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��14�4144 <br /> fu11 vf�.11 sums se�ured by this SeCur�ty �nstrumen�. H�we�er, �his op���n sha11 not �e exercised �y Lender if <br /> e�erc�se is prohi���ed by federal Iav�as af�he date of�his Security�nst�ru�nent. . <br /> �f Lender ex�rcises �his op��on, Lender shal� give B�rro�ver not�ce of a�ce�eration. The not�c� sha�1 provide a <br /> peri�d of not less �han the m�nimum number of days established by Appli�able Lavv fr�m the da�e the n�tice �s <br /> delivered �r rnailed v�ithin which Borrower must pay a11 sums s�cur�d by th�s Securxt,� Instrument. �f Barrower <br /> fai�s �� pay these sums pr�ar ta the �xpiratian of this period, Lender may �nvoke any remedies perm�tted by this <br /> Securx�y Instrument with�ut fur�h�r n��ice ar demand on Barrov�rer. . <br /> B�rrower's Right ta l��instate. �f Borrower rnee�s cer�airi conditions, Borr�v�er sha1� ha�e the righ� to ha�e <br /> enfo�cement�f this Security Ins�rument discon��nued a� any tirn.e pri�r�o the ear�ier�f: �a} 5 days ��r such other <br /> period as App�icab�e Lavv may specify far reins�aternent}before sale�f�he Proper�y pursuan��o ariy p�vver of sa�e <br /> c�nta�ned in �h�s Securi�y �nstrument; or �b} entry of a �udgmen� enf�rc�ng th�s=Secur�ty �nstrument. Those <br /> cond��ions are that B�rrower: �a� pays Lender all sums �vh�ch then vv�uld be due ur�der�his S�curity �ns�rument <br /> and�he CantraCt as if na ac�e�era��on had�ccurred;��b�cures any defau�t of any�ther�a�ena�ts 4r agreements;��} <br /> pays aI1 ex�enses incurred in�nforcing th�s S�cur�ty Instrument, �ncluding,�but no��in�ited to,reasonab�e at�orne�s' <br /> fees to the e�tent permitted by�aw; and�d)takes such ac��an as Lender may reasanabl�requ�re�fl assure that the <br /> ��en of�h�s S�cur�ty Instrumen�,Lender's r�gk��s in�he Propert�and Borr�v4r�r's abl�gation t�p�.y�he sums secured <br /> by�his Securifiy �nstruxnen� shal� c�ntinue un�hanged. Upon re�ns�a�emen�by Borrower, this Security �nstrument <br /> and the obligat�ons secured herehy sha�l remain �u��y effec��ve as if no acce�era�ian had �ccurred. Hov�ever, �his <br /> righ�to reins�ate sha��n��a�ply�n�he case af accelerati�n u�ader�he se��i�n t�tled Tran�fer vf the Property�r a <br /> Ben�ficial Interest�n Barrawer. <br /> Ha�ar�ous�ub�tance�.Barro�er sha�l��t caus���-permit�he presen�e,us�, disp�sa�, st�rage, or release of any <br /> Haz�rd�us S�bs�ances�n ar in th�Properry.Sarrawer shall not do,nor a�l�w anyane e�se�o d�,anything affec�ing <br /> the �r�per�y tha� is �n vio�atzon of an� En�ironmental Lav�. Th� pre�eding tv�o sen�en�es shall n�t apply to �he <br /> presence,use,�r storage on�he Praper�y�f sma11 quantities of Hazardaus Su�s�anc�s tha�are generally recagn�zed <br /> t�be approp��ate to norma�residential uses and to maint�nance�f the Property. <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender vvr�tten no�i�e of any in�estigation,c�a�m,d�mand,lawsuit flr o�her ac��on by <br /> any gavernrr�ental or regula�ory agenc� or pr��ate party inv���r�ng the Praper�y and a�y Ha�ard�us Substan�e or <br /> En�irQnmen�al Lav�r of whi�h Borrov�rer has actual i�nowledge. If Borro�er learns, or is n�tified by any <br /> governmen�al or regulatory authority,tha�any rem��al or�ther remedia�i�n af any Ha,�ardous Substance affecting <br /> �he Praper�y 15 necessary, BorrQwer sha�l pra�np�ly �ake a�� necessary remedial acti�ns in accardance v�ith <br /> Env�ronmen�al Law. <br /> As used�n this paragraph, "I�azard�us Subs�ances" are those subs�ances defined as��xi� or hazard�us subs�ances <br /> �by Envir�nmenta� LavW and the fo��owing subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, ��her flammab�e or toxi� petroleum <br /> produ��s, �o�.ic pestic�des a�d herbi��des, vo�a�ile solvents, mater�als ��ntaining asbestas �r formaldehyde, and <br /> radi�a�t�ve ma�er�a�s.As us�d�n th�s paragraph, 81Enviran.menta�Lavv"means federa�.