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��14�43�1 <br /> DEE� �F T"RLJ�T <br /> Loan No: 'i��2775G� {�antinued� Page � <br /> v�rhether or nofi the ad�ances are made pursuant to a commitm�nt. Specifically, ►ivithout Ifmitation, this Deed o� Trust <br /> secur�s, in addition to �he amounts specifE�d in the Nate, alf future amaunts Lender in its discrefiQn may Eoan fio <br /> TrustQr,�ogether with all �n�eres�there�n. <br /> Trustor presen�iy assigns �o L�nder �also known as Benef�ciary in this aeed af Trusty all af T�ust�r's right, title, and <br /> interest in and �o alI present and future leases of the Properfiy and all Ren�s from �khe Property. ln addi�ian, Trustor <br /> gran�ts tv L�nder a lJnif�rm �amm�rcial Code security interest in the Personal Property and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST, INCLUDCNG THE ASS�GNMENT aF RENTS AlV❑�HE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PEFiS�NAL PR�PERTY, 15 GIVEN TD SECURE {A} PAYN[ENT ❑F THE [NDEBTEDNESS AND �B} PERFC]R1IJIANCE �F <br /> ANY AN❑ ALL �BLIGATI�NS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED DOCU1VlENTS, AND TH[5 ❑EE❑ �F TRUST. THIS <br /> DEEa�F TRUST 15 �iVEN AND AGCEPTED QN THE FaLL�VIlIN�TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�Ri1lEANCE. Ex�ept as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed of Trus�, Trustor shall pay to Lender all <br /> amounts s�cured by this Deed o�F Trus� as th�y become dus, and shall s�ri�tly and in a timely manner per�vrm all of <br /> Trustar's vbligati�ns under the Nvte. this ❑eed o�F Trust, and the Relat�d Dacumentse <br /> F'OSSE5SI�N AND ItiIEAlNTENANCE �F THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustor's possessian and use of the <br /> Praperty shall be�o�ern�d hy the�Fo[lowing pro�isi�ns: <br /> Possession and Use. Un�il �he �ccurrenc� af an Event ofi Default, Trustor may ��� remain in possession and <br /> control�f�he Prvperty; �2� use. operate or manage the Prvp�r�y; and �3} �vllect the Rents from the Prop�rty. <br /> Duty to Maintain. Trustvr shall main�ain the Prape�-�y in �enantable cvn�litivn and promp��y perform a[[ repairs, <br /> replacements, and main��nan�e necessary to preserve �ts�alue. <br /> Complianc� V11ith En�ironmen#a� Laws. Trus�or represen�s and warran�s to Lender �hat: {1} During the period ofi <br /> Trus�tor's ownership of the Prvper�y. there has been nv use� generativn� manufiacture. storage, treatm�n�, disposa[, <br /> release or �thr�atened release af any Hazardaus 5ubstance by any persan on� under, about or fram the Prop�rty; <br /> ��} Trust�r has no lcnowledg� af, or reason to befie�a that there has been, excep�as previausly disclosed to and <br /> acknQw[edged by L�nder in wri�ing, {a} any breach �r Wivlatian af any EnvEronmental Laws, �hy any use. <br /> generat�on, rnanufactura, st�rage, treatment, disposal, re�ease �r threatened release vf any Hazardvus 5u�stan�e <br /> on, under, about or trom �h� Property �y any pri�r own�rs ar �ccupants af the Property� or �cy any a�tual or <br /> �hreat�ned litiga�ion or claims of any kind by any persvn relating tv such mat�ers; and �3} Excep� as pre�iously <br /> discbsed to and acknowledged �y Lender in writing� {a} neither Trustvr nor any tenant, cont�-ac�or, agent or other <br /> authorized user o�the Praperty sha�l use, �enerate, manufaGtur�, s�are, �reat, dispvse o�f or r�lease any Hazardous <br /> 5u�s�ance an, under, a��ut or from the Property; and tb} any such ac�i�ity shall be conduct�d in compliance with <br /> all app[icable �ederal� state, and lacal �aws� r�gula�Eons and ardinances, including with�ut limitation all <br /> En�ironrnen�ta� Laws. Trustor au�horizes Lend�r and i�ts agents �o enter upon the Praperty t� make su�h <br /> inspections and tests, a� Trusfior's expense, as L�nder may deem apprvpriate to determine camp�ian�e of the <br /> Property with �his section of the Deed of Trus�. Any inspe��ions or t�sts made �y Lend�r shall be fior Lender`s <br /> purposes on�y and shali nat be construed ta crea�e any responsibility or IiabiIi�y on the part o�f Lender�o Trustor or <br /> to any�ther person. The represen�ta�ions and warranties c�n�tained herein are based on Trustor's due diligenc� in <br /> inv�stiga�ing th� Pr�perty f�r Hazardvus Substan�es. Trus�or hereby ��y r�leases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against Lender fi�r indemnity vr �flntribution in the e�ent Trustor becomes liable fvr cleanup vr other cnsfs under <br /> any such laws; and �2� agrees to indemni�y, de��nd, and ho�d harmless Lender agaEnst any and afl claims, loss�sf <br /> fiabilities, damages, penaities, and expenses which L�nder may directly or ind�rectly sustaEn or su�Ffer resulting from <br /> a breach of this sectian of the Deed �f Trust or as a cvnsequence of any use, generatian, manufacture, starage, <br /> dispflsal, release or threa�ened re�ease occurring prior t�Trus�o�'s awnership vr interes�in�he Prop��ty, whether ar <br /> not �he same ►rvas or shvuid have been knawn �o Trustore The pro�isians o� this sec�ion of tne Deed of Trust� <br /> including�he abligatian to ind�mnify and defend, shal[sur�i�a the payment of the �ndeb�edness and�he satis�Faction <br /> and re�on�eyance of the lien of this Deed of Trust and shall not be a�fec�ed loy Lender's a�qu�sitifln of any interest <br /> in the Praper�y, whe�her by foreclasure❑r❑�herwise. <br /> Nuisance. Waste. Trustor shall not �ause, conduc� flr permit any nuisance nar commit, permit, ar suffer any <br /> stripping af or waste vn �r fio the Proper�y or any porti�n of the Pr�perty. Without limiting the generality �f the <br /> �or�going, Trustor will not remoWe, or�rant �a any oth�r }�arty th� right to r�move, any�imber, rninera�s tincluding <br /> oii and gas�, coa�, clay, scoria, soil, gra�e�ar rack products without Lender's priar written consent. <br /> Remo�al v�F Impro�emen�ts. Trus�vr shall nat demalish vr remave any lmpr�vements from the R�al Property wi�hout <br /> Lender's prior written cvnsent. As a cvnditian to the r�moval af any lmpro�ements, Lende� may require Trustvr ta <br /> malce arrangements sa�is�actary to Lender to repla�e such [mpro��ments wi�kh Imprfl�ements of a� least equal <br /> �alu�. <br /> Lender's Right to Enfier. Len��r.and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upon th� Real Proper�y at all <br /> reasanable times to attend �o Lender's in�er�sts and to inspecfi the Real Property for purposes of Tru�tor's <br /> cvmpliance with the terms and c�nditions of this Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> Cvmpliance with Ga�ernmental Requ�rem�nts. Trus�or shal! pr�mp�ly comply with all laws. ordinan�es, and <br /> regulations, now ❑r hereaf�er in �ffect, af a[I g�vernmental au�horifiies applicable ta the us� ar oc�upancy of the <br /> Property, incEuding ►rvithout iimitati�n, the Americans VVith aisabilities Ac�. Trustor may cont�st in �aod faith any <br /> such law, ordinance, or regulation and withhold cflmpliance during any pr�ce�din�, including appropriate appeafs, <br />