<br /> full of al� sums secured b� �his Secur�ty �nstrument. Howev�r, this op�i�n shal� nat be exercised by Lender �f
<br /> e��rcise�s pr�hibit�d by f�derallaw as of the da�e�f this Security�nstrumen�. .
<br /> �f Lend�r ex�rcises this �ptian, Lender sha11 give Borrawer notxce of ac�e�erat�on. The n��ice sha1l pro�ide a
<br /> period of no� less than�he min�mum number Qf days established by Appl��ab�e Lavrr firflm �he da�e the notice is
<br /> de�i�e�ed or rnaiXed v��th�n vvh�ch Borr�w�r must pay al1 sums secured by �his Securit� �ns�rument. �f B�rrav�rer
<br /> fail.s to pay these sums prior tfl the expira��an of�his period, Lender nlay in��ke any r�medies permi�ted by this
<br /> Se�urity�nstrument v�i�hout further nfltice or deman�.on B�rr�vver.
<br /> Borrower's Right to �teinstat�. �f Borr�wer rr�eets c��ta�n c�nd�tions, Borrovver sha�l have �he r�ght to ha�e
<br /> enf��cernent�f this Securit� �nstrumen� discon�inued at ariy�ime pr�ar to�he earl�er of: �a} 5 days �or such �ther
<br /> period as App��cable Law may s�ecify for reins�a�exn�n�}before sa�e of the Property pursuan��o any p��nrer of sale
<br /> conta�ned in �his Se�uri�y �nstrumen�; �r (b� entry of a �udgment enf�rcxng th�s�Security �nstrument. �'hnse
<br /> candi�ions are tha� Bor�ovsrer: �a} pays L�nder a�� sums whiGh �hen �Qulc� be due under this Security �nstrument
<br /> and the C�ntract as�f no acce�erat�on had occurred;�b�cures any defauXt af any��her co�enan�s or agreements;�c}
<br /> pays a11 expenses in�urred in enfor�ing�his Security�ristr�unr�.ent,inc�uding,but not 1�n�ited�a,reasonab�e att�rneys'
<br /> fees to the e��en�pennit�ed by�aw; arid�d}�takes such acti�n as Lender may reasonably require t�assure that the
<br /> Iien vf this Securi�y�nstrumen�,Lender's righ�s in�he Propert-�and Borrower's ob��gat��n�o p�.y tihe sums secured
<br /> b}r this Se�uri�r Instrument shal� continue un�hanged. Upom reins�atemen�by Borrov�er, th�s Security �nstrument
<br /> and�he obl�gati�ns secn�red hereby sha11 remain ful�y effe�ti�e as �f no ac��leratian had oc�urred. H�wever, th�s
<br /> right tv reins�ate sha�1 not apply in�he case af acce�era�ion under t�e secti�n����ed Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> T3en�f�c�ai In�ere���n�orrow�r. :
<br /> Hazardous�ubstanc��.Borrawer shall not cause or perm�t the presence,use, d�sposal, st�rage, ar release�f any
<br /> Hazardous Substances�n�r�n the Praper�y.Bo�r�wer sha�l na�do,nor allow anyone�lse�o d€�,anyth�ng affecting
<br /> �he �'roperfiy �hat is �n �rio�atiori of a�}r En�ir�nmenta� Law. Th� preceding �vvo sentence� shall no� apply �fl the
<br /> presence,use,or s�arage on�he Proper�y af small quariti�ies uf Hazardaus�ubs�ances that are ge�erally rec�gnized
<br /> to b�appro�ria�e to narma�res�dentia�uses and t�maintenance�f�he Proper�y.
<br /> Borrower sha11 pramp�iy give Lender v�rr�tten noti�e of any inves�iga�ion,c�aim,d�mand,lavvsu�t or ather ac�ion by
<br /> any g��ernrnenta� or regula�ory agency or pri�ate par�y in�o�v��g �h� Praperty �nd any Hazardous Subs�ance ar
<br /> Envir�nmen�al Lav� of v�hich B�rrvv�er has actual knowledge. �f Borro�er 1e�rns, or �s n���fed �y any
<br /> gov�rnmen�al or regu�at�ry au�hurity,�hat any remo�a�ar a�her remed�a�i�n of any Ha2ardaus Substance affecting
<br /> �h� Property is necessar�, Borrower shaX� promp�Iy take all ne�essary renzedlal aCtions �n accordance v���h
<br /> En�iranmenta�La�v.
