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��14�4143 <br /> InSp�c��on. Lender ar its agent rnay make reasonabXe en�r�es upon and �nspections of the Pro e . Lender shail <br /> g��e B�rro�er natice at�he��me af nr rior�o an ins p � <br /> p pec�xon spec�fy�ng reas�nab�e�ause��r�he znspect�an. <br /> �ondemna��on. The prnceeds of any award flr�Ia�rn for damages, direct or�onsequentxa�, in c�nnec��an v�ri�h an <br /> candemna�ion or o�her takxn �f an ar�of the Pra e y <br /> � Y p p rty, or f�r con���ance in l�eu�f condemnat�on, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha��be pa�d t�Lender. <br /> �n �he event af a�atal taking of�he Property, the praceeds sha�� be appl�ed �o �he sums secured by this Secur� <br /> �ns�rumen�, whe�her ar not then due, v�ith an excess aid �o B � <br /> Y p arr�wer. �n �he event �f a par��a� �ak�ng of the <br /> Property in vvhich �he fa�ir marke�va�u� of the Proper�y ��mmed.�a�e�y befare the �ak�ng is equai �o ar reater than <br /> � <br /> �he amaunt of�he sum� secured by �his Se�ur��y �nstrument �mmediate�y bef�re the taking, unless Borro�er and <br /> Lender a�hervv�se agree xn vvr�ting,the sums se�ured by�h�s Secur�ty�nstrum�n�sha��be reduced by�he am�un�of <br /> the proceeds mu�tip��ed b��he f�I�ovtj�ng frac��a�: �a�the ta�al amflunt af�he sums secured �mrned�ate� ��fore the <br /> y <br /> tak�ng, drvxded by �b� �he fair rnar�e� �a�ue of�he ProperCy �rnrnedia��Iy be�nre �he taking. Any baiance shall be <br /> paxd to Borrovver. �n the ev�nt of a par��al �aking �f�he Praper�y in which �he fair marke� value of�he Pro e <br /> P �Y <br /> im�nedia�ely befare the taking �s Iess �han the amoun� of the sums secured �m�mediate�y befar� �he �a��n , un�ess <br /> g <br /> Bnrrower and Lender o�herv�ise agree �n vvri�zng or un�ess Appl�cable Law otherwise pr�vides, the pr�ceeds sha�X <br /> be appXxed ta�he sums se�ured by�hxs Se�ur�ty�nstrumen�v�hether�r nat the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Pr�per�y is abandaned by B�rrov�er, ar if, after no��ce by Lender�o B�rrower tha�the condemnar offers �o <br /> make an a�ard nr s�t��e a cla�m f�r damages, Borrav�er fai�s to respond to Le�der within the rnin�mum number af <br /> days establ�shed by App��cable Lav�after�he da�e the notice is g�ven,Lender�s authvrized ta coi�ect and apply the <br /> proceeds, a� ��s flpt��n, e�ther �a rest�ra��an ar repair af the Prap�r�y or �a the sums secured by �his Secur��y <br /> �nstrument,vvhe�her ar not th�en due. <br /> Un�ess Ler�der and Borra�er otherv��se agree �n vvr��ing, any app�ica�ian of prace�ds�a pr�n�ipa� sha�i n�t ex�end <br /> or pos�pone�h�due da�e af the paymen�s due under�h�Gontra��or change�he amaun�of such payrnen�s. <br /> B�rrower No� Re�eased; �'orbearance By Lender l�ot a '�Vai�er. Extensian of �he �ime for payment �r <br /> mod�f cation �f am�rtizat�on af the sums secured �y �his Security Ins�rument granted by Lender �a I3orra�ver ar <br /> any success�r in �nteres� of Borro�ver shal.� not op�ra�e �o re�ease the �xab�l�ty of �he orig�nal Barrower ar <br /> Borrovver's successors in �nterest. Lend�r sha��nat be required�o cammence pro�eed�ngs against any su�cessar�n <br /> �n�eres�or refuse to extend�i�ne far paymen�or atherw�se m�d�fy amor�izat�on of�he sums secured by�h�s Securit-� <br /> Ins�rument by r�ason of any demand mad� by �he origirxal Borr�wer or Barr��ver's suc��ss�rs �n �n�erest. Any <br /> farbearance by Lender in exer��sing any r�ght ar remedy sha�1 na�be a wai��rer of or prec�ude th� exerc�se af any <br /> righ�or remedy. <br /> Su�cessors and Assigns Bound; Jv�nt and �e�era� Liab�l�ty; Accommfldat�on S�gners. The cavenants and <br /> agreemen�s af th�s