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��14�4144 <br /> Inspec��on. Lender �r its agen�may make reasanab�e en�r�es u.pan and inspec�i�ns of�he Pro e . Lender shal� <br /> give Barrov�er natice at�h���me af or r�nr�a an ins � �Y <br /> p pect�an spec�fying reasflnab�e�ause for the�nspec��on. <br /> Condemna�ian. The pr�ceeds of any award or�laim f_ar damages, d�rec�or conse uent�al �n cannec ' <br /> q , t�or����h any <br /> condemna�xon ar��her taking of any par��f�he �'roperty, ar for conveyance �n �ieu of eandemna���n ar� hereb <br /> assigned and sha�i be paid to Lender. ' y <br /> �n�he �ven� of a t��a� �ak�ng of the Proper�y, the prflceeds shali be appli�d tv �he sums secured b this Secur� <br /> Y ty <br /> �nstrument, v�rhe�her �r no� �k�en due, vvi�h any excess pa�d t� B�rravver. In �the �ven� of a par��ai tak�n af. �he <br /> g <br /> Property �n whi�h the fa�r m�.arke� value of the Praper�y xmmed�ately bef�re �he �aking is equa��o ar reater�han <br /> � <br /> �he amount of�he sums.secured by �h�s SeGur��� �ns�rumen� �.mm.ed�a�ely before �he takxng, u��ess Borro�er ar�d <br /> Lender othe�-�v1se agree �n v�r��ing,the sums secured by this Secur��y�ns�rumen�shail be reduced by�he a�maunt of <br /> the pr��eed�mu�tip��ed by�he f�Ilo�ving fraction: �a�th����al amount of the sums se�ured immedia�el before�he <br /> Y <br /> �ak�ng, divxd�d by [b} the fa�r market va�ue af the Proper�y �mmedia�e�y b�fare the �ak�ng. Any baIan�e sha�l be <br /> paid t� Borrower. In the event �f a par-�xa� takxng of the Proper�y �n wh�ch �he fair mar�e� �alue �f�he Pra e <br /> p �Y <br /> im�media�e�y before the �aking �s ��ss �han �he amaunt �f�he sums secured immed�a�e��b�fore �he�ak�n , un�ess <br /> g <br /> Borrower and Lender otherv�r�se agre� in vvr�ting �r unles�Applicable La�v o�herwise pro�ides, the proceeds sha1� <br /> be appiied��the sums secured by th�s Secur��y Instrument wh��her ar nnt�he sums are�h�n due. <br /> �f�he Property�s aband�ned by Borrawer, flr Yf, after natic� by Lender to Borravver�hat the condernnar affers ta <br /> make an award or se�tle a c�ai�n for dama�es, B�rrower fa�ls to respond tv Lend�r w�thin the�nin�mum nurnber of <br /> da�s estab�ished by Appl�cabie Lav�after the�ate the noti�ce �s g�ven,Lender�s au�hori�ed�o�ol�ec�a,nd apply the <br /> prflceeds, a� its Qp�ion, exther �o r�stora�ian or repair of t�e Property or to �he sums secured b� �his Se�urit� <br /> �ns�ru�nen�,wh�ther or na��hen due. <br /> IJnl�ss Lender and Barrov�er a�herw�se agree �n�ri��ng, any appl�catxan �f prflceeds tn prin��pal sha�l not ex�end <br /> or p�s�pone�he due date of�h�payments due under the��n�ra�t or change�he amnun�of such payments. <br /> Bnrr�wer No� Retea�ed; �arbearance By Lender 1`+�ot a �Va��er. Extensian af the t�me f.or payment or <br /> modifi�a��on of amar�i2a��on of the sums secured by �his S�cur��y Instrum.en� gran�ed by Lender to Borr�wer or <br /> any su�cessor in inter�st of Sarrower shal� not opera�e to r��ease the ��abx�ity of �he arig�na� Borr�wer or <br /> Borr�w�r's su�cessars �n interest. Lender sha�l na�be requ�red�n commenc�proceed�ngs agazns�any suc�essor in <br /> �nterest flr refuse t�extend ti�ne for payment or otherwzse m�d�fy amartizatian of the su�ns se�ured by th�s Se�ur��y <br /> Ins�rument by reas�n of any demand made by �he or�g�na� Borro�ver or Borrov�er's successors �n in�eres�. .