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<br /> '�`�,1-���� �E����E�3 �'�►R��. �Q:
<br /> Bank of C[arks
<br /> Farmers S�ate Bank,A Branch vf Bank of Clarks
<br /> 2nd&Vine S#re�t
<br /> P. U. �iox�46
<br /> Silver Greek NE �i8C63-��46 FDR RECDR�ER'S U5E❑NLY
<br /> DEED C]F TRU�T
<br /> �IIa4�C1�11UIV� L[EN. The [ien of this ❑eed of Trust shal� nvt exceed at any �ne tim� $4�,��I],flC�.
<br /> THlS �EED �F TRLJST' �s dated Ju1y 1�, �014, among RF�&�, LL�, whase address i� P.�. �ox
<br /> 5'I 22, Gra�d Island, NE 688D� hy Timathy M. Rust. �llanaging M emb�r. 4"Trustor"}; Bank of
<br /> Clarks, rivhose address is Farmers State Bank, A �ranch of Bank of Cl�rks, �r�d & Vine 5tr�et,
<br /> P. Q. �3�x �4C, 5i��er Greek, NE �8�i�3WD24�i �r�f�rred ta belo►nr sametimes as "Lender" and
<br /> somet�mes as fiBenef�ciary"}; and Sank of Clarks, whose address is 3�'f N. Green. P.�. Bflx
<br /> ��5, Glarks, NE Fi8��8-��25 4�eferred to �elavv as '"Yrustee"}.
<br /> C�NVEYANCE AND GRANT. Fvr valuab[e consider�tivn, Trustor cvn�eys to Trustee in tru5#, WITH Pt]WER �F SALE,
<br /> fnr the ben�fi� of Lender as Beneficiary, all o� Trustor's right, ti�le, and �nterest in and t❑ �he follow�ng descrihed real
<br /> prvperty, together with al[ exis�ing or subsequently erected or a#fixed buildings, impr���men�s and fixtures; all
<br /> easements, rights ❑f way, and appurtenances; all water, water rights and ditch rights {including stock in ut��ities with
<br /> ditch ar irrigation rights}; and a[� other rights, rvyal�ies, and pro�its re�ating t❑ the rea� property, including without
<br /> limita�ion a[[ minera[s, oil, gas, geotherma[ and simila� matters, �the ;e�eal �'�operty"3 �ocat�d �n Hall County.
<br /> State of Nebraska:
<br /> The South Forty�Four �44� Feet vf Lots C]ne {�� and Two ��} in F�actional Bl��k Tw� ��}, in
<br /> Gil�ert's Addition t� the �ity �f Grand �sCand, Ha�� �ounty. Ne�raskaA
<br /> The Rea! Prvperty or its address is �ommon�y knawn as ��14 N. Lincc�ln Arre., �rar�d �s�and,
<br /> IVE 688D3.
<br /> CROSS-C4LLATERALIZATI�N. [n addit�an t❑ the Note, th�s Deed of Trust se�ures all obligativns, debts and liab�[ities,
<br /> plus interest thereon, of Trustor to Lender, ❑r any one or more ❑f th�m, as we�� as all claims by L�nder aga�nst Trustor
<br /> or any one ar mare ❑f�hem, whether now existing or hereafter arising, whether �ela�ed or unrela�ed ta the purpose of
<br /> �he Note, whether �oluntary or otherw�se, whether due or not due, direct o� indirect, determined flr undetermined,
<br /> a�solute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, whether Trustor may be �iable indi�€dually or jo�nt[y wi�h ❑thers,
<br /> whether obligated as guarantor, surety, accammodation party or otherwise, and whether reco�ery upon such amounts
<br /> may be ❑r hereafter may become barred by any statute of lim�tations, and whether the obligation�o repay such amvunts
<br /> may be vr hereafter may become o�herwise unenfor�eab�e. [f the Lender is required�o gi�e notice of the right�o cancei
<br /> under Tru�h in Lending in connection with any additional loans, extensions ❑f credi� and other liabilities ar o�ligat�ons af
<br /> Trustor to Lender, then this Deed of Trust shall not secure addit�anal loans or ob[igafiions unfess and until such notice is
<br /> gi��n.
<br /> FUTURE ADVAlVCES. In addition�v the Note, this Deed ❑f Trust secures a91 future ad�ances made by Lender t❑Trustor
<br /> whether or nv� the ad�ances a�e made pursuant �o a �omrnitment. Specifica��y, without limitation, th�s Deed of Trust
<br /> secures, in addition to the amoun�s �peci#ied in the Note, al� �uture amoun�s Lender in �ts discretinn may Ioan to
<br /> Trusto�, tvgether with al1 interesfi therean; howe�er, in nfl e�ent shal[ such #uture ad�ances �excfuding interestf exceed
<br /> in the aggregate $46,��D.�O.
<br /> Trustor presently assigns t❑ Lender ��ls❑ known as Beneficiary in this Deed ❑f Trust� al� ❑f Trustor's right, tit�e, and
<br /> interest in and to a�� present and future leases of the Pro�erty and al� Rents from the Property. In additian, Trustor
<br /> grants to Lender a Uni�arm Cammercial C�de security interest in the P�rsonal Property and Rents.
<br /> P��T5�3�v�L r���PEF��'Y, �S G���CN T� �E�U�E {�� �AYlV�E[V�' t7w THE IN��BTED�`►iESS �1N� �B} P�nruRM�1VCE t�F
<br /> PAYMENT AN� PERF�RM►�NCE. Excep� as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed of Trust, Trustor shal� pay tv Lender a��
<br /> amvunts secured by this Deed �f Trus�t as #hey became due, and shaf[ strictly and in a time[y manner per��a'rm al[ ❑f
<br /> Trus�ar's obligations under the Note, this ❑eed of Trust, and#he Related ❑acuments.
<br /> P�SSES�1(]1V AND ltiJ1A1NTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustor's possessian and use af the
<br /> Property shalf be go�erned by the fvllowing pro�isions:
<br /> Possessivn and Use. Until the occurrence ❑f an E�en� of De�ault, Trustor may �13 remain in possession and
<br /> control of the Properfiy; ��} use, operate or manage�he Property; and {3} co��ect the Rents from the Property.
<br /> Duty �v 1V�aintain. Trustar sha�� maintain the Pr�perty in tenantab�e condition and pramptly perform all repa�rs,
<br /> rep�acem�nts, and main�enance necessary to preser�e �ts�afue.
<br /> Comp�iance Vllith Env�rvnmenta! Laws. Trustar represents and warrants t❑ Lender that: �1 y ❑uring the periad ❑f
<br /> Trustor`s ownership o�the Property, there has heen no use, gen�ration, r�-�anufacture, storage, tre�tment, disposaf,
<br /> �� � � } � �� � ��
<br /> � � � �
<br />