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��14�444� <br /> r�quired by R�SPA, and Borrow�r shall pa��o Lender the amaunt nec�ssary �o make up the deficiency in <br /> acc�rdance wi�h R�SPA, but �n n�more than �� monthly paym�nts. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by �his S�cur�ty �nstru�nent, Lender s�a�l promptly refund to <br /> Borrower an� Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrovsrer sha�l pay all tax�s, assessments, charges, f�nes, and impositions a�tribu�ab�e�o <br /> th�Praper�y wh�ch can attain pr�ori�y over this S�curi���nstrument, leaseho�d payments or ground r�nts on <br /> the Property, if any, and Community Assoc�a�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessmen�ss if any. To the ext�n�that <br /> �hese�tems are Escrovv It�m�, B�rrower shall pay them�n�he man.ner pro��d�d in Sec�ion 3. <br /> Borrower shal�prompt�y discharge any lien which has pr�ority o�er this Securi�� Instrument unless <br /> Borrower: �a} agrees �n wri��ng ��the paymen�of�he�bligatian s�cured b� the lien in a manner acc�p�able <br /> �o Lend�r, but on�y s� l�ng as Barrow�r is performing such agreemen�; ��}c�ntes�s the��en �n good fazth by, <br /> ar�efends against enforcement of the l�en in, legal proceed�ngs which in L�nder's�pin�on op�rate t�pr�v�n� <br /> the enforcem�n�of�he Iien whi�e�hase proceedin�s are pending, bu�oniy until su�h proceed�ngs are <br /> concluded; or�c} secures fraxn�he h�lder of�he Iien an agreement sa�isfac�ory to Len�er subordinat�n�th� <br /> lien�o this Se�ur�ty �ns�ruxnen�. �f Lender det�rm�n�s that any part of th�Proper�y �s �ubject�o a I��n which <br /> �an attain p�-iori��r over th�s S�curity Instrumen�, Lender may gi�e Borro�er a n�tice id�ntify�ng �he Iien. <br /> '��th�n ���ays of the dat�on wh�ch�hat notice�s gi�en, Borrower shali sati�fy the li�n or take�ne�r mor� <br /> of th�actions set for�h abo�e in�his Section 4. <br /> Lender may require Bflrrower���a� a one-time�harg�for a real estate�ax��r�f��a��on andlor repor�ing <br /> s�r�rice used by L��der i�connection�ith th�s Loan. <br /> 5. Pr��erty �nsurar�ce, Borrower shai� ke�p �he i�mpra�en�ents now e�isting nr hereaft�r er��t�d�n the <br /> Proper�y �nsured agains�ioss by�re, hazards inciuded wi�hin the term "extended co�erage," and an���her <br /> hazards inc�uding, but n����m����d to, earthquakes and ��oods, for�hich Lender requires �nsurance. This <br /> �nsuranc�sha��be m.ainta�ned in the amounts ��n��uding deductib�e�eve�s} and for the periods �hat L,�nder <br /> requ�zes. VL�ha��.ender requires pursuant�o�he pr�ceding senten�es�an chang�during�he�erm of the Loan. <br /> The�nsu�ance carrier pro�idin��he insurance sha�� b�chosen b�Borrower sub��ct to Lender's rig���o <br /> d�sapprove Borrower's cho�ce, which righ�shail not be ex�r�is�d unreas�nabl�, Lender may requ�r� <br /> Borrower to pay, �n c�nnection wi�h th�s Loan, �i�her: �a} a one-time charge for f�ood zon�deter�minati�n, <br /> cert�f�cation and tracking servic�s; or�b� a one-time charge for flofld zone de�ermina�ion and cer�i�cati�n <br /> services and subs�quen�charges each��m�r�ma�pings or si�x�iiar chang�s occur whi�h reas�nab�y migh� <br /> affect such determ�na�ion�r�er�xfxcation. Borrov�er shal� a�so be responsible for the payment�f an� fees <br /> impos�d by the Federa� Emergency Management Agenc� in conn��t�an w�th the re��ew of any flood zone <br /> determzna�ion r�suit�ng from an ob�ection by Borrflwer. <br /> �f Borrower fa�ls to main�ain any of the�o�re�-ages described abo�e, Lender ma�ob�ain insura.n�e co�era�e, <br /> a�Lender's option and Borr�wer's expense. Lender is under no o�Iiga�ion to purchase an�par�icular type or <br /> amount af co�erage, Therefore, such co��rage sha�� cover Lender, bu�m�ght or m�.gh�no�prote�t B�rrawer, <br /> Borro�er's equi�� in the Proper�y, or the cflnten�s of the Proper�y, aga�nst any risk, hazard ar�iabili�y and <br /> m�ght prflv�de great�r or�esser co�erage than v�as previousi� in effect. Borrower acknow�edg�s that�he�ost <br /> of th�insurance coverage so obtained migh�sign�f�cantly exceed the c�st of insuran�e�ha�Borrower could <br /> have o�btained. Any amounts disbursed b�Lender under th�s Se��ion 5 sha11 be�ome addi�ional d�bt of <br /> Barrower secured by this Se�;uri�y�ns�rum�n�. These amoun�s shal�bear int��rest at the No�e rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and�ha�X be paya�l�, vv��h such interest, upon no�ice from Lender to Borrawer <br /> requ�s�ing paymen�. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingte�amily-Fannie Ma�l�recidi�MaG UNIF�RM INSTRUM ENT �orm�oza�io� <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NE)�13�2� <br /> Wolters K(�wer Financial 5er�ices Pa��5 af 17 <br />