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<br /> 1NHEN RE���L�ED NlAIL T�:
<br /> Fi�e Pvints Bank
<br /> North Branch
<br /> �4'15 IVor#h �roadweil
<br /> , Grand lsland.NE �88�3 , ,,,,,,,,,,, �,..,,.,.,,.,,,FDR RE�URDER'S US,E�NLY„
<br /> �D��Q��������27�'5�Sa34a�7142��4�
<br /> �EEv �F T�u�T .
<br /> a S�ng le Pe�son,
<br /> THI� DEED �F TRUSI' is dated July �4, ��'14, among RAIVDALL �FiRISTEIVSE�[, rlvhose
<br /> addr�ss �s 7973 �L�3 Hi�H`I�lAY '1�9, VIJ'�L�►4CH, NE �$�8�37''I� �"Trust�r"�; Fiv� �oints
<br /> �ank. ►�vh��� addr�ss i� Narth ��anch, ��'i� hlorth E3raadwell, �ranc# I�fand, NE ��8�3
<br /> {r�f�rred t� �ef ow s�metimes as "Lender" and s�rnetimes as "B�neficiary"}; and Fi�e P�ints
<br /> �ar�k, whase addres� is �'.� l�Qx 'I 5�7, �'rand �sland. NE ��8������7 {referr�� �a b�l�w as
<br /> _ "1'ruste�"�.
<br /> C�fVVEYANCE ANI] �R�41VT. For �aluable consideration, Trustar �onveys fio Trus�ee in trust, VII�TH P�]WER �F SALE,
<br /> _ _ - for the_b��nefit o� Lender as Beneficiary, a�l o� Trus�or's right� �I�IL� and infierest in and to th� f�livvtiring described r-eal.
<br /> _ _ property� t�gether with all existing or subsequently erected or affixed bui�dings, improvements_.an�..�fixtures.; aEl .. _ ..
<br /> easements, rights of way, and appu�tenanGes; afl W��O�'r water ri�hts �nd d�tch rights {including stack in utifities with
<br /> � - --- - -di�ch ar irriga�ion rights�; and al� other rights. rvyal�i�s, and profits r�lating �a the real pr�perty;-iricluding-�wi�haut -
<br /> limitation all minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and similar ma�tters, tthe "l3eai �roperty"� ��cated �t1 IHALL
<br /> Goun�y. State of INe�raslca:
<br /> � L�T' Tllll�] t��, JEFFF�EY �I�K F�URTH SU�D1111�1��11, Illi THE �ITY �F �R►AN�3 �SLAN�3.
<br /> HALL ��l]�IITY, NE�R►�SK�►.
<br /> The Real Property �r its add�ess is commonly knov►rn as 47 5� HARTF�R�, �R►�Na a5L►41VD,
<br /> NE �8�U3.
<br /> �R�SS-C�LL►4TERALI2ATIaN. ln additi�n tv the Nofie, �his ❑eed of Trus� secures ali ob[iga�ions, debts and liabi�ities,
<br /> plus interest�hereon, of Trus�or t� Lender, vr any❑ne or more of them, as well as a!I claims by L�nder against Trustor
<br /> or any on� or mare vf them, wh�th�r nnw exis�ing or herea��er arising, whe�her related vr unrelated t❑ the purpvse ❑f
<br /> the No�e, whe�her ��luntary or otherwise, whether due or no� �ue, direct �r indireCt, determined �r undetermined,
<br /> absolu�e or cvnting�nt, i�quidated o� unliquida�ed, whe�h�r Trustor may be liabie indi�idually �r jointly with others,
<br /> wh�ther obligated as guarantar, surety, accommodation par�y or otherwise, and whether r�c��ery upon suGh am�unts
<br /> may b�or hereafter may became barred by any statute of limitati�ns� and wh�ther the obligation�ko repay such amaunts
<br /> may be or h�reafter may became vtherwise unenforceable.
<br /> FUTURE ADVAIVCES9 �n addition to the No�e� this Deed vf Trust s�cures a�l future ad�anc�s made by Lender��Trus�or
<br />