�ny <br /> farbearance b�Lender xn exerGzsxng any r�gh�or remedy sha�l not be a wa��er af or�preclude �he exerc�se af any <br /> r�ght or remedy. <br /> Successors and ASs�gns Bvund; Join� and Severat L�ab����y; Accomm�dat�vn S�gners. The �o�enan�s and <br /> agree�nen�s of�h�s Security �nstrumen�shal� b�nd and benef t�he suc�essars and assi�ns af L�nder and Borr�wer, <br /> subject �o �he prav�s�ons of. sec��vn tx��ed Tran�fer of �he Proper�y or a Senefic�aI Intere�� �n Borrower. <br /> Barrflwer's ca�enants and agreements shal�b�j�i.n�and several. Any person vvho co-signs this Secur�ty Instrument <br /> bu� has no pers�nal ��abil�ty und�r �he Con�rac� �"A�cammada�ion Signer�'}: �a} is �o-sign�ng �h�s Security <br /> �ns�rumen� an�y �� mor�gage, gran� and canvey tha� Accam�mfldat�on Signer's �nter�s� in �he Pr�perty under �he <br /> �erms of �he Securit� �ns�rument; �b} �s not personal�y �b�xga�ed �o pay �he su�s secur�d by this Se�uri�y <br /> �nstrument; and�c)agrees that Lender and any.o�her B�rrower may agree��ext�nd, m�.ad�fy, farbear ar make any <br /> accammoda�i�ns w�th regard to�h�terms af thxs Secur�ty Ins�rumen�ar�he �vn�rac�.vv�,thout tha�A�commadat�on <br /> S�gn�r's consent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f the loan secur�d by �his Secur��y Instrumen� is subject �o a �a�v whi�h sets �naximum loan <br /> charges, and that law is fnal��interpreted so�ha�the in�eres�or o�her�flan�harges coliec�ed �r ta be co��ected in <br /> �annect�on wi�h �he ��an exceed the perm_itted limits, �hen: �a} any such ��an charge sha�l be reducet� �y the <br /> amflunt necessary to reduce�he �harge �o�h�permitted �iumi�s and�b� any sums already�v�Iected f�om Barr�wer <br /> which exceeded permitted �imits w��� be refunded �o Borr��er. Lender ma� ch�ose to make �h�s refund by <br /> reducing �he pr�nc�pa� ovved under�he Can�ract or by making a direct payment to Barrflwer. �f a re�und reduces <br /> pr�nc�pa�,the reduct�on w�X�be treated as a partia�prepayrnen�under�he�on�ract. <br /> No��ces. Any noti�e t� Borro�er prav�ded for in th�s Secur��y �ns�rumen� sha�l b� g��en by de�z�erin �� or b <br /> g Y <br /> m�ai�ing it by f rst c�ass�mai�uniess App�x�ab�e Law requ�res use of anather m.e�hod.. The n��i�e shai�be d�rected to <br /> the Praperty Address or any o�her address B�rrower des�gna�es by n���ce �� Lender. Borrower agrees ta pr�vide <br /> Lender v�r�th Borrov��r's most current ma�Iing address, as �t may change from tirne�-t��-��me. Any notice �a Lender <br /> sha��be g��en by frst c�ass mail ta Lender's address s�at�d here�n or any�tiher address Lender designates by no���e <br /> to Bonro�ver. Any n�t�ce pro��ded far iri�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rument shail be deemed to ha��been,gx�ren�o Barrower <br /> or Lender when g�ven as pro�ided in�his paragraph. <br /> �vvern�ng Lavv; Se�erab�l��y.Th�s Securxty�ns�rument�ha�l be go�erned by federal Iavv and�h��aws of the sta�e <br /> �f Nebraska. �n the even� �ha� any pro�zsion ar clause af�hxs Securx�y �ns�rumen� ar �he Contrac� confli��s with <br /> App�icab�e Lavv, such c�nf��ct sha�l nat affect o�her pro�is�ans �f th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� or�he Cantrac��hich <br /> �an be given effe��withou�the��nflic� provis�on. To�h�s�nd the prov�sions t�f�his Securxt��ns�rumen�and�he <br /> Contrac�are de��ared to b�se�erabie. <br /> Barrower'�Copy.B�rr���r sha�l be gi�en one�opy af�his Se�ur�ty�nstrument. <br /> TranSfer of the Praperty�or a Senef�ciai Interest in Borro�ver. �f a�i or an.y par�of the Prvper�y�r any xnteres� <br /> �n it �s so�d or �ransfe�red. ��r if a benefcial in�eres� zn Barrnwer is sa�d flr transferred and Bflrr�wer is not a <br /> natura� persan} v�r��hout Lender's pr�or wr�tten �onsen�, L�nder may, a� �ts apt�on, re�u�re imrned�a�e payment �n <br /> C�20�4-�fl 13 Cvmp�iance Systems,Itac.9F95-C95E-20]3L2.�.72I <br /> CQnsumer Rea�Estate-Secu�rity Instnimen#I3LZ�36 Page 3 ofS www.comp� <br />