shali nam�Lend�r as mortgag�e <br /> andlar as an additional�os�payee. L�n�.�r sha��have the r�gh���ho�d the p���c�es and renewa� certif�cates. If <br /> Lender requires, B�rrower shall prornptly give to Lender al� rece�pts�f paid premiums and renewal no��ces. <br /> �f Borrower obtains any farm af insurance coverage, not o�herwise re�uired by Lender, for damage ta, or <br /> des�ructzon of, th�Property, such policy shal� include a standard mor�gage�lause and shai� name L�ender as <br /> m��gagee andlor as an additiona� �oss pa�ree. <br /> In�h�event of�oss, Borrower sha�I gi�e prompt notic�to the insurance carrier and Lend�r. Lender ma� <br /> ma1{e pr�af of Ioss if no�mad�prompt�y by Borrower. Un�ess Lender and Borrav�rer otherwise agree �n <br /> vsrriting, any �nsurance proceeds, wheth�r or nat�he underlying insurance was required�y Lender, sha�l be <br /> applied�o restorati�n or repair of the Pr�per��, �f�he restQra�ion�r repa�r�s economica��y feas�b�e an�. <br /> Lender's security is not lessen�d. During such repa�r and restorati�n periad, Lender shall have the righ��o <br /> hald such �nsurance proceeds until Lender has had an oppor�unity to inspect�uch Praper�y ta ensure the <br /> work has been compieted to Lender's satisfac��on, prov�ded�ha�such inspect�on shal�be undertaken <br /> prampt�y. Lend�r may disburse proceeds for�he repairs and r�s�ora�ian in a s�ngle paym.en�or�n a seri�s of <br /> pragress pa�xnen�s as�he w�rk�s compl�t�d. Uniess an agreement is m�ade in writing or Appiica��e Law <br /> requires in�er�st to be paid�n su�h insurance proc��ds, I.�ender sha��not b�re�u�r�d�a pay Borrovver any <br /> znteres�or earnin�s on such proceeds. Fees for public adjus�er�, �r a�her third par�ies, r��ain�d by B�rrower <br /> sha�I no�be pa�d out of the insurance proceeds and sha11 be�he sale ob�igation of Borrower. If th�r�stora�ion <br /> or repair is nat ecanomica��y feasib�e or Lender's security wauld be lessened, the�nsurance proceeds shall be - <br /> app�xed to th�sums secured by th�s S�curity Ins�rumen�, whether or not�h�n due, wi�h the e�.�ess, �f any, <br /> paid ta B�rrawer. Su�h xnsurance pro�eeds shal��e applied in the�rder pra�ided far in Sect�on 2. <br /> Zf B�rrower aband�ns �h�Proper�y, Lender may f��e, negotiate and settle any a�a�lab�e xnsurance c�aim and <br /> r��a�ed mat�ers. �f Borr�wer does na�resp�nd w�thin 3D days �o a not�ce fr�m L�nder that�he insura�ace <br /> carrier has flff�red�o sett�e a c�aim, �hen Lend�r may n�got�a��and sett�e the claim, The 3Q-da�period��11 <br /> begin when the na�ice is given. �n e�t�a�r ev�n�, or�f Lender a�quires�h�Proper�y under Se����n 22�r <br /> otherwise, B�rrower hereby a�s�gns�o Lender�a} Barrower's r�ght�to any�nsurance proceeds �n an amoun� <br /> not�a exceed the amounts unpa�d under th�Note or this Secur�ty �n�trumen�, and�b� any other of <br /> Borrower's rights �o�her�han�he r�ght t�an� refund of unearned premiums paid�y Borrawer}under a1i <br /> �nsuranCe p��ici�s�o�ering�he Praperty, insofar as such r�ghts are app�ica�le t�the caverage of th� <br /> Pr�perty. Lender may us��he insurance proce�ds ei�her�o r�pair ar r�s�ore the Property or�o pay amounts <br /> unpaid under�he Nate or th�s 5�curit� �ns�rument, �crheth�r or not then due. <br /> 6. C]ccupancy. Borr�v�rer shall�ccupy, establish, and use the Fraper�y as Barrower's pr�nc�pal res�d�nce <br /> within d0 days after�he execut��n�f�hi� S�curity Instrument and sha�l con��nue to�ccupy the Property as <br /> Barrawer's principal res�dence for at�eas��n��ear af�er the da�e of occupanc�, unl�ss Lender�therwise <br /> agrees in writing, wh�ch�onsent shall nat be unreasonab�y wx�hhe�d, or unless ex��nua�ing�ir�ums�ances <br /> exxst whiCh are beyond Borrower's control. <br /> 7. Pres�r►vativn, Maintenan�e and Pratectian vf the Praperty: Inspections. B�rrower shall nat des�ray, <br /> damage ar impair�he Prap�rty, allow�he Prap�r�y to de�er�orate ar��nzmi.t was�e on�he Property. �Vhe�her <br /> or not Barrow�r�s residing in the Pr�per��, Barrawer shall maintain the Proper�y in order�a prevent the <br /> Praper�y fr�m d�teriorat�ng or decreas�n� �n value due�o i�s condi�ian. Uniess it is de�ermined pursuan�to <br /> S�ct�on 5 xha�r�pa�r�r res��ration is not econ�m�ca�ly feasi��e, Barrower shal�pr�mpt�y repa�r the Proper�y <br /> if daamaged�o a�vo�d fur�h�r deter�oration ar damage. If insurance or candern�nation procee�s are paid in <br /> connection with damage to, or the�aking af, the Prap�rty, Borro�er shal� be r��ponsible for repa�r�ng�r <br /> rest�r�ng�he Praper�y only if Ifender has re�eased proceeds for such purp�ses. L�nder may d��burse pr�ceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�ami�y-�annie MaelFredcfie Mac UNIF�RM ENSTRUM�NT Fvrrn 3028�141 <br /> VMP� VMP6{NEJ{13a21 <br /> Woiters KIuwer�inancia(Ser�i�es Page 7 af 17 <br />