<br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "I�a�ardous Substances" are those subs�anGes d�fined as toxi� or ha�ardous subs�ances
<br /> by Environmen�a� Lav4r and �h� fal�ov��.ng subs�anc�s: gas�line, kerasen�, o�her f�ammah�e ar ��xi� petroleum
<br /> produc�s, taxic pesticides and herbicides, �o�a�i�e sfl�vents, ma�er�als cax��aining asbest�s or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioacti��r�ateria�s.�.s used in th�s paragraph, "Environmer��a1 Law"means fede�ral,laws and Iaws of�he s�a�e af
<br /> Nebraska that rela�e tfl hea�th,safety�r en��ronmen�al pro�ectian.
<br /> Accele�ation; Remedies. Lender shal� gi�� notice �o �3arrower prxar to acceleration fo��o�ving Borrawer's
<br /> bre�ch af any�o��nant ar agre�m�nt in th�s Security In�trument or the C�ntract under�vhich accelerat�on
<br /> is permitte��but not priar to acce�eration under the sectian tit�ed Transfer of the Prop�r�y or a Bene�cial
<br /> Intere�t �n �orrower, unl�ss Appl�cab�e La�v pro��des �therw�se�. Th� nati�e shal� 5pecify: (a} the defau�t;
<br /> [b} the a�t�on requi�-ed t� cure the defaui�; �c} a date, n�t 1Qss than the r�inimur� number af days
<br /> est�b�ishQd by App�ic�bi�I1aw fram the date the n�tice is giver�t�Barrav�er, by which�he defaul�must be
<br /> cur�d; and (d� that f��lure t� �ur� the defau�t on or before th� date 5peci��d in the n�tice may result in
<br /> ac��lerati�n ❑f the sums secured by th�s Security Instr�ment and �ale of the Property. To �he extent
<br /> �ermitt�d by �aw, th� noti�e shall fur�her infor� Borrower of the right tv reins�tate aft�r acce�era�ion and
<br /> the right to�r�ng a court act�on to a5sert the non-��xistence af a default�r any ather def�nse of�3orrower to
<br /> acc��eratia� and sale. If�he defau�� is not cured on or �e�are the d�t�spec�fied in the notice, L�nder at its
<br /> vpt�an rnay require immediate p�yment in fu�l �f a�l sums secured by �his Security Instrument without
<br /> fur�her �emand and may �n�ake �he power af sale and any �ther rernedie� p�ran�tted by Applicable Law.
<br /> Ta the extent perm�tted hy law, Lender sha�l �e �ntit�ed to �allect al1 expen�es �ncurred in pursuing th�
<br /> ren��dies pro�ided xn this Sect�an, inc�uding,but not limited t�, reasonab�e�ttorneys' f�es and ca�ts of ti��e
<br /> evid�nce.
<br /> If tlhe power vf sale i� invoked,Trustee shall recard a notice af defauit in each county i�which any par� af
<br /> the Pr�perty �s �oeat�d and sha�l x�ail copi�s �f s�ch natice in the max�ner prescr�bed by App��cable Law to
<br /> Borrower and to the other p�rsans prescribed by Agp�icabl� Law. �.f�er th� time r�qu�red by App�ica�le
<br /> Law, �`rustee shal� g��e pu�li� nvtice of sa�� to the pers�ms and in th� m�nner prescrxhed by Applica��e
<br /> Law. Trus��e,without demand ❑n Borrnvver,shall sel�the Pr�pert�a�pub�ic auct�on t�the highest b�dder
<br /> at the time and p�a��and under the ter�ns�e�ignat�d in the notice of sale in one or mare par�e�s and in any
<br /> order Trustee determ�nes. Trustee rnay postpone sal� of all or any parce� of the �'rvperty h� public
<br /> annou�cement at the time and place of any pre�ious�y s�hedu�ed sale.Ler�der❑r its de5ign�e m�y purchase
<br /> the Prvperty at any sale. .
<br /> Up�n recei�t �f payment of the price bid, Trustee shall del�ver t� th� pu�-chaser Trust�e's deed convey�ng
<br /> the Property. The rec�ta�s in the Trustee's de�d 5ha��be�rima fac�e e�iden�e of the truth of the s�atement5
<br /> made therein. Trust�e sha�l app�y the proceeds �f th� sale in the f�ilovt�ing order: �a) ta ali c�sts and
<br /> expens�s af exercising th� povver�f�a�e, and fihe sa�e, incZudi�g the payment af the Tru�t�e's fees actua��y
<br /> �2a�4-2413 Campliance Systeixas,Tnc.9�95-6DB7-2Q13L2.4.72I
<br /> Cflnsumer Rea�Es#ate-Security Ir�st�ment DL2436 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.�ompliancesystems.com
<br />