Se�ur�ty Znstrumen�sha�I b�nd and benef t the success�rs and assigns of L�nder and B�rrower, <br /> subjec� to �he pra��s�ons of sec��on �itied Transfer of th� Pro�erty �r a Benefc�ai InterQst in B�rrower. <br /> Borrawer's G�venants and agreem�ents sha��be�o�n�and several. Any persan v�h��a�sxgns��.is Seeur��.y�nstrument <br /> but has na persona� liab��i�y under the Contrac� �"Accommadat�.on Signer"}: �a� is �o�-s�gn�ng �h�s Security <br /> �ns�rument on�y �o mor�gage, gran� and c�n�ey �hat Accommada�ion S�gner's �n�eres� in �he Pra�er�y under the <br /> terms of �he Secur��ty� Ins�rument; �b� �s not persona�ly obliga��d ta pay the sums secured by this Se�uri�y <br /> �ns�rument; and�c) agr�es�hat Len�.er and any ather Barrower may agree to extend, mod�fy, f�rbear flr make any <br /> a�c�mrnoda�ians w��h r�gard�o the terms of this Secur�ty�nstrument or�he ��n�rac�v���h�ut�hat A�camm.odat�an <br /> S�,gp.��'T5 C4175�n�. <br /> Loan �harges. If the ��an secured by �his Secur�ty �ns�rument is subje�t �o a �a�v which se�s maximum �oan <br /> charges, and�ha� �av� �s fnaIly in�erpre�ed so�hat the in�eres�or other��a� charges col�ec�ed ar t�be co��ec�ed Yn <br /> connect�on wi�h the �aan exceed �he perm���ed l�m�ts, th�n: �a) any such laan charge sha�I be reduced by �he <br /> amoun�ne�essary t�reduce �he charge to�he perm�t�ed Iirn�t� and (b� apy sums a�ready�o��ected fr�n1 B�rrovver <br /> wh��h �xceeded perm�tted limY�s vcril� be refunded �a B�rrawer. Lend�r may cho�se to make this refund by <br /> the pr�ncipal owed under�he C�ntract ar by making a d�rec�payment�o Borrower, �f a refund redu�es <br /> principal,�he reduct�on vv�l�be trea�ed as a part�al prepayment under the�on�rac�. <br /> Not�ces. Any n���ce to Borrawer prov�ded f�r �n �his Secur��y �nstrumen� shall be g��en by del��ering �t or by <br /> mai�ing i�by f�rs�class ma��un��ss App�i�able Lav�requires use af another me�had. The no�ice shalI be directed�a <br /> �he Praper�y Address or any o�her address Borrovver des�gna�es hy no��ce to Lender. Borrower agrees ta provide <br /> Lender wYth Barrow�r's most current ma�iing address, as ��may �hange from ��me-to-tYm.e. Any na��ce�� Lender <br /> sha�I be gi�en by f�rs�c�ass mail�o Lend�r's address s�ated herein or any other address Lender d�signa�es by na��ce <br /> to Borravver. Any na�ice pra��ded for�n�his Security Zns�rument shai�be deemed to ha�e b�en gx��n�o Borrower <br /> �r Lender when g�ven as pr���ded in�h�s paragraph. <br /> Ga�Qrning Law; Se�erab��ity.This Secur�ty�nstrumen�sha�l be governed by federa��aw and�he laws af�he s�ate <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he e�ent �hat any pro��sian or clause �f this Secur�ty �nstrumen� or the ��n�ra�� �onfl�cts v�i�h <br /> Appii�able Lav�, such c�rtflict sha�� n��aff�ct other pra�isio�s af th�s Se�ur�ty �nstrument or�he Contrac� �vh�ch <br /> can be g��en�ffec��ui�h�ut t}le confl�cti�ng pra�r�s�on. To�his end the pravis�ons af�h�s Secur�t��nstrumenf and the <br /> ��n�ract are dec�ared�o be se�erable. <br /> Barrower's�flpy.Borrower shall be gx�en�ne copy of�.his Security Instrumen�. <br /> Transfer of the Proper�y ar a Ben�fic�al Interest�n Borrower. If al�or any par�of the Property or any xnteres� <br /> �n �� is sold or �ransferred [or if a b�nef�iaZ in��res� �n B�rrQwer is so�d or transferred and Borrower is not a <br /> na�ural person� vv�thout Lender's pr�or v�r�tten consent, Lender may, a� ��s op��an, require �mmed�ate paymen� �n <br /> fl 2044-2013 Cam�fiance Systems,Inc.9F9G-5DB7-2013L2.�,721 <br /> Cvns�mer Rea1 Estate-Sece�rity instn.�ment]JL2035 Pa�e 3 of 5 c�ww.carrxpliancesystems.cvm <br />
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