�a�vs and laws.�f�he state of <br /> Nebraska tha�rela�e to hea��h,safety ar envir�n�nen�a�pr�te���on. <br /> Accelerat�o�; Remedies. Lender sha�� g�ve nnti�e to Bnrrower priar t� acceleratian fo�law�ng Borrower'S <br /> bre�ch of a�y cov�nant or agreement in this Security Instrument or the Cor�tract under which acc�lerati�n <br /> is perrni��e� �but not prinr to accelera�ion under�he sectian titxed Tran�fer of t�e Pr�p�rty or a B�neficia� <br /> Intere5t in �3orrower, unless Applicable Law pro�id�5 otherwise�. The notice sh�a�i spec�fy: �a} th� defaul�; <br /> �b) th� act�on required to cure �he defau�t; [c} a da�e, n�t��ess than the nnin�mum numb�r af days <br /> estab��shed by Applicab�e Law fram the date�he notice is given to Borrower, by whi�h�he default must be <br /> cur�d; and (d} that failure to cure the defau�t on or befa�-e �he date s�eci�ed in the natice may resul� in <br /> a�c�leration of the sums s�cur�d by this Security Instrument and �ale of the Pr�perty. Tv the extent <br /> permitt�d hy�aw, the notice shall further �nf�rm Borrower of#he right t� re�n5.ta�e after acc�lera�ian and <br /> �he right t�bring a court act��n�o assert the nan-existence of a defau�t or any other def�nse of�arrflv�v�r to <br /> acc�leration and sa�e. If the default is not cured �n or before the date specified in the notice,L�nder at its <br /> aption may require �mmediate paymen� in fu�l ❑f all sums secured �y thi� �ecurxty Instrument vv�thou� <br /> fur�her demand and may in�ok� the power of sale and any other remedie� permitted by App�icable Law. <br /> To the extent permitted by �a�v� Lender �hail be entitled �o callec� a�l exp�nses incurred in pur5uing the <br /> rem�d�Q� pra�ided in this Sectiun, including, but nat l�m�ted to, reasor�ab��attorneys' fees and�osts of title <br /> e�idence. - <br /> If the pav�ver af sale is invo�ed,Trustee shall rec�rd a n�tice of defaul�in each county in which any part of <br /> the Property�s �t�cated and�shall mai�cop�es of such n�ti�e �n the manner pre5cribed by ApplicablQ Law to <br /> Borro�er �nd ta the �ther persons prescrib�d by Applicab�e Lavv. .After the t�me required b� Applicable <br /> La�v, 'I'rustee shall gi�ve public notice of sale to �he persons and in ��he m�nner prescribed by App�icab�e <br /> La�v. 'Trus��e,with�rut demand an Borrower,shal�seil the Prvperty a�pub��c auction to the highest 1�idder <br /> at the t�me�nd plac�and under the terms designated�n the notice of sale in one ar more parcels and in any <br /> orc�er Trustee �eterm�n�s. TruStee may po�tpone sale of all or any parce� of the 1'r�perty by pubiic : <br /> ann�uncement at the time and place af any preWious�y schedu�ed sale.L�nder�r i�s des�gnee may purcha�e <br /> the Pr�perty at any saie. <br /> Up�n re�eipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shali deii��r t� the purchaser Trust�e's deed con�eying : <br /> the Prvperty. T�e rec�tal5 in th�Trustee's de�d sha��be prima facie e�iden�e❑f the tru�h�f the statements <br /> mad� t�erein. Truste� sha�l app�y the prflc�eds of the 5ale in thQ fo�lowing o�der: �a} to al� casts and <br /> ex�ense� of exercisin�the povver of sale, and the sale, incZuding the �ayment�f thQ Trustee's fees actual�y <br /> �2QQ4-20I3�arnpIiance Systems,Inc.9F96-C95E-2�13L2.�.'721 <br /> Cans�amer�Lea1 Estate-Security�nstrument DL2a35 Page 4 of 5